Author Topic: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting (SOLVED somehow?)  (Read 10447 times)

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Win 10 64 bit Running Windows Repair 2018 v4.3.1 'All Repairs'
So far 18hrs and counting.  Currently on Repair Jobs: 4/49.  CPU Usage: shows 1-1.5%
I expected it to take a long time.  Does the above current status sound normal?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2018, 02:33:05 pm by Dick Bailey »

Offline Boggin

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2018, 05:26:52 am »
No it doesn't, especially for that repair.

Did you perform a chkdsk /f or chkdsk /r and sfc /scannow prior to running the main repairs and what was the reason you ran the repair program ?

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2018, 05:51:57 am »
Yes I did all of those.

I've attached a screen shot if that helps.

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2018, 06:40:07 am »
Correction I did a chkdsk /scan and scf /scannow.  Any problems reported as fixed.

Previously I'd kept getting a BSOD Stop code: DPC Watchdog Violation.  Couldn't resolve it after a few weeks so decided to reinstall Win 10 using Windows Media Creation Tool as  this offered the option of retaining Apps in addition to personal files.  However this always completed the Creating Media step but never started the install. I found a log in C:\$Windows.~BT\Panther\ that seemed to suggest errors were occurring. 

Here's the setuperr.log contents:
2018-03-04 05:29:11, Error                 MOUPG  CInstallUI::GetDefaultLanguage(1785): Result = 0x80070002[gle=0x00000002]
2018-03-04 05:41:30, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupManager::GetDUSetupResults(5499): Result = 0x80070490
2018-03-04 05:41:38, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpTask::Cancel(979): Result = 0xC1800104
2018-03-04 05:41:38, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpTask::Cancel(979): Result = 0xC1800104
2018-03-04 05:41:38, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpTask::Cancel(979): Result = 0xC1800104
2018-03-04 05:41:38, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpTask::Cancel(979): Result = 0xC1800104

I didn't really understand this but I worked my way through BriTec09's YouTube 'Fix Windows Update Error 0x80070490' video. None of the steps resolved it but the last thing he recommended was using's Windows Repair.  Ran the Windows Update fixes but it didn't resolve it so decided to run All Repairs option so that even if the Windows Media Creation Tool failed to reinstall Win 10 afterwards I hoped Tweakings fixes may have sorted out what ever was causing the original BSOD.

But now Tweaking appears stuck, 22 hrs now and counting.  What should I do?
« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 08:39:25 am by Dick Bailey, Reason: I found the copy of the log copy of the log contents »

Offline Boggin

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2018, 08:26:23 am »
Stop the program.

Win 10 has its own BSOD troubleshooter which is accessed by going Start - click on the Settings cog - Update & Security - Troubleshoot then scroll down to the one for Blue Screen.

This may tell you which driver is causing it.

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2018, 09:37:28 am »
Ok, Thanks Boggin I'll do that.  Just as you replied I added the 'Windows Media Creation Tool' error log details in the post above.  It might mean something to you.  I've now stopped the 'All Repair' job and it reported ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.

I did originally used the Win 10 BSOD troubleshooter which only gave a vague generic answer, somthing like '... this could be a drive or software problem if it keeps occurring look it up online.'  That's not the exact wording but its close.

Four groups of drivers showed a triangle warning symbol but each driver said it was working fine.  They were;
  • -Display adaptors - AMD Radeon HD 6520G and HD 7400M Series
    -IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers - AMD SATA Controller, ATA Channel 0 & 1, and Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller
    -Sound, video and game controller - AMD High Definition Audio Device
    -Storage controller - Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller
When I went to the AMD site for the latest divers it just advice using the Windows 10 Generic Drivers.
I selected Update drive in each case and it said I had the latest drivers.
I've no idea if they were the cause of the BSOD so that's when I decided a re installation of Win 10 might be worth a try.  I wanted to avoid having to reinstall the Apps.

I'm not sure what to do now, I guess I'll start by seeing if it will boot up.
(I'm posting using a borrowed Surface.)
« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 09:41:22 am by Dick Bailey »

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2018, 02:21:49 pm »
Normally you can stop the program without any adverse effects.

Can you create the install media on that Surface - you'll probably need an 8GB USB as it probably hasn't got a DVD drive.

If you can, insert it into your machine and tap F12 as you switch on to change a one off boot order to boot from it.

You can also get into the BIOS to change the Boot order by pressing and holding F2 as you switch on.

