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Topics - ddmoore66

Pages: [1]
Hey Shane,

I have run Tweaking Windows repair as an administrator after restarting my computer in safe mode.
I run the "Repair Network" repair from the repair menu.
I reboot, everything works fine for an hour or two.
Then, Ba'am.... No internet again.
I have done this little dance 20-30 times and the result is always the same.
Can anyone help me figure out why I keep losing internet here?


 Hey Shane,

My Windows update has been failing for a long while. This latest update (Fall Creators Update) has multiple errors starting with "We couldn't update the system reserved partition" -and- "This PC can't run Windows 10".


General Computer Support / MS Office icons and shortcuts inop
« on: August 09, 2015, 04:43:26 pm »
My icons for MS Office 2013 no longer appear on my desktop. They now appear as a blank white page with the corner bent over. When you "double-click" on the icon, the program will start (ie. Excel) but the file itself will not open. However, If you start the program first then search for the file (even on the desktop) it will start normally.

Thank you sir!

I think, but I m not positive, that during a windows update session a couple of weeks ago we lost power. Now it seems that all of my restore points have been deleted, my windows 8.1 and 8.0 repair, refresh or restore options don't work (I get a message that says - The Drive containing the Windows system is locked, Unlock the drive and try again). I have tried everything short of Format and reinstall....
I have run several apps (including yours) trying to figure this out. I have all of the logs but I don't know which of them would be relevant to you. I also ran "List Volume" in "DiskPart" - It shows the OS on "C" drive as the boot and Recovery as the System. Is that normal?

Thank in advance Shane!

David Moore

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