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Topics - Rusty.Not

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General Computer Support / Individual Reg key (SOLVED)
« on: July 22, 2014, 11:12:02 am »
I had to Refresh my 8.1 computer.  I had been using Windows Live Mail (12) as my email client.  I understand their "mail rules" are stored in HKU somewhere. [ I had a lot of "customized" rules so I'd really like to recover them. ]

Both in Desktop mode and using WinRE I find the current registry did not save the WLMail key(s).  I tried the "reg" command but couldn't find any hive to load.

After the Refresh I was assigned a new username; "<username>.Toshiba-Laptop."  Naturally this threw me for a loop. :cry:

It'll take forever to re-associate everything back to <username> (without the computer name that Refresh tacked on.)

Now I hesitate to restore the last Tweaking Reg backup in fear it may screw everything up.

Finally my question.  Is there a way to access the Tweaking backup .dat files to retrieve only the keys I need?

Thanks so much in advance!  :shocked:

Hi.  First time here.  My Toshiba W8.1 device became unstable.  While I research the best way to refresh/system restore it, I resort to using my XPSP3 laptop. Mainly for email and internet.

I expect to be using XP for an extended period.  I want to transfer Windows Live Mail messages and settings, which are stored in the registry. [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail\Rules\Mail].  I have backups of all my mail messages but I don't know how to retrieve the registry keys in the 8,1 device from within the WRE tools.  I doubt regedit is available.

I have been using Tweaking,com - Registry Backup v1.9.0 for both devices.  Here's my problem: I have the 8.1 reg backups on a USB drive.  I tried to get TRB to access the files, but it will only "see" the local path to restore.  I draw a blank.   :blank:

So is there a way to view and copy the registry keys I need, either with TRB or a third-party utility?

Off topic: this editor is the most feature-laden I've seen. (I've seen a lot since 1981)  :artist:

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