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Topics - Still_Game

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General Computer Support / CHKDSK occasionally runs on SSD at startup
« on: July 15, 2019, 05:28:44 am »
I recently replaced my 1 TB HDD on my Lenovo G560 laptop with a Crucial MX500 SSD of the same size. I cloned the old drive with Casper 10, which is my backup software of choice. All went swimmingly with the installation and the computer is transformed in terms of speed and usability. I have, however, had an ongoing quirk in that Windows sometimes decides there's a need to run CHKDSK on boot, although the results don't seem to show any errors found (see below). Crucial Storage Executive reports no errors.
S.M.A.R.T. all looks fine. See attached PDF.

I did raise a support request with Crucial but their advice was to return the drive for exchange - something I'm reluctant to do as I can't see any problems with the drive and I don't want to exchange it if it's performing correctly, never mind the hassle. Is there anything I've missed in the reports or can anybody shed any light on why SHKDSK is running? Windows shut down correctly yesterday (I have the VERBOSE option active as it helps me spot any problems on shutdown) and this morning CHKDSK ran at boot - but that's an infrequent occurrence, and I can't link it to any other activity. Reliability Monitor shows all has been fine for weeks...................


Checking file system on C:
The type of the file system is NTFS.
Volume label is SYSTEM.

One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You
may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended
that you continue.
Windows will now check the disk.                         

CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3)...
  405504 file records processed.                                          File verification completed.
  2427 large file records processed.                                      0 bad file records processed.                                        0 EA records processed.                                              60 reparse records processed.                                       CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 3)...
  507358 index entries processed.                                         Index verification completed.
  0 unindexed files scanned.                                           0 unindexed files recovered.                                       CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors (stage 3 of 3)...
  405504 file SDs/SIDs processed.                                         Cleaning up 39 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 39 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 39 unused security descriptors.
Security descriptor verification completed.
  50928 data files processed.                                            CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
  208571360 USN bytes processed.                                             Usn Journal verification completed.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.

 930661375 KB total disk space.
 253872744 KB in 244267 files.
    155860 KB in 50929 indexes.
         0 KB in bad sectors.
    708447 KB in use by the system.
     65536 KB occupied by the log file.
 675924324 KB available on disk.

      4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
 232665343 total allocation units on disk.
 168981081 allocation units available on disk.

Internal Info:
00 30 06 00 a8 80 04 00 f0 ab 07 00 00 00 00 00  .0..............
b2 21 00 00 3c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  .!..<...........
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................

Windows has finished checking your disk.
Please wait while your computer restarts.



Windows 7 Home Premium x64 SP1 - Microsoft Security Essentials - Malwarebytes Premium - CryptoPrevent Premium

As a user of CryptoPrevent, I receive regular emails from the developers d7xTech Software and notice that they've released version 5.0 of BootSafe -

I haven't used it and am not as yet on Windows 10 (my laptop isn't supported) but was interested in the comments in the release notes' "Special note for Microsoft accounts in Windows 10" and its mention of the possibility of getting locked into Safe Mode in certain circumstances and the claim that this tool might resolve that issue. I thought it might be of interest to the forum as I believe I've seen a few instances where Microsoft 10 users have got locked into Safe Mode.

Feedback & Suggestions / home page
« on: July 31, 2018, 11:53:27 pm »
Just a reminder - the displayed order of WRAIO releases on the home page is still in a random sequence, and has been for some while.

And I know every site needs revenue, but it saddens me to see the big green "DOWNLOAD NOW!" button at the top of the page linked to

4 Support & Help / Problems installing WRAIO 4.0.19
« on: May 19, 2018, 02:58:39 am »
Just a heads up that I tried to update the PRO version of WRAIO today via the inbuilt notification on starting and it failed. I then downloaded the installer from the website and it failed again when trying to decompress files. I have Malwarebytes 3.5.1 Premium installed and have recently had problems installing KeePass 2 updates - I got round this by temporarily disabling the Ransomware protection module, when the installation then proceeded as expected. I tried the same trick with WRAIO and could then install it without problems. Malwarebytes are aware of installation/updating problems in some circumstances and there are several reports in their forums, including mine. I'm sure they'll resolve the problem shortly but at least there is an easy work around.

Just in case this helps anybody else........................

I've brought this up before but creating a Windows System Restore point from within Window Repair All-in-One still doesn't seem to work properly, at least in Windows 7 Home Premium. It says it's created a Restore Point, and it shows up Windows Restore, but the backup process is completed extremely quickly and I can't believe it's a reliable Restore Point. I've just tried creating one again this morning and the situation is as before. I never use WRAIO to create a Restore Point, but a novice user might.

I tried to add to this thread, but it appears to be locked,5191.msg38156.html#msg38156

I'm using the latest version of WRAIO 3.9.31 Pro, incorporating the latest version of Registry Backup. In the thread mentioned above I pointed out that RB was leaving empty folder remnants in the Registry Backup folder - I have it set to create a new backup once only when I boot up the computer with a limit to the number of backups so the oldest is erased, with the additional instructions to keep a minimum number of backups. The contents of the oldest backup folders are being erased but the folders remain.

