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Messages - friedmonky

Pages: 1 [2]
Everything Else / Re: Drivers
« on: January 07, 2012, 02:13:40 pm »
There are definitely two schools of thought when it comes to updating drivers.  Those who say it is best to always use the most current drivers, and those who say it is best to only update drivers when it is necessary.  I am a driver whore.  :shocked:  However, I only keep a driver installed if I see no change or a positive change.  If a new driver hinders my performance, even slightly, off it comes!

Hey Shane,  I wasn't aware that you are a big PC gamer.  I guess that's one more thing we have an interest in.  :wink:  We need to discuss this topic at some point.

27 Support & Help / Yet another change in the services fix?
« on: December 25, 2011, 08:00:37 pm »
Hey Shane,

Looked through the forum and couldn't find the answer.  What is the reason for "Changed Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) from "stisvc start= demand" to "stisvc start= auto" in the windows services repair."  More complaining I assume?   :rolleyes:

This service should be set to manual by default.  Mine is and it works just fine.  Point being, just because people bitch and moan to you that this and that in WR messed up their system certainly doesn't mean it is so!  You should take most "complaints" of WR with a grain of salt as it is an excellent tool (used in the right hands that is).

Everything Else / MERRY CHRISTMAS!
« on: December 24, 2011, 08:40:29 am »
Just wanted to wish Shane and everyone else a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

29 Support & Help / Re: All my windows updates are gone
« on: December 21, 2011, 11:56:11 am »
Sorry Shane, I was referring to Tucker's post - not yours.  I should have specified.  :sad:

30 Support & Help / Re: All my windows updates are gone
« on: December 21, 2011, 11:49:32 am »
You're referring to 2 different things here.  Restore points are not the same thing as windows updates.  :confused:

31 Support & Help / Re: Windows Media Server no longer working
« on: December 18, 2011, 03:21:13 pm »
Glad to hear you fixed it Kharv!  :smiley:

32 Support & Help / Re: Windows Media Server no longer working
« on: December 17, 2011, 04:20:29 pm »
I don't think your problem was directly caused by Security Essentials.  Your computer was very infected - evident by the numerous things that you said Security Essentials found when you ran it.  The numerous infections is what caused this whole thing.  There were probably some infected system files that needed to be cleaned or deleted - hence Security Essentials wanting to reboot the computer.  If system files are infected and cannot be cleaned, they are deleted.

33 Support & Help / Re: Windows Media Server no longer working
« on: December 17, 2011, 03:50:42 pm »
I don't want to confuse things and, sorry Shane for butting in.  However, the first thing I would try is the "Last known good configuration" option on the f8 screen.  Might save alot of headache if it works.  I'll keep quiet now.  :cheesy:

34 Support & Help / Re: Windows Media Server no longer working
« on: December 17, 2011, 03:47:00 pm »
Kharv, DO NOT restore the computer to factory settings using that built-in restore option - this WILL delete all of your files. 

35 Support & Help / Re: Another change in the services fix?
« on: December 17, 2011, 01:47:38 pm »
Ah okay, I guess I missed that one.  :tongue:


36 Support & Help / Another change in the services fix?
« on: December 17, 2011, 01:25:53 pm »
Hi Shane,

What is the reason for this change?  "Removed "WwanSvc start= demand" from the windows services repair."

37 Support & Help / Re:hey all(need help)
« on: December 11, 2011, 03:56:46 pm »
Windows 7 w/SP1 is the best OS Microsoft has ever made.  I never thought I would say that after XP but it's true.  Vista is the absolute worst OS Microsoft ever made.

You say that you did a disk check but did you do it booting from your windows disk, and did you run a chkdsk /r?  Also, what hard drive diagnostic utility did you run?

38 Support & Help / Re: Mdac Hell
« on: December 11, 2011, 03:51:27 pm »
If SP1 fails to install again, the System Update Readiness Tool might help.  Download and run it before trying to install SP1 again.

