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Messages - BilBrasil

Pages: [1]
It's like I said if I edit something within the device appears a lot of open process.
I partially solved the problem as an old restored log backup and can now remove with segunranaça nothing preventing as shown in the prints.

The bad fact I had to redo the installation of a lot of progrmas, but that's part! Now I see what program can you doing this

The problem appears again. Just the simple fact of using Notepad the error appears in the photo.
In Windows 10 normal, but now Windows 7. I can only remove devices using the Unlocker

Well because you have researched enough and without success, I ended up restoring a mage the beginning of the year to solve the problem.

So wanted nothing usually leave as VeraCrypt volumes and normal devices.

With great difficulty managed to solve the problem

All that spit on pc stick, hd, case and veracrypt volumes to safely remove is always said that there are files being used.
I've tried several programs, tutorials, etc., but without success. Now tested on other machines it normally occurs.
Does anyone have any tips for you to be tempted?

It happens on Windows 10 and I've done the test on another machine do not have this behavior

It did not work . I appreciate the help.

Driver problem is possible but I have had this happen on a few of my customers computers and for them it turned out I just needed to update the bios.

When windows shuts down or reboots it actually sends the command to the motherboard of when to power off or restart. On some of the systems there was a problem with that, they booted up fine but every time I would restart windows would shut down all the way but then just a blank screen, windows was done but the mother board didnt do the command to restart.

So once I found a bios update for the motherboard and installed it the problem went away.

I did it now with a certain fear ! Well let's see if it is normal now , as it is varied through the fact restart .

So for this laptop I would go to the acer site and put in the model number and see if they have a bios update for it. :wink:


I'm not sure what you mean by that.

While your English is OK - your posts can be a bit vague.

Perhaps you could be more expressive if you put your reply into Google Translate then copy & paste the translation - this is what I had to do on another forum when someone posted in another language  :smiley:

I'm doing this. In short when I give the command to reniciar my Netbook, it does not restart.

I am obliged to go to the button images to reconnect.

I've done all the porcessos you spoke

You didn't say if it was a chkdsk /r you performed ?


So at least it won't be a failing HDD.

Following attachment to the the machine is restarting

Know tell me which way the record to see if the standard is ?

You didn't say if it was a chkdsk /r you performed ?


When you boot up into Safe Mode there is an option for Last Known Good Configuration but from what I understand, this is an intermittent problem ?

You could try changing the boot order (tap F12 as you switch on) to boot up with the install disk - select Repair your Computer and navigate to the Recovery Environment - select Command Prompt then enter bootrec /fixmbr

These are other options of the Bootrec commands you can use

There's also the option of Startup Repair and an offboot sfc /scannow from the Command Prompt.

To do the offboot sfc /scannow while in the Recovery Environment, at the Command Prompt type bcdedit |find "osdevice" (that is a Pipe symbol before find)

Using whichever partition letter that gives, enter (assuming C: )

sfc /scannow /offbootdir=C:\ /offwindir=C:\Windows


How do you mean "formatted the netbook" - was that a factory reset or did you wipe it and do a clean install of Win 7 either as an upgrade from another version of Windows or as a reinstall of Win 7 ?

And was it a chkdsk /r you did ?

I installed Windows from scratch again

Hi, Normally if you shut down the computer , it shuts off the computer power automatically. So, even if you switch on the power supply, you have to just tab the computer power button to start. Still, i could not guess what is your actual problem. Sometime it reboots and othertimes do not. Normally if you opt for restart , it will restart automatically.

Thus , let's say I'm right here the machine normally . I installed a program , did some update , I changed the user, etc.

If that asked about nine times to restart , restart normally , now has one time or another that it restarts , but not back .

I've spent a rubber contacts on memory , cleaned the cooler and HD .

Before I format was not so. So I think some setting screwed up Windows.

Bodily stays on the button "Power " and cooler running .

Hi, I like the poetical way of querying. But What is the actual problem?

Sometimes it reboots and does not go up Windows normally .

Note : It does not restart itself. Happens when I update some software, etc ...

Recently formatted my Netbook and a few days down here it restarts normal and other times when he's on, I'm not going to restart the Windows button and becomes only the Power button on and Windows does not automatically return .

Apparently it off the HD because I press the button to reset back and does the noise of the disc.

Well , I've done CHKDSK , SFC / SCANNOW , etc ....

Data from my system below :

Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601 )



AMD Radeon HD 6250 Graphics ( 0x9804 )

1.73 GB RAM


Delete the reboot.xml file in there as well.

The reboot file there could be what windows updates is seeing and why it is giving you that message because normally that file shouldnt be there.

It did not work. Over any other tips?

Well at any rate I have a case already pornto to format. Tenhos backups with FreeFile Sync and Acronis


What keys below can be excluded?

jv16 PowerTools 2014 []