You will eventually get to an Install screen where you then click on Repair your computer.

This will take you to the Recovery Environment - click on Troubleshoot - Advanced options and use the Restore Point option to see if you have any you can use.

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2018, 03:09:12 pm »
So do you have dual graphics ?

You could try reinstalling the drivers in Device Manager.

Right click on each and select Update driver - Browse my computer - Let me pick and click on what looks appropriate.

I've just tried it with my Intel graphics driver and chose what I thought was the right one as it was the latest, but that just left me with a black screen behind Device Manager - OOPS.

Anyway, it was easily resolved by installing the older one.

Sometimes an older driver can work better than a newer one

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2018, 01:56:01 pm »
Sorry for the delay in replying.

First a quick update for Boggin, or anyone else.

I closed the 'stuck' Tweaking Repair task by clicking on the 'X' with the Red Background, expecting it to stop the 'All Repairs' task I had started running, as Administrator, in Safe Mode, with Network.  Instead it stopped the current stuck individual task and jumped to the next one of the 49 tasks in the 'All Repairs' list.  As it did so I briefly saw a flash of a log repeating something like '... can't access or access denied ... file in use ...' then the log was gone!!  I got the meaning of it though and assume it indicated it had spent all those 25 hours I'd left it running repeatedly trying to access a file that another process was using, (not that this was indicated on the screen).  It progressed on to all the other tasks in the list and completed them, though there was one task on which it appeared to get stuck, but as I was was clicking between the log and task list, and was about give up on that task and click 'X' to cancel it, the task finished. (I don't think I did click 'X', so I think it completed ok!.)  Anyway the 'All Repairs' task moved on down the list and finished.

So I believe all repairs were completed except one, (maybe two).

But having had at least one task fail I decided to rerun the full repair list again, in Safe Mode, but this time without Network, in case it was a Network related process that was using the file causing it to get stuck.  I also thought I'd run the tasks one at a time so I could track where any problems were occurring more easily.  So that's what I'm currently doing.  On task '04 - Register System Files', which is where I think it got stuck before, its trying to register C:\windows\sysWOW64\FPWPP.DLL but is again stuck.  If this is because it's in use by another process, I've no idea which one, or what I could do to get the registration to proceed.  Neither can I see a way to skip to the next item in that 'Register System Files' repair script.  Also, I guess if I stop the task, it will mean that the registration repair of all the subsequent System Files won't be done.  That may, or may not, be a problem!

Also as clarification for Boggin , I'm not trying to sort out my MS Surface, running fine which is why I'm using it to submit these posts. 

Its my other machine that's having problems. It's a HP Pavilion dv6 which, to answer Boggin's question in his last post, does have Radeon Dual Graphics and Quad Core.  The processor is AMD A6-3410MX APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, 1597 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s).  I've been trying do a repair this PC since early September following repeated BSOD with 'Stop code: DPC  WATCHDOG VIOLATION'.  The advice for fixing this amounted to a rather vague, "update the drivers and run Windows Update", ... which didn't fix it.  So after many attempts at different resolutions I decided to do a Windows 10 re-installation, using the Microsoft MediaCreationTool as I understand this will mean I can avoid having to reinstall all my Apps.  However every time I ran it, it fails, after "Creating Media", it 'cleans up and closes', and doesn't progress to the installation stage!  This is the reason why I followed Bitec69's YouTube advice and decided to run the Tweaking Repairs as I hope, if I can run all the repairs, that the MediaCreationTool may then succeed.

I'm not sure if the following have any relevance to resolving these problems but I'll restate them now in case they do.  The computer originally had AMD Catalyst Suit installed and AMD had repeatedly, over the previous couple of years, sent updates for this, which, when run responded with "this update can't be applied to the chip-set and version of AMD Catalyst Suit installed", (why offer me the update then ...)   I did try to update the drivers in the normal way as Boggin describe, and it responded that the current driver was the best available, but I thought I'd checkout AMD's site to be sure.  On their site they advised against using AMD Catalyst Suit on Windows 10 and said that using the Windows 10 generic divers was the best option.  So I uninstalled the originally installed AMD Catalyst Suit thinking the Windows 10 generic offer would be up to date and better, it worked ... or did it?  The properties for all of drivers reported that they are working properly, but this isn't consistent with Device Manager which now displays the warning triangles mentioned in my previous post. (November 08, 2018, 09:37:28)  Why is that?

