You can look in
Log_Vss.txt and
Log_Backup.txt, there you can see how long time the backup took!
[2012-10-10 - 06:49:16] is the first time in my Log_Backup.txt this morning and the last time log is [2012-10-10 - 06:50:23]. So it took 1 minute and 7 seconds for me at startup.
If you notice that your laptop is slower than your desktop pc it could be that you have "Balanced" Power options on your pc. It also depends on whether you have the battery in the laptop computer or if you use the power cable.
You can take a look at this site: advanced settings: You can take a look at "Maximum processor state", for faster computer, you should choose 100%, but it takes more battery.
You can also look at "Graphics Power Settings" (Maybe your graphics settings is named Intel, Nvidia or Ati?)
It's the same here if you want faster computer you can choose "Maximize performance", it also uses more battery.
Peterr you ask good questions, so that others who need help with the same thing will find answers to their questions. All who post here helps in their own way!
