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Topics - Vignory

Pages: [1]
General Computer Support / Prescan--1474 corrupt Files to replace
« on: April 11, 2015, 01:16:38 pm »

My version of Windows 7 is Home Premium 6.1.7601, service pack 1, 32-bit. Yesterday, 10th of april, I ran a pre-scan of windows 7/ servicing / packages, as recommended. The result was that 1474 files---out of 2949---are corrupt; they need to be replace...manually. An immense task, tedious and confusing. There must be a better way.  I hope that this is the case, that there is a better way. I have already taken onwership of the package folder using you reply to Pre-repairs scan help (19 march 2015). Now, to go further, I
really need help.

Thank you !!!

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