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Topics - Phototaker

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General Computer Support / More difficulty viewing pages
« on: October 03, 2018, 06:44:51 pm »
I don't know it its another strange that Windows 10 has introduced or not many page are more difficult to see details.  By that I mean that If I go to pages like Explorer  There are no longer vertical column lines displayed.  Even If I go to the top there are no column dividers displayed but you can find them if you go to the trouble of having to slowly drag the cursor across the line until to see an indicator.

I have also encountered several pages where you are expected to enter a password but no location of where to type is displayed, you have to waste time moving cursor to find location.  Turning your settings so that more visibility dosn't help either since this appears to just invert.

Is this a new thing in Windows or have I missed some setting?

General Computer Support / A better cut/paste Utility
« on: August 10, 2018, 10:53:48 pm »
I'm looking for a cut/paste utility that is more sophisticated that the regular one.  If you paste files into another folder you unusually get a warning that a file with the same name is already there or else it adds suffix to file name & calls it 2 etc.

I would like to see that the cut proceeds and pastes if the criteria I nominate is met, like,name,extension,running time etc & I may wish set several of those type options.

This utility may well already exist but I thought I should ask the experts.


General Computer Support / Windows 10 update goes strange
« on: December 30, 2017, 09:41:45 pm »
I did the big Windows 10 update a couple of weeks back after putting it of for as long as I thought I could.

As expected it think turned out strange.  It told be it was downloaded & ready to install.  I thought that I should create a restore point before I did but first I looked at already created restore points & found that it listed only one dated about 2 weeks earlier.  I should have had at least 4 or 5 to choose from going back many months.

I created another one & went ahead with the update.  It appeared to go OK except for the fact I kept finding several programs that I had deleted  from my machine up to 6 months earlier.

Every day I see strange things like tying to open a freeware program that I have used for at least a dozen years and asked to register it.

The first thing that I do everyday is run both Antivirus & Malware programs .The only thing ever found was a couple of PUK's which were quarantined & deleted. ( I can't understand why the Malware programs don't tell you where they came from).

Is anyone else having this  sort of things happen & will running your Tweaks help?

I was wondering if anyone on this forum knows of any tools that allows you to correct some of Windows data that gets stored incorrectly.  As you know if you have a file in Windows Explorer it has several columns displayed usually these are file name & file type etc.  There is often a down arrow that sometimes displays that allows you to choose other column heading that could be pertinent to that particular type of data.  Is there any tool that allows to to overwrite the incorrect data that Windows displays?

Case in point I took lots of pictures on a holiday with various cameras all of which had the time clock set to the same time & date, so that when I finished my holiday I could put all data into one folder & have them sorted in the same time time date no what camera was used. 

As it turned out my Large Camcorder which could take both video & stills, would not connect to my PC in the ordinary way.  But I was eventually able to be data off of camera by plugging a WD passport drive directly into the camcorder. 

Windows in its infinite wisdom decided to ignore all of the time date data on each file & instead used the time date that the camcorder was connected to the PC.  I can actually view within the camcorder the real time & date its calendar when it was recorded.  How do I get to correct the nonsense time date that now appears on the PC.

Thanks in advance

General Computer Support / Windows 10 almost opens then stops.
« on: November 07, 2016, 05:09:45 pm »
I had an unusual thing happen to my PC yesterday.  I 'm using Windows 10 64 bit with all of its updates installed.  I had updated some drivers & all appeared good.  I installed a new version of some software.  Both antivirus & malware scans are done every day & before any new install. Then I logged off.

When the machine started up I got to see the 4 blue panels for Windows, then the screen went blank for a few seconds before seeing my picture that normally displays.  Then the screen just went black.  I have rebooted a few times & still I can't get into Windows proper.

I had been using the latest version of Classic shell & had made a couple of alterations before logging off.  Is this likely to be the cause of my problem?  Since I can't get into the machine at all I can't ever get to run your  Tweaking program.  If I could is it likely to likely to fix my problem?

General Computer Support / Turn off Windows 10 pop up's?
« on: September 10, 2016, 08:58:25 pm »
Is there any way to turn off Windows 10 pop up which says its searching for a solution to a problem?  There is no point in this since it can never find anything, just wastes time.

