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Topics - Rob72

Pages: [1]
General Computer Support / Deleting microsoft error code 0x80073b01
« on: September 08, 2015, 07:28:06 am »
I  have read somwhere that windows repair will remove this error code,  but have no idea how to do this,   this occured after i removed MSE  bcause it froze and i could not reinstall,  the pop up with the error code appeared,    I  dont believe this is an infection,

General Computer Support / Removing error code
« on: September 06, 2015, 06:59:56 am »
Hi,   just downloaded tweaking. com windows repair (free)  to hopefuly remove a microsoft error popup that shows just after start up of windows 7, error ox80073bo1  this occured after microsoft security essentials was uninstalled because it kept freezing during a scan,   and would not let me re install,   if the software will remove this error,  please explain how to go about it,   not very technical!   thanks in anticipation.

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