That problem hasn't been fixed. Not the end of the world, but irritating!

I'm performing a once-a-day registry backup using VSS and settings are to save at least "x" copies and delete copies older than "d" days. Registry Backup deletes the files in the old backup folders but doesn't appear to delete the folders themselves. Merely a nuisance but perhaps needs tweaking if it's not peculiar to my system.

Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64
Malwarebytes Premium Component Version 1.0.75
Avast Free 17.1.2288
CryptoPrevent 8.0 Premium Windows Repair Pro 3.9.26 (incorporating Registry Backup 3.5.3)
Casper 10 Backup 

If Windows Repair notifies me on opening that an update is available and I select the option to update, the next window does not appear as the top one but is hidden and has to be selected from the Task Bar. Frustrating if I don't remember this quirky behaviour and wonder why nothing's happening - this has been going on for a while........

Windows 7 64 x SP1 - WRAIO Pro 3.9.21 >> 3.9.22

9 Support & Help / WR AIO 3.9.4 will not run in Safe Mode
« on: July 12, 2016, 10:23:36 pm »
Went to help an (more) elderly friend yesterday who couldn't get her computer to fire up. Turned out to be a simple hardware fault which I fixed in a few minutes but I took the oppotunity to install the latest version of WR AIO and tried to run the basic prechecks fom Safe Mode but the program wouldn't run - Task Manager showed the .exe process running but no dusplay screen. So ran the program from normal bootup without problems and repaired some reparse points and ran chk dsk and subsequent repairs on reboot, also without difficulty.

The computer is a self build from an unknown source running Windows 7 32 bit. I didn't have time to investigate further but any idea why WR might fail to run in Safe Mode but runs perfectly well on normal boot?

Since discovering WR AIO, I tend to install it on the computers of my non techy friends and set up the Registry Backup component to perform regular backups so that I stand a good chance of being able to help them get going after a mishap - but tjis is the first time I've not been able to run the progrsm from Safe Mode.

Rebooting into Safe Mode with Networking on Samsung RV515 with Windows 7 Home Premium via button in WR AIO and then running WA AIO shows a constricted program window that doesn't easily allow clicking on the appropriate buttons - see attached screen print.

I updated to WR 3.9.3 yesterday. I have the Registry Backup component of the software set to run under the system account, use VSS by default, create only one new daily backup and keep a set number of backups. I noticed that today backup completed very quickly (normally takes more than 2 minutes to start the VSS copy on my laptop) and, when I checked the backup folder, found that it had created the backup by the fallback method. Checking the settings, it looks as if all have returned to default.

I've re-entered my chosen settings but am I'm wondering if the extensive re-coding in this release has overwritten my chosen settings - I haven't noticed this happening before. If it's by design, a warning to other users to check their settings..........................

 Just run an auto Shadow Copy of my Windows 7 notebook via Registry Backup v3.4.1 from within WRAIO v3.8.5 and noticed a text file called sddl.txt in the created backup set which I haven't noticed in previous backups. Can anybody tell me what it is?


I've been making a few changes to my notebook recently to try to resolve a few minor problems. This has meant I've been making a registry backup manually before each significant change. I'm running WR v. 3.7.1 Pro incorporating Registry Backup v. 3.3.1. When I click on the WR icon in the system tray and then click on Backup Registry Now, there is a brief glimpse of the RB program before it disappears but no backup is carried out - there is no manual backup set created in the RegBackup folder in C: drive. If I open WR and then create a backup from the Step 5: Backup tab, the registry backup is created as expected. Automatic backups are also created on a daily basis.

I'm running Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit) 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1. Registry Backup is set to default to making a full Volume Shadow Copy, only defaulting to the Fallback Method if VSS fails.

Have just updated from WR 3.6.1 to 3.6.3 and noticed that my settings have been changed to the defaults in Registry Backup (I did have the program set to only do 1 auto backup per day and always to run under System Account, but these seem to have reverted to default settings).

I've used Registry Backup successfully in the past to create Volume Shadow Copy backups both manually and on schedule. I recently purchased Windows Repair Pro (and very good it is too) and while I can successfully create manual backups using Registry Backups when starting Registry Backup (v 3.2.2) from within Windows Repair, I don't seem to be able to create a Registry Backup schedule. If I open settings and click on Edit Schedule I get the message: "The selected task "(0)" no longer exists. To see the current task, click Refresh". If I Click either Create or Delete Schedule I get an OK response.

I uninstalled my old version of Registry Backup when I installed Windows Repair Pro and I'm wondering if I may have caused a problem?

I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Feedback & Suggestions / Windows Repair
« on: October 01, 2015, 12:08:55 am »
Had been having persistent lockups,  BSODs and trouble updating Windows and Malwarebytes over a couple of weeks on  Windows 7 PC. For some reason, there were no Restore Points visible, so no help there. After eliminating the possibioity of virus or malware infection, with a lot of help from Patryk at Malwarebytes, i installed the Pro version of Windows Repair and after running it in Safe Mode a couple of times, all seems to be running smoothly, updates are working and Windows Restore Points are being created normally.

Great program - keep up the good work!

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