I've used Future Systems Solutions Casper for years, now on version 10,x, to create clones which are backed up incrementally. Currently, I do that to 3 HDDs in 2.5 inch USB enclosure on a rotating basis - roughly weekly. I occasionally make a system image as well, using the same software. I also make regular backups of my Outlook PST files to DVD - I've got stuff going back YEARS in the PST archive file. I know that Macrium Reflect free seems to be the software of choice for most people but I've used Casperso long, it's reasonably priced and it's been very reliable, aside from the occasional quirk - and their support is first class.
I take your point about a currupt hyberfil.sys file perpetuating, though. I guess I could use powercfg -h off and then reboot, then powercfg -h on and I should have a new file? I think!