Tomas_Sweden, excellent testing

The bugs you found where literally caused by 1 line of code in those sections lol. Those late nights where starting to get to me it seems.
I made a new build and it is now Beta 1.1. Download from the same link in the first post and replace the files with the new ones from the zip file.
Driver Monitor Report - Save list as a web page. html and plain tex. txt, doesn't show any value.
Windows Services Allowed In Safe Mode Report - Save list as a web page. html and plain tex. txt, doesn't show any value.
Take A Screen Shot doesn't work - none of the option work, the picture doesn't show anything. But then I try to make a screen shot in windows by clicking "Printscr" on my keyboard it does work!
The "System Monitors" I would like to maximize them and also "Svchost.exe Lookup", "Process Information", "Windows Services" and "Windows Services Safe Mode"!
This has been fixed in Beta 1.1.
The "System Monitors" I would like to maximize them and also "Svchost.exe Lookup", "Process Information", "Windows Services" and "Windows Services Safe Mode"!
The system monitors are currently not resizeable, mainly because everything fits on the window but I can see why you would want resizing so you dont have to scroll the lists. I will see about adding that.
As for the maximize option. These are MDI forms but because I am doing my own custom graphics and title bar doing a MDI child maximize wont work properly. So instead I made something else, in the windows that are resizeable you will see a new button in the title bar, this button will resize the window to fit the current work space in the program. So pretty much like maximize but if you resize the main window the child form stays the same size, but hit the button again and it resizes. Hopefully this will accomplish the goal of being able to quickly increase the size of the window with out having to drag the size with the mouse.
I would like to close tab by middle clicking mouse!
Done! I updated the task bar control to handle the middle mouse button and to close what ever window is open that you click on in the task bar at the top of the program.
I would like to use Keyboard Shortcuts, like ctrl + a, ctrl + c, when there is a list!
The program already had ctrl + c to copy the selected items in the lists, I cant ebelive I forgot to give the select all shortcut lol, ctrl + a has been added to the lists

Happy new year!
Happy new year as well!
i think clean mommy button doesn't work properly and its not clean a mommy otherwise it dose nothing !
Clean Mommy?? I double checked and I didnt spell mommy lol I also tested and it did clean the memory of the processes on my systems.
and i have a feedback for more program Features which we need for extra Features to submit a Suspicious process to VirusTotal for analysis purpose
Not sure virus total has a submit from a program option, I know they do through the web pages but you have to use their webage to submit it. Thanks for the idea though