This is sort of like when I plug a USB in & it says that it has a problem & should be scanned to fixed to fix errors.  If you do the scan it always comes back with no problems.

Thanks in advance

General Computer Support / Compare 2 files that aren't the same?
« on: September 10, 2016, 08:44:33 pm »
I'm looking for a utility that will compare 2 files not to see if they are the same but the opposite. I wish to compare 2 files & then be able to select the files that aren't in both locations. I then want to copy the files that aren't duplicates to another location.  Since I know that your program is great for finding things you might also know how to help sort my problem.

Do you know any program that can do this?

Thanks in advance

General Computer Support / Files not deleting
« on: September 09, 2016, 08:48:26 pm »
I unusually store files that I download until I'm finished with them on the desktop.  But what I find is that I could have maybe 5 thumbnail there that I can select & press delete.  These icons usually disappear but many can still appear.  If I select then again & retry delete It will tell me that they can't be found.  If I reboot the PC they will then disappear.  Is there a fix for this?

Thanks in advance

General Computer Support / Icons/files don't delete properly
« on: August 18, 2016, 11:44:07 pm »
I usually save new files onto the desktop before moving them or deleting them when they are no longer required.

But what I'm finding it that I can right click on say a jpeg image & select delete but the thumbnail still appears on the desktop.  If I click on it again Windows 10 tells me that I can't find the file to delete.  I have all of Microsoft updates  installed on Pro 64 bit version.

If I reboot the machine I will find that the thumbnail are finally gone.  I also have Classic Shell installed.  Could this be an incorrect setting?

Is this something that I can fix?

General Computer Support / Windows 10 can't see drive properly
« on: February 14, 2016, 04:26:16 pm »
I have a Western Digital 2TB USB3 passport Elite portable hard drive that appears to have problems with Windows 10. If I plug it into a USB port while viewing Explorer (This PC) I hear the sound & several seconds later the drive letter pops up & on left hand side of screen where it calls it Local Drive (H) but neither the Total Size of Free Space have anything displayed at all. If I click on the drive to open it, Windows stops responding & just hangs until I unplug drive.

Under Device manager the Drive is call WD My Passport 0830USB. If I click on the drive the window it says that the drive is working properly. I have scanned for a better driver but it says I already have it. If I scan for hardware changes nothing happens that I can see. I can click each tab under properties but I can't see any clue as to what the problem is.  When I tried to tun off PC nothing happens until I unplug USB.

Where do I look next? I have never had so many of these type problem until I upgraded to Windows 10?

General Computer Support / Wrong dates in Explorer (MY PC)
« on: February 09, 2016, 06:07:41 pm »
I got a new phone so I connected the old one to see if there were any old files worth keeping.  I found a series of audio files that were made a few years back.  Once copied to my PC I found that Explorer (My PC) displayed 'date created' as today & the actual date is displayed as 'date modified'. This is crazy as it's a reversal of reality.  Is this just another Windows 10 bug & is there a way to prevent this happening in the future?  I have had the same nonsense e in the past with pictures.

I don't know if there has been changes to the way Explorer,(This PC), displays data but I'm noticing that the vertical dividers that I used to see are no gone as are the drop down tabs.  I'm talking about the dividers that separate in view mode, file name,file size, date created etc.  You just have to slowly waste time moving the mouse back & forth trying to find out where they are. 

Is there a way to make these lines & drop down tabs appear again?

It would also be nice if "Windows 10' could could remember the view I have set repeatedly for folders.

General Computer Support / PC wont open now with Windows 10
« on: January 08, 2016, 09:11:39 pm »
My PC had had done some sort of update & when it rebooted I had message in middle of screen that the RPC server was down and in botton right it said I had no Internet connection.   I am typing this on a tablet since my modom is woking.

The screen displayed my photo and name and asked for a password.  What sort of password I do not know so I tried the one for ISP & Google etc but none worked.  If I do nothing at all machine eventually reboots and I go around in that circle again.

I cant get into safe mode so I cant do a system restore.  Under the password box it suggests resettin using a USB stick but when I try it says that this isnt suitable.

