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Unable to change firewall settings after Trojan attack....

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I call them scripts because that is how the reg editor refers to them. They seem to be registry entries that have a .reg filename extender. When I double-click on the file it starts the registry editor and asks if I will allow a merge of the files. I indicated yes and it fixed the problem. The contents of the script are listed in my post on the emsisoft site along with instructions on how to use  them and what they were for.

If you can't get to them let me know and I will copy them over but the whole thread explains just what was going on and why the scripts were generated.

Both you and ShadowPuterDude have been awesome with your help and expertise. This has been a stressful time for my wife and I know that I would not have been able to get through this without this expertise. Like I said before I will be checking into your site in the future.

I will check out the reg files later on and see if I can include them (Safely) into the windows repair :-)



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