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Topics - crimson

Pages: [1]
1 Support & Help / rainmeter and tweaking program (solved)
« on: April 19, 2014, 12:23:53 am »

I will be installing rainmeter on my system to have custom themes and the software is going to make changes to the windows files.
I am wondering if i can run 'all in one windows repair' along side rainmeter. Should I exercise control on the options to run the repair on or should i temporarily disable rainmeter to run the tweaking software?


General Computer Support / Drives and chkdsk errors (solved)
« on: April 17, 2014, 05:22:50 am »
Here is the dilemma,

Chkdsk reports volume bit map errors on two drives and bad sectors. If i try to recover the drives by using the drive tools, the bad sectors multiply. if i format the drive, chkdsk won't detect any bad sectors and says that everything is fine and no problems found.

On the contrary, the disk management shows that all drives are healthy even when chkdsk reports them. The ' system maintenance under system and security'  checks for volume errors and says no problems found. I even ran a thirdy party software 'asc ultimate 7 disk doctor tool', even that did not detect any problems.
So why is the chkdsk bugging me with these errors. Is it static?

My computer is running fine. no bsod, no slow running, i can access everything, no hang-ups, never had to do a back up. it's just bugging the hell out of me

Hi Guys,

I installed a windows 7 home premium, SP1 two days ago. After installing all the drivers needed, I ran the advanced tools options like performance monitor and so forth . They worked.

I gave windows updates yesterday and I noticed today that I am unable to open service.msc, performance monitor, and a few other advanced tools under ' performance information and tools ---> advanced tools' .. they all open with another pop saying windows management console not working.

In order to make sure what was causing the problem, I even did a clean boot, with startup programs disabled and only microsoft services running. ( i was able to open services.msc in safe mode and not clean boot)

So no background programs are causing this problem. There seems to be no other problems though... speed is good, i have internet access, i can open other programs, i am able to install programs and such.

So i ran windows all in one repair' software, went through each step and that didn't solve it either.

My only option is to do a system restore before windows update of 149 total and I am wondering if that is a good thing to do since I will be going back on so many of them.

I would like to know if there are any other options available.

General Computer Support / failed to restore previous registry files
« on: March 19, 2014, 10:00:40 am »
I had some registry issues that have had something to do with hkey local machine and root directories.
So i downloaded all in one repair software from this site and went through the steps as suggested.
1) No malware detected
2) NO disc issues were detected and hence chkdsk wasn't needed
3) After running the system files check, it said - no integrity issues
4) system restore and registry backup successful
5) Ran the repairs

after boot, some applications failed to load and asking me to re-create a directory to store and didn't let me access c: and some applications failed to uninstall as a result and said that it could not access logfile and some other exe files....

6) So i used system restore to restore the computer to a time before i ran this all-in-one software - successful
7) I ran the application again to restore previous registry files and one of them failed to get restored.
I performed steps 6 and 7 again and it gave the same error message.

I performed a registry error scan through AVG antivirus software and the result is Hkey classes root errors and a few others. The error file is attached .

Can some help me with this and if this issue has already been resolved for someone else, please guide me to the relevant post. Help appreciated

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