Not a bad idea but there is a problem. The drivers are also stored there I think, so deleting the contents of the folder may cause problems on certain machines. 
To my knowlage and correct me if I'm wrong ain't the drivers under c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers

to fix spooler the way I suggest would be to empty only system32\spool\printers which holds only tmp file .
Another suggestion

would be to expand this into: "Fix Printer issues"
"Fix Printer issues" > Spooler doesn't start
"Fix Printer issues" > Remove Printers from registry (there is several places where printers are stored and sometimes this has to be done - ocasionaly - manualy )
There might be some more fixes , I work often with architects and if their printers are down it is even worst than server failure

Let me know what do you think