I am member in some of the forums, which softnonic is one. As birth day gift, i was given a 6 months free access to the panda anti virus pro 2015. I thought of ignoring, but anyhow getting free pro version prompted me to try. OK. I downloaded installed it after uninstalling avast, my regular av. Then came the trouble. I could not get any site in internet, even tweaking.com. By clicking this site, the back and forth was swirling but would not get me the site. I tried so much times and everytime i was greeted with the problem accessing the site message from firefox.
I could not uninstall it as it hanged in the middle. I got rid of it by restoring the system to a previous date. The avast did not work. Then i installed it after using their avastclear.exe. I had a offline downloader of avast of 145 mb which installed in few minutes.
Why this is so? do any body experienced the above. Now i am ok with avast. The avast av free allow all the websites in few clicks and there is no problem in downloading. What is the reason Shane sir