You didnt answer some of my questions

1. reset registry permissions - corrupts windows store appz - some features wont work
Again, what version of the WR are you using? I have ran the current version on a LOT of Windows 8 and 8.1 systems and the app store and all features work fine. And they work fine on a fresh install of 8.1. But every system has unknown variables, so problems can happen. In the current version I had a lot of fixes that handle those.
2. repair file persmissions - everyone now has access to "user" files on the network, this is no different than trojan-ware, the OS is now completey without adequate security. anyone now has access to the ENTIRE file system
How is that? The program doesnt add any shares, and users on the network dont have access to the files unless they are shared. Administrators and the System account are added to the file permissions, how does this cause a problem like a virus?
People dont have access to the entire file system, again unless you are sharing the files then people can not access them over the network, and if you are referring to the hidden admin shares you would need to have the user name and password of the system in order to access that hidden share.
3. Windows 'refresh" now not working, deliberate? i'm wondering
deliberate? Seriously? So you think I purposely did something to make Windows Refresh not work, how on earth would that benefit me?
4. registry backup can be done simply via Regedit
So what is your point on that? Most home users dont have a clue how to do that, so I made a tool to do it for them. How is that a bad thing?
This is dangerous software, and the intend may be malicous
Users should be fully aware of this!!
Those who claim, they experience no problems, worry, your file system is accessable -registry/file permissions should NEVER be tampered with
Why do i have the feeling you only came here to attack me and my work and not actually help make the program better or get help with any of the problems?
And having Administrator access to files and registry is how Windows should be. If a user is the admin they want full rights. This does NOT make the system available to the everyone on the network on internet. If you are on a user account that is not administrator then you are still locked down.
If you want help I will be more than happy to help out and find what ever problems you are having and get them fixed. if you only came here to complain then please get a better understanding of how the program works and how Windows works before you accuse me and my work of being malicious.
Dont like my work, then do use it.