39 Support & Help / Re:hey all(need help)
« on: December 11, 2011, 08:12:22 am »
what version of windows are you running?  First thing I would do is boot to your windows disk and run a chkdsk /r.  If you are still having issues, the second thing I would do is run a diagnostic utility (preferably the one provided by the hard drive manufacturer) on your hard drive.

40 Support & Help / Re: change in new version of WR...
« on: November 28, 2011, 05:14:31 pm »
I believe you, don't get me wrong.  It's just really weird the way it is set up.

41 Support & Help / Re: change in new version of WR...
« on: November 28, 2011, 03:29:34 pm »
This kind of defeats the whole purpose of the "setting all services to default" thing to me.

42 Support & Help / Re: change in new version of WR...
« on: November 28, 2011, 03:25:21 pm »
That's strange, Media Extender Service is set to disabled by default. Now I'm really confused... :confused:

43 Support & Help / Re: change in new version of WR...
« on: November 28, 2011, 03:06:36 pm »
Those services are supposed to work in manual.  That's why that is their default state.  :confused:

44 Support & Help / Re: change in new version of WR...
« on: November 28, 2011, 03:00:11 pm »
What media in windows?  I just opened up Windows media player - those services are still on manual.  I then opened Windows Media Center - same thing, those services are still set to manual.  This is on Win7 by the way.

edit - I don't even have the Windows Media Center Service Launcher service.

45 Support & Help / change in new version of WR...
« on: November 28, 2011, 01:06:07 pm »
Hey Shane,

Why did you change those 4 service defaults to auto in the new version of WR?  Shouldn't they be manual by default?

46 Support & Help / Re: Newest All In One Repair Beaten
« on: November 25, 2011, 08:53:16 am »
I find it interesting that this problem started when the NAS was added.  I would remove the NAS and see if the problem still exists.

47 Support & Help / Re: Notepad appear on screen every time
« on: October 27, 2011, 11:52:53 am »
We install MS on all our customers machines, as well as new builds, and have never had one complaint.

"Just because something isn't working the best doesn't mean right off the bat that the machine is infected."

Not sure what you mean.

Yes, we are extremely picky as well - we don't want customers coming back to complain obviously.  I just have never had any problems at all with MSE.  We have found it to be the best protection available.

Just tested by opening a 22mb exe.  Opened instantly, no delay at all.  Not sure why you are seeing this.

48 Support & Help / Re: Notepad appear on screen every time
« on: October 27, 2011, 11:23:22 am »
I've only seen MS slow down old XP machines with 512MB of ram.  :cheesy:  If MS slows down any Win7 machine after installation, I guarantee you that that particular machine has already been compromised in some way, either viral or failing hardware.

Let's just agree to disagree on this because we could go on forever and you're right, we're getting way off topic here.  :smiley:

You know what they say about opinions right?  :cheesy:

49 Support & Help / Re: Notepad appear on screen every time
« on: October 27, 2011, 11:01:52 am »
"But I dont think you have a virus. You emailed me the contents of the notepad and it was a virus."

Huh?  :thinking:

As for they last tested performance tested MSE in December of 2010 using version 1.0  :rolleyes: Hardly a reliable resource in October of 2011.  It flies right through a scan on my machine and uses hardly any resources at all.  It has saved me many many times on customer machines when other AVs have failed miserably.  I don't like the AVs that use cloud technology - too many things can go wrong and leave the machine wide open for infection.

"Well I guess I think I do, and I am a pc tech"

That was not aimed at anyone in particular, especially not you.  :wink:

50 Support & Help / Re: Notepad appear on screen every time
« on: October 27, 2011, 07:58:17 am »
If PC SpeedUp is not in your startup folder but is popping up at every boot, then PC SpeedUp is malware, virus, etc (big surprise right?).  I suggest giving your whole hard drive a thorough scan using a good antivirus program such as Microsoft Security Essentials.  Others may disagree with my advice, or choice of antivirus program.  However, they simply do not know what they are talking about (even though they think they do).  Everyone and their brother is a "PC tech".  :rolleyes:

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