Data fields are: Key, Entry's name, Value, Entry last modified, Tags

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{11c058e0-9f3e-4c90-a459-2553f2f9e011}\, @, Vista Elevated Windows Update Web Control, 24.08.2014, 21:37,
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{653C5148-4DCE-4905-9CFD-1B23662D3D9E}\, @, Windows Update Agent, 04.09.2013, 15:23,
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{B366DEBE-645B-43A5-B865-DDD82C345492}\, @, Windows Update Agent - Remote Access, 04.09.2013, 15:23,
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{e30984f1-b02b-4c27-a40f-23d11b8c1212}\, @, Windows Update Agent User Interface for Published Applications, 24.08.2014, 21:37,
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{f62fdd2e-66d2-423b-9a04-f71ea00f892a}\, @, Windows Update Agent User Interface, 04.09.2013, 15:23,
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{36eef7db-88ad-4e81-ad49-0e313f0c35f8}\, @, Windows Update, 17.08.2014, 15:23,
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Local Settings\MuiCache\6B7\96383CDB\, @C:\Windows\system32\wucltux.dll,-1, Windows Update, 24.08.2014, 21:36,
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Local Settings\MuiCache\6B7\96383CDB\, @wucltux.dll,-71, Windows Update, 24.08.2014, 21:36,
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Local Settings\MuiCache\6B7\96383CDB\, @%SystemRoot%\system32\qmgr.dll,-1001, Transfere arquivos em segundo plano usando largura de banda de rede ociosa. Se o serviço estiver desabilitado, qualquer aplicativo que dependa do BITS, como o Windows Update ou o MSN Explorer, não pod ..., 24.08.2014, 21:36,
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\6B7\96383CDB\, @C:\Windows\system32\wucltux.dll,-1, Windows Update, 24.08.2014, 21:36,
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\6B7\96383CDB\, @wucltux.dll,-71, Windows Update, 24.08.2014, 21:36,
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\6B7\96383CDB\, @%SystemRoot%\system32\qmgr.dll,-1001, Transfere arquivos em segundo plano usando largura de banda de rede ociosa. Se o serviço estiver desabilitado, qualquer aplicativo que dependa do BITS, como o Windows Update ou o MSN Explorer, não pod ..., 24.08.2014, 21:36,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{11c058e0-9f3e-4c90-a459-2553f2f9e011}\, @, Vista Elevated Windows Update Web Control, 24.08.2014, 21:37,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{653C5148-4DCE-4905-9CFD-1B23662D3D9E}\, @, Windows Update Agent, 04.09.2013, 15:23,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{B366DEBE-645B-43A5-B865-DDD82C345492}\, @, Windows Update Agent - Remote Access, 04.09.2013, 15:23,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{e30984f1-b02b-4c27-a40f-23d11b8c1212}\, @, Windows Update Agent User Interface for Published Applications, 24.08.2014, 21:37,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{f62fdd2e-66d2-423b-9a04-f71ea00f892a}\, @, Windows Update Agent User Interface, 04.09.2013, 15:23,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{36eef7db-88ad-4e81-ad49-0e313f0c35f8}\, @, Windows Update, 17.08.2014, 15:23,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\OID\EncodingType 0\CryptDllFindOIDInfo\!7\, Name, Windows Update, 12.08.2014, 22:24,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ControlPanel\NameSpace\{36eef7db-88ad-4e81-ad49-0e313f0c35f8}\, @, Windows Update, 04.09.2013, 15:21,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\WindowsUpdate\, ShortcutName, Windows Update, 04.09.2013, 15:21,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved\, {36eef7db-88ad-4e81-ad49-0e313f0c35f8}, Windows Update, 23.08.2014, 17:58,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\wuauserv\, DisplayName, Windows Update, 24.08.2014, 21:37,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\wuauserv\, Description, Ativa a detecção, download e instalação de atualizações do Windows e de outros programas. Se o serviço for desativado, os usuários do computador não poderão usar o Windows Update ou o recurso de atual ..., 24.08.2014, 21:37,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet003\services\wuauserv\, DisplayName, Windows Update, 24.08.2014, 21:37,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet003\services\wuauserv\, Description, Ativa a detecção, download e instalação de atualizações do Windows e de outros programas. Se o serviço for desativado, os usuários do computador não poderão usar o Windows Update ou o recurso de atual ..., 24.08.2014, 21:37,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\wuauserv\, DisplayName, Windows Update, 24.08.2014, 21:37,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\wuauserv\, Description, Ativa a detecção, download e instalação de atualizações do Windows e de outros programas. Se o serviço for desativado, os usuários do computador não poderão usar o Windows Update ou o recurso de atual ..., 24.08.2014, 21:37,

Delete the reboot.xml file in there as well.

The reboot file there could be what windows updates is seeing and why it is giving you that message because normally that file shouldnt be there.

It did not work. Over any other tips?

Well at any rate I have a case already pornto to format. Tenhos backups with FreeFile Sync and Acronis


Just the files that are attached in the folder C: \ Windows \ winsx

Also deleted the reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ WindowsUpdate \ Auto Update

Asked for help in the Brazilian official Microsoft forum, and they have not helped much.

I was reading about this on another system I was working on. Windows updates always thought there was an update that was waiting for a reboot.

I found a place in the registry that had to be removed and also the pending.xml in the winsxs folder.

Is that what is happening to you BilBrasil?



Windwos Home Premium SP1 32 Bits

After the last update I can not veficar with Windwos Update. Asks to restart all the time, saying it has atualições to install.

PS: Microsoft Security Essentials, you can only upgrade by himself and winsxs folder has the reboot and archives poqexec

General Computer Support / Windows Update - Atualizações de 12/08/2014
« on: August 21, 2014, 06:39:35 pm »
Depois da atualizações de 12/08/2014 não consigo mais verificar pelo Windows Update, pois o mesmo fica pedindo para reiniciar.
Já tentei resolver o problema com duas ferramentas. O e o MicrosoftFixit50123

Print traduzido

Restart the computer to install simportantes atualizaçõe

Windows can not are upgrading important files and services while the system is using them. Save any open files, restart the computer and try to look for new updates

Agradeço a ajuda de todos, pois esse problema está me matando.


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