Four groups of drivers show a triangular warning symbol even though each driver said it was working fine.  They were;
-Display adaptors - AMD Radeon HD 6520G and HD 7400M Series
-IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers - AMD SATA Controller, ATA Channel 0 & 1, and Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller
-Sound, video and game controller - AMD High Definition Audio Device
-Storage controller - Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller

Also Boggin can you, or anyone else, tell me the meaning of these items listed in the C:\$Windows.~BT\Panther\setuperr.log which is created when I try running Windows MediaCreationTool1803.exe that i mention two posts ago. (November 08, 2018, 06:40:07)

Here's the setuperr.log contents:
2018-03-04 05:29:11, Error                 MOUPG  CInstallUI::GetDefaultLanguage(1785): Result = 0x80070002[gle=0x00000002]
2018-03-04 05:41:30, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupManager::GetDUSetupResults(5499): Result = 0x80070490
2018-03-04 05:41:38, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpTask::Cancel(979): Result = 0xC1800104
2018-03-04 05:41:38, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpTask::Cancel(979): Result = 0xC1800104
2018-03-04 05:41:38, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpTask::Cancel(979): Result = 0xC1800104
2018-03-04 05:41:38, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpTask::Cancel(979): Result = 0xC1800104

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2018, 03:39:47 pm »
Can you reinstall the affected drivers by the method I've described.

You should have tried to resolve the BSOD before running Windows Repair because the program can't do anything with corrupt drivers

The idea wasn't to repair your Surface but to use it to create install media which can be done after reading the instructions as they differ slightly depending upon whether you want to create a bootable DVD or USB.

Were you trying to reinstall Win 10 by using the first option of the MCT rather than try to create bootable install media - I don't know what those errors mean, but with install media, a repair install can be performed from within Windows that doesn't affect personal stuff or installed programs.

Let's see if we can do something about that fpwpp.dll

Open a Command Prompt (Admin) or Powershell (Admin) and enter these cmds to first unregister and then re-register the file.

regsvr32 /u fpwpp.dll

regsvr32 /i fpwpp.dll


Then try Windows Repair again to see if it still gets stuck on it, but first I want you to run a scan with the free version of MBAM - it will give a 14 day free trial of the Premium version but this can be cancelled by clicking on Settings/Account Details where you'll see where to disable it.

WR can repair damage done by malware but not if the malware is still present on the machine.

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2018, 07:18:37 am »
Hi Boggin, I think we might be in different time zones hence delays.  I'm in the UK, currently GMT or UT.

Taking your point in order:

Yes, I had updated all the drivers showing the warning triangle in Device Manager in just exactly the way you said, even though their properties said they were working OK.  In each case the only driver I was offered to select was the one already installed, I selected those and they still said they were working ok but still showed the triangle.  I also tried uninstalling them and re installing them, same result.

I did try to resolve the BSOD but the vague advice didn't help as all the drivers said they were working properly, and still said so after I'd gone through the updated and uninstall/reinstall mentioned above.  Its was because I didn't know what to do next that I went for the MCT approach.

I tried MCT from within Windows and got the errors listed previously.  I also tried the option of running MCT from a USB stick, but it just stopped with the message that I should run MCT from within Windows.

As I noticed one of the errors in the  MCT error log gave the code 0x80070940 I search for help on that and thats how I found the YouTube by BriTec09 'Fix Windows Update Error 0X80070940' and went through all his steps after which he finally said if it still isn't fixed try's Windows Repair (all in one).

I also did a chkdsk /scan and chkdsk /f which did find some corruption on the HDD.

I noticed at some stage in running through all those steps I lost a number of Desktop shortcuts, so somethings changed, I'm hoping nothing to critical like my Apps, but I need to sort the basic OS first.

I'm pretty sure I haven't got any malware as I've had a copy of Malwarebytes Premium installed for a couple of years.  I did uninstall it and McAfee a couple days ago to ensure that they weren't interfering with MCT.

I was able to uninstall and reinstall FPWPP.DLL with no issues as you suggested so I dont know why Tweak repair task '04 - Register System Files' was hanging.

So I just switched back from from Safe Mode without Network over to Normal Mode with Network so i can down load Malwarebytes Premium to double check that there is no Malware.  I also thought I'd switch on Windows defender in the absence of McAfee (I can reload that latter).

D'oh. Now Windows Defender's broken and won't start even after a reboot.

This is getting frustrating.

