Tweaking.com Support & Help / Can´t boot, or enter safe mode, need urgent help
« on: December 12, 2016, 02:36:37 am »
Hello community
I´m facing a problem that i can´t solve. I have windows vista, upgraded to windows 10....
I had "Avira" installed on my Acer, but the constant publicity made me uninstall it with revo uninstaller, in the end, when i reboot, i couldn´t enter in my BIOS, safe mode, or windows.
After reading numerous forums, i can´t seem to find a solution, the only thing i could fix was entering in the BIOS again, by removing the "BIOS battery" and plug it in again. After this, windows shows up again the load screen, he also shows the log in screen, but after the login screen i only get a Black Screen where i can only see the mouse pointer.
I also notice that if i press Ctrl+Alt+Del, i can get into task manager, i can also bring up command prompt running it through the task manager, but my desktop is completely dark/gone......
I also try to run explorer.exe from the task manager but nothing happens, i checked if any other instance of explorer was runnig but no luck, there isn´t any......
I also did a command in my cmd, "taskkill /f /im explorer.exe" that i read in a forum to reset explorer.exe, but in the end it only shows up an Error saying he can´t connect to the server.......
I also tried Hiren´s boot cd, but with so many options i don´t know what to choose, i only did a check disk (no errors found), a memory test (no errors found), i also run malwarebytes, it found 2 malware files in system32, but after i reboot to clean them, i remove the usb that has Hirene boot cd, and nothing happen, i´m not sure if they were removed.....
I was wandering if there is a way to boot tweaking from an USB (like Hiren´s boot cd), and try to fix this mess.....
I thank you for your great job on this software, and for the possible answers to my case.
Thank you
I´m facing a problem that i can´t solve. I have windows vista, upgraded to windows 10....
I had "Avira" installed on my Acer, but the constant publicity made me uninstall it with revo uninstaller, in the end, when i reboot, i couldn´t enter in my BIOS, safe mode, or windows.
After reading numerous forums, i can´t seem to find a solution, the only thing i could fix was entering in the BIOS again, by removing the "BIOS battery" and plug it in again. After this, windows shows up again the load screen, he also shows the log in screen, but after the login screen i only get a Black Screen where i can only see the mouse pointer.
I also notice that if i press Ctrl+Alt+Del, i can get into task manager, i can also bring up command prompt running it through the task manager, but my desktop is completely dark/gone......
I also try to run explorer.exe from the task manager but nothing happens, i checked if any other instance of explorer was runnig but no luck, there isn´t any......
I also did a command in my cmd, "taskkill /f /im explorer.exe" that i read in a forum to reset explorer.exe, but in the end it only shows up an Error saying he can´t connect to the server.......
I also tried Hiren´s boot cd, but with so many options i don´t know what to choose, i only did a check disk (no errors found), a memory test (no errors found), i also run malwarebytes, it found 2 malware files in system32, but after i reboot to clean them, i remove the usb that has Hirene boot cd, and nothing happen, i´m not sure if they were removed.....
I was wandering if there is a way to boot tweaking from an USB (like Hiren´s boot cd), and try to fix this mess.....
I thank you for your great job on this software, and for the possible answers to my case.
Thank you