General Computer Support / Internet Help DHCP Error
« on: July 14, 2015, 10:48:45 pm »
So for the last 10 months every now and then my internet would refuse to let us use the internet due to a DHCP error.
I currently have an Arris combo that our ISP (WOW) sent us, but I have it in bridged mode and I am using an Asus RT-AC56R router.
Now this problem isn't common, just completely out of the blue everyone disconnects, we get the yellow exclamation mark, and this error pops up. (The attachment)
Resetting the computers, Routers, Modems, anything of any combination has helped none, and the problem might be how I have my router configured or the ISP messing something up.
This occurred with my last provider who was Time Warner as well.
Here is part of the log from the Asus.
Jul 15 00:24:53 rc_service: ntp 670:notify_rc restart_upnp
Jul 15 00:24:53 miniupnpd[667]: received signal 15, good-bye
Jul 15 00:24:54 miniupnpd[687]: HTTP listening on port 54168
Jul 15 00:24:54 miniupnpd[687]: Listening for NAT-PMP traffic on port 5351
Jul 15 00:24:54 rc_service: ntp 670:notify_rc restart_diskmon
Jul 15 00:24:56 disk monitor: be idle
Jul 15 00:25:22 crond[565]: time disparity of 281065 minutes detected
Jul 15 00:26:20 rc_service: rc 852:notify_rc restart_wrs
Jul 15 00:59:15 WAN Connection: Ethernet link up.
Jul 15 00:59:15 rc_service: wanduck 543:notify_rc restart_wan_if 0
Jul 15 00:59:16 kernel: Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt
Jul 15 00:59:22 WAN Connection: Ethernet link up.
Jul 15 00:59:22 rc_service: wanduck 543:notify_rc restart_wan_if 0
Jul 15 00:59:23 kernel: Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt
Jul 15 00:59:30 WAN Connection: ISP's DHCP did not function properly.
Jul 15 00:59:57 ntp: start NTP update
Jul 15 01:17:18 rc_service: httpd 563:notify_rc reboot
Jul 15 01:17:19 kernel: Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt
Jul 15 01:17:20 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Jul 15 01:17:20 FTP Server: daemon is stoped
Jul 15 01:17:20 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Jul 15 01:17:20 kernel: gro disabled
Jul 15 01:17:20 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Jul 15 01:17:20 WEBDAV Server: daemon is stoped
I currently have an Arris combo that our ISP (WOW) sent us, but I have it in bridged mode and I am using an Asus RT-AC56R router.
Now this problem isn't common, just completely out of the blue everyone disconnects, we get the yellow exclamation mark, and this error pops up. (The attachment)
Resetting the computers, Routers, Modems, anything of any combination has helped none, and the problem might be how I have my router configured or the ISP messing something up.
This occurred with my last provider who was Time Warner as well.
Here is part of the log from the Asus.
Jul 15 00:24:53 rc_service: ntp 670:notify_rc restart_upnp
Jul 15 00:24:53 miniupnpd[667]: received signal 15, good-bye
Jul 15 00:24:54 miniupnpd[687]: HTTP listening on port 54168
Jul 15 00:24:54 miniupnpd[687]: Listening for NAT-PMP traffic on port 5351
Jul 15 00:24:54 rc_service: ntp 670:notify_rc restart_diskmon
Jul 15 00:24:56 disk monitor: be idle
Jul 15 00:25:22 crond[565]: time disparity of 281065 minutes detected
Jul 15 00:26:20 rc_service: rc 852:notify_rc restart_wrs
Jul 15 00:59:15 WAN Connection: Ethernet link up.
Jul 15 00:59:15 rc_service: wanduck 543:notify_rc restart_wan_if 0
Jul 15 00:59:16 kernel: Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt
Jul 15 00:59:22 WAN Connection: Ethernet link up.
Jul 15 00:59:22 rc_service: wanduck 543:notify_rc restart_wan_if 0
Jul 15 00:59:23 kernel: Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt
Jul 15 00:59:30 WAN Connection: ISP's DHCP did not function properly.
Jul 15 00:59:57 ntp: start NTP update
Jul 15 01:17:18 rc_service: httpd 563:notify_rc reboot
Jul 15 01:17:19 kernel: Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt
Jul 15 01:17:20 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Jul 15 01:17:20 FTP Server: daemon is stoped
Jul 15 01:17:20 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Jul 15 01:17:20 kernel: gro disabled
Jul 15 01:17:20 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Jul 15 01:17:20 WEBDAV Server: daemon is stoped