As some things have changed i.e. missing desktop shortcuts, HDD tidied up and Tweak did run all but two of the Repairs, 'to hell with it', I think I'll have one more go with MCT I might get lucky.  cant do any harm if it just 'tidies up and closes' again.

I'll let you know BTW thanks for you help so far. (Where in the world are you?)

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2018, 07:57:11 am »
 :smiley: Ahhh IT'S WORKING ... WHHAAT THE F*#~ :cheesy: :cheesy: :wink: INSTALLING 36% COMPLETE

Update shortly, ... how did that happen???

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2018, 08:03:31 am »
I'm also in the UK but I'm not on here 24/7

Someone else has reported WD not working after running the repair program.

What exactly is installing ?

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting (SOLVED somehow?)
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2018, 02:32:16 pm »
Hi Boggin, 

As I said I switch from Safe mode without Network to Normal Mode with Network so I could download and reinstall Malwarebytes to run the check you asked me to but as I was going on to the network I decided it'd be best to switch WD on as I had also uninstalled McAfee as i previously mentioned.  Thats when i found WD would not restart.

As I said, as I was in normal mode with Network and at the desktop I though I just try MediaCreationTool from once more, at worst it'd just fail again, but I had run a number of the Tweak repairs, ... so there was a chance it would!

And Hey Presto after all those previous failed attempts, that bombed out after creating the media, and just said "Tidying up before closing", this time it moved on to the installation stage and has now successfully reinstalled Windows.  Windows defender is also now working ok. 

I've still got those triangles on the same drivers in Device Manager that I had before (see list in previous post) but they all report  "This device is working properly", so I'll accept that for now.

I'll reload Malwarebytes Premium and McAfee, and use it for a while to hope the BSOD has been cured.  With the fresh install I'm hoping it has, but I'll probably never know the actual cause or what steps cured it as I tried so many.

Thanks Boggin for your help and support, and thanks for the 'All Repairs' which almost all ran.

The only suggestion I can offer to anyone in the same situation is don't give up, persevere.   :wink: :smiley:

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting (SOLVED somehow?)
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2018, 03:06:58 pm »
You can still download programs in Safe Mode with Networking, but it's a puzzler what is causing those yellow alerts on those drivers.

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting (SOLVED somehow?)
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2018, 06:55:13 am »
Here's a thing.   :confused:

The triangles never used to appear, also you'll notice from my previous posts that most of the affected drivers are AMD or Radeon.

The processor in my 'HP Pavilion dv6-6b08sa Entertainment Notebook PC' is an 'AMD A6-3410MX APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics'.  It came with Windows 7 Home Premium installed.

As mentioned in a previous post an AMD Catalyst Suit update used to run every so often offering the latest update, but after a few years, whenever I accepted the update it said it could not be applied to this installation.

This led me to check on the HP site in case they were suggesting a compatible update.

So I've been to the HP Customer Support - Software and Driver Downloads page in the past to check, as well as going there yesterday.  After specifying which model you have you get a screen asking you to select 'Operating System' and 'Version' with a drop down selection for each. On the right is a button marked 'Change' and underneath the message "No software or drivers are available for this product with the selected operating system. Please make a different selection, or visit the product homepage.". 

The 'Operating System' drop down has one choice, 'Windows', and the 'Version' drop down has two choices 'Windows 7 (64-bit)'  or 'Windows 8 (64-bit)'.
after selecting the appropriate Windows 8 (64-bit) the message underneath still said, "No software or drivers are available ...", there was no other appropriate selection and the product homepage led back to the current page.  So in the past I tried the AMD site who advise that for Windows 10 you should use the generic Windows drivers, which I did, and that's when the triangles appeared.

As the original drivers didn't show the drivers I tried the HP site again to try to retrieve their suggested drivers, and again was met with the "No software or drivers are available ..." message.  However, again out of frustration, I decided to press the 'Change' button to the side of the screen not knowing what it was intended to change and to my surprise a list of drivers appeared.  :shocked::confused::angry: :teeth: How un-intuitive is that!!  :rolleyes:

Anyway I'll try the drivers, mostly dated 2012-2015, and see if it rolls back ti a pre triangle time.  I'll let you know the result.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 06:57:15 am by Dick Bailey »

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting (SOLVED somehow?)
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2018, 07:25:30 am »
That sounds promising but did those older drivers not list when you tried reinstalling them through Device Manager, there may have been more than one you could have tried.

