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Messages - Leggomyhuevo

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1 Support & Help / Black screen after running v2.8.6
« on: August 18, 2014, 01:45:02 am »
Even though I have been using - Windows Repair (All In One) for roughly a year and a half now I just registered a few minutes ago so that I can post about my issue today. Let me also start off by saying that this is the first time I have ever ran into this or any other problem using the All In One repair.

Earlier today I was decided to run v2.8.6 on my girlfriends computer (Windows 7 64 Bit) and everything ran smooth. No complaints with the time of duration or any freezing, everything was normal. Once it was complete I reboot the computer as instructed. During the boot it came to the log in screen and I entered the password and windows began to load. This is when I encountered a completely black screen with only the mouse cursor. I tried to open the run box using the windows key + r and also tried to bring up the start menu using the windows key but neither worked. I ended up resorting to the old ctrl + alt + delete trick and was able to shut down the computer normally using that method. When I started it up again I did not encounter that problem again, everything booted up normally and the computer is working perfect.

Afterwards I decided to run v2.8.6 on my own computer (also Windows 7 64 bit) and again, everything ran smooth with no complaints. A little longer than my girlfriends computer but I realized I had more steps than hers did. Mine totaled to 37 steps while hers totaled to 22 steps, so I see why mine took a little longer.

Again, once completed I rebooted the machine as instructed and again I ran into the same exact black screen problem during/after windows loads. I can see windows loading just fine, however once it gets past that the desktop is completely black. The background image wont load, nor the icons or taskbar. The only thing on the screen is the mouse cursor. So I attempted to try the same ctrl + alt + delete trick to shut down and reboot the computer but after 3 attempts and the problem continuing I finally decided to boot up using safe mode. This worked fine so I did a System Restore using the restore point I created right before running v2.8.6 and everything is back to normal. I am actually using my computer to type this message right now.

Has anyone ran into the same issue? This has never happened to me using any of the previous versions. Actually, I've never had any issue using any previous version on any of the multiple computers I've ran it on. This is what makes it weird to me that I ran into the same  problem twice in one day, and one more severe than the other. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.


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