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Topics - yulog

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General Computer Support / Windows Repair (All In One)
« on: January 27, 2012, 07:33:47 pm »
Hi i tried your all in one tool to try to fix this error message that i get when i open peerblock

One or more of the following windows services are not running

Base filtering engine
Ip sec policy agent
Ike and authIp Ipsec keyring modules

Please verify that these windows services have not been disabled, and are running.

I'm running windows 7 and i tried your  program which ran smoothly, freed up about 7gb hard drive space but did nothing for this issue , i had read that your program fixed this for many on the peerblock site. i tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program but i still get the same message :angry:. hoping you might be able to help me with this issue, thanks

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