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting (SOLVED somehow?)
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2018, 04:26:18 pm »
Well, prompted by you Boggin I had a fresh look at these.  Below is the original listed items along with what I tried and the current status of each.

Four groups of drivers show a triangular warning symbol even though each driver said it was working fine.
They were;
-Display adaptors
                                       - AMD Radeon HD 6520G
                                       - HD 7400M Series

The AMD Radeon HD 6520G offers two drivers;
      AMD Radeon HD 6520G
      Microsoft Basic Display Adaptor
I've tried each one and got the following response  them;
Installation timed out and failed, visit the manufacturers website and check for support.
The Device Properties continues to say 'The device is working properly.', but the warning triangle remains!!!

The AMD Radeon HD 7400M Series offers three drivers;
      AMD Radeon HD 7400M Version: 15.200.1062.1004 [03/08/2015]
      AMD Radeon HD 7400M Version: 15.200.1062.1004 [04/11/2015]
      Microsoft Basic Display Adaptor
I've tried each one and got the following the same response from them all;
Installation timed out and failed, visit the manufacturers website and check for support.
The Device Properties continues to say 'The device is working properly.', but the warning triangle remains!!!

-IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers
                                       - AMD SATA Controller
                                       - ATA Channel 0
                                       - ATA Channel 1
                                       - Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller

The AMD SATA Controller offers three drivers;
      AMD SATA Controller ver (15/04/2011)
      AMD SATA Controller ver (15/04/2015)
      Standard SATA AHCI Controller
I've tried all three and got the following response to all three of them;
"The operation timed out waiting for this device to complete a PnP query-remove request due to a potential hang in the device stack of a related device.  The system may need to be rebooted to complete the operation."
After rebooting each time, the Device Properties says 'The device is working properly.', but the warning triangle remains!!!

The ATA Channel 0 and ATA Channel 1 both only offered one driver 'IDE Channel' and trying to reinstalling these timed out and made no difference.
The Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller only offered one driver 'Standard Dual PCI IDE Channel Controller' and trying to reinstalling these timed out and made no difference.
The Device Properties continues to say 'The device is working properly.', but the warning triangle remains!!!

-Sound, video and game controller
                                       - AMD High Definition Audio Device

The AMD High Definition Audio Device no longer shows the Warning Triangle, so that one appears to have resolved itself. Hooray  :cheesy:

-Storage controller
                                       - Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller

The Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller only shows one driver available;
Selecting that doesn't resolve it.  (Could this be related to the AMD SATA Controller further up.)
The Device Properties continues to say 'The device is working properly.', but the warning triangle remains!!!

I think tomorrow I might try uninstalling all these devices, reboot, search for new hardware, and see what happens.

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting (SOLVED somehow?)
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2018, 01:20:08 am »
I'd be tempted to factory reset this machine back to Win 7 and disable the AMD Catalyst Suite if that doesn't affect the running of the machine and leave the Win 7 drivers intact.

You can then upgrade back to Win 10 by the in place upgrade (repair install) which will auto activate which I had to do on one of my machines when I changed the HDD.

The problem arose because I was replacing a 640GB HDD with a 1TB one and after restoring with the system image I'd created, I was left with ~350GB of unallocated space which I was unable to extend to C: because it wasn't immediately to the right of C: in Disk Management.

Prior to upgrading two Win 7 machines to Win 10, I created the OEM Win 7 recovery disks so that I could factory reset should I have had problems.

Of course, you'd have some Adobe programs to update and perhaps Java if you still have it installed as well as putting your personal stuff back on and reinstalling programs and uninstalling the bloat.

As you have tried all of the combinations of respective drivers, that means you would be unable to roll back from any generic ones, so I think the extreme step of a factory reset may be the only option.

If you haven't created OEM recovery disks, you can buy them from HP - I bought recovery media for two of my Toshiba laptops.

The one for my remaining Win 7 machine cost £31 and for the other, that came on an USB stick for £41 - I don't know what HP would charge.

However, I'll ask my Support if he has any less drastic solutions to get rid of those alerts and resolve the BSODs.

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting (SOLVED somehow?)
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2018, 05:30:04 am »
Yes I agree, that would be a way to go, and might yet resort to that.

