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Improvements for WindowsRepair

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1. I changed the PATH= variable using the Windows GUI and now SPB doesn't generate an error any more. So, - IMO - adding a ""Set PATH= .... "" command to the batch file(s) would suffice.
2. Ah, that ""installer"" explanation makes more sense. No wonder, Windows is so extremely complicated. It's a world on its own. Thank god, I am a user only.
3. Perhaps because all file permissions have been reset already the WR is able to go through all the folders that fast ? I don't want to make a giant issue out of this but it DOES remain a question mark in the back in my head.
4. Perhaps you could look at the suggestions I gave in the previous posts in this thread for WR ? If you like them then I would suggest to makes the changes now. Then they're already incorporated and ready for a future version of WR.
5. Do I need to test more programs ?


--- Quote ---Do I need to test more programs ?
--- End quote ---

I am working hard on the new advanced system tweaker. WHich will have repairs, tweaks and more and all add on based.
Whats cool is as I am doing it I am coming up with new ways to do things and will be doing a very large update to the windows repair after wards. (New interface and such) :wink:

The new program is nearing testing phase. :-)


Tried something else. I used the ""subinacl"" command and step by step I added some arguments to it. You use this command with 4 ""/grant=...."" arguments. Both the arguments "" ..=user=f"" and ""... =everyone=f"" don't work, generate an error when I use them and then Subinacl says ""Error:  ...... Security ID is invalid"". And then the command isn't executed.

When I omit those two arguments then the ""Repair file permissions"" command (subinacl.exe) take much more time (about 4 to 5 minutes). This begs the question: Do you use the arguments ""/grant=user=f"" and ""/grant=everyone=f"" in other repair jobs as well ? That could explain why e.g. ""Repair registry premissions"" and other tasks can complete in a record time as well. It seems that it was this you changed/added in a previous version of WR. Are these two arguments nescessary in Vista and Win 7 ?

Do I need to test the other batch file scripts as well for this kind of behaviour (in Win XP) ?


You shouldn't betting getting an error that it isn't a valid security ID.

Looks like your PATH isnt the only thing that is messed up on the system. :wink:

The system should know the everyone group and users group. These are just default groups on your system, yet it appears they might be messed up on your system as well.



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