First, a nod of acknowledgement for this robust tool. As a dedicated user of CleanMem with many pro licenses (available on's sister site I have watched
Windows Repair Pro evolve over many years. I never had need to use it until recently when all variants of the Win 10 setup program failed to run on my main workstation. I suspected a permissions problem and spent many hours researching and attempting various fixes to no avail. I opted to give WRP a whirl and after a brief learning curve, was able to correct the problem. That lead to an immediate purchase...even if I never use it again. But I suspect I will

Thanks to the developer for his continued dedication to producing quality tools at an affordable price (basically free, although I strongly encourage purchasing a license if the product has helped you). As a side note, I was an early tester of the precursor to WRP and commented that it would never fly. Too technical for the average user; too many tools under one roof. Funny how things change. I am not too proud to say my rush to judgment was in error.
Thanks again, Shane.