But the one thing above all else that I'm trying to avoid is having to reinstall all my Apps. so I'm reluctant to do a factory reset.  As far as I'm aware I don't have any HP install disks, and I am ashamed to admit I haven't made a recovery disk (or USB stick [can I do it on a stick, I'm guessing yes if I set boot order options to disk-USB-HDD]).  I should perhaps have a look in the attic, the original HP box, hmm may contain disks. :thinking:

Ahhh PANIC  :omg: A quick look at Disk Management showed all my drives and partitions have been messed up.  :cry:  err but WAIT A MINUTE .... Phew - I looked at the Disk Management on the MS Surface I'm writing this post on, not the HP I'm trying to fix. Derrr  :rolleyes:

OK, so what I was just checking it that there is a 20.5gb D:RECOVERY drive partition as well as a 103mb HP_TOOLS partition.  OK, as well digging out the original box in case there's disks there, I'll take a look at those partitions to see whats in them, the original Factory build or drivers could be there.  In addition, as previously mentioned, on the HP Support site Software and Drivers there is a listing of the recommended Windows 7 (64 bit) drivers. (now that I know to press that 'Change' button?  to get the list.  :evil:)

So, Action Plan.
Before resorting to a Factory reset, I'll;
 - Create a recovery DVD or USB stick while I can, and an Image of the current state of the C:
Then have a final go at installing original drivers;
 - Try to find original HP Disks (if the I have any)
 - Check contents of factory created Partitions
 - Download drivers from HP which are listed under the following headings.
           Input Devices
      OS Enhancements and QFEs
           Solutions (Power Management, Quick Launch, Software Framework)
      Utility Tools

I'm not sure, Boggin's, which of the Drivers categories above relate to the devices I'm getting the warning triangles on now, i.e. Display Adaptors, IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers, Storage Controllers.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 05:31:51 am by Dick Bailey »

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting (SOLVED somehow?)
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2018, 08:40:30 am »
Well under the Drivers list you can reinstall all of those and with AMD, the Graphics drivers may also include those for the IDE controllers, but see how you go with those.

I'm not sure about the second list but I wouldn't try updating the BIOS just yet.

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting (SOLVED somehow?)
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2018, 04:27:32 pm »
I've at last resolved the my device issues you'll be pleased to here Boggin.

With you support by Reply #11 I'd got Win 10 reinstalling hopefully resolving my BSOD problem.  But this didn't cure my other concern which I described in Reply #5 as, "Four groups of drivers showed a triangle warning symbol but each driver said it was working fine."

While previously I just listed the Devices in Device Manager with Warning Triangles on them and which I'd hoped would also be resolve by reinstalling Windows, and swapping drivers, etc.' what I didn't do was include a screen shot with my posts to help you, so I've attached it below.  You'll see I've expanded the device groups of concern.  My concern, as I said was that I could see on each one a Yellow Warning Exclamation triangle superimposed over the icon, the yellow base of the triangle being particularly noticeable.

Having now installed the HP recommended drivers and also applied subsequent updates I still see no change, though the Device Status for each continues to say "This device is working Properly".

Today, I took a different approach and searched Google for "Device Manager AND Warning Symbols AND 'This device is working properly.'" and quickly found someone on TenForums with an identical issue.

Device Manager, Yellow triangles, No error codes
In another thread, I showed a screenshot of my Device Manager with yeoow triangles against the Display Adapter and the Storage Controllers:
When I expand any of those items, there are no error codes and they all say 'This device is working properly.' I presume there is nothing to worry about but why are the warnings there?

The reply to this made no sense to me, "Your link does not show any yellow triangles at all.", until I read the next article in my Google search results, by SuperUser.  This article talked about chips, "Chips"!!.  But on reading it I suddenly saw everything clearly, have a look.

Sure enough on closer examination it's suddenly dawn on me that my problem was my eyesight, not my computer, They aren't warning triangles at all, they are mini PCI Boards.  :omg: :shy: :rolleyes: :shocked:

I'm sorry for the 'wild goose chase Boggin and thanks for your patience.

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Re: Win 10 64 bit Running 'All Repairs' 18hrs and counting (SOLVED somehow?)
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2018, 02:11:36 am »
Well that clears something up for me as well, as I've seen those on mine and wondered what they were :)

BSODs are usually caused by driver problems but can also be caused by bad files, so hopefully the repair install will have resolved your BSODs, but if they are caused by a program, which a repair install doesn't touch, then if you still get BSODs, then further investigation would be needed.

It's strange though that Windows BSOD troubleshooter snagged those drivers.