How do I get into PC?

General Computer Support / Update to Windows 10 nightmare
« on: November 13, 2015, 08:46:54 pm »
I downloaded the update to Windows 10 a couple of months back but didn't try installing it because my PC had a couple of problems that weren't getting resolved & because I wanted to get every thing cleaned up first.  The issues were USB connections weren't working,audio was having problem & some programs would not install.

Since the programs weren't resolved I tried Tweaking program but this hadn't helped.

I was on verge of trying the update for Windows which I had sitting on the PC but not installed when I heard that I could do a 'clean install' if I download an iso file & put it on a DVD.  I selected my version,Pro,64 bit,burnt it & verified it but it would not install because it said that it was the wrong version for my machine.  I felt that I hadn't made a mistake when selecting which file to download. I now have a second DVD with it on.  I used Explorer to look at files on disk.  Both have the exact same number of files & folders but slightly different file size totals.

I friend was here at this time & he suggested that I just install what I had already had downloaded. We tried this & it appeared to be going OK then said that I had a problem & needed to install another update,which would be in addition to the 13 that had been automatically updated earlier in the same day. 

It then appeared that the big update was being installed, it rebooted & I still had Windows 7 64 bit, along with a message that a paging file could not be found.  This might be because I think it was on another drive which I had disconnected because I wanted to ensure that Windows would only be on my SSD 'C' drive.

Then up pops the Windows 10 update flag on the taskbar suggesting that I DOWNLOAD & INSTALL the update, which I had already had twice along with 2 files as ISO file.

 I  now have 2 ISO files on DVD's along with 2 copies of the update file.These things seem to be just going around in circles.
Does anyone have any suggestions?  Is there anyway to get the Windows update notice on taskbar to see the downloaded file or even better to get it to do a 'clean install' from the DVD I now have?  Is it time to take PC to the shop?

Thanks in advance

General Computer Support / Repair hangs
« on: October 31, 2015, 05:28:12 pm »
I had been having several problem with Windows so I downloaded version to try to see if it might fix problem with my USB3 connections, sound problem (only on one program) &

A couple of months ago on the day I went to hospital I got the Windows 10 file downloaded but have be loath to try installing it until my problems had been cleared up.  The intention was to get the PC cleared of clutter & working well then install the New Windows & clone the system both before & after the update.  I had held back until the dust settled with this program because unless I'm very wrong it will actually just install over what you had before with what you have warts and all & can't actually fix anything. Is this assumption correct?

So I started the latest version of Tweaking thinking that it would take about the same amount of time it usually does.  I had forgotten that we had to go out had to go out I left the PC running.  I realized this morning that I had forgotten to check on the results.  I found that the PC was still stuck on 10 of 45 & had been running for about 15 hours.

I used snipping tool to capture screen then used CTRL,ALT,Del to try to stop program hanging & after a few presses the program moved on to finish its job & then rebooted.

The fixes that I hoped might happen didn't.  Should I try reverting back using the restore point?  Should I just let Windows 10 be installed?  Any other ideas?

Thanks in advance

Everytime I try to load the link to Logitech's Myharmony, so that I can update my remote control I get this strange error message.  Not only do I not understand what it means I can't see any reference on the Logitech site/forums.

Any ideas as to what is the problem?

Value does not fall within the expected range.
   at System.Deployment.Internal.Isolation.IEnumSTORE_ASSEMBLY.Next(UInt32 celt, STORE_ASSEMBLY[] rgelt)
   at System.Deployment.Internal.Isolation.StoreAssemblyEnumeration.MoveNext()
   at System.Deployment.Application.ComponentStore.CollectCrossGroupApplications(Uri codebaseUri, DefinitionIdentity deploymentIdentity, Boolean& identityGroupFound, Boolean& locationGroupFound, String& identityGroupProductName)
   at System.Deployment.Application.SubscriptionStore.CommitApplication(SubscriptionState& subState, CommitApplicationParams commitParams)
   at System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentManager.SynchronizeCore(Boolean blocking)
   at System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentManager.SynchronizeAsyncWorker()

General Computer Support / Stuck in Safe Mode
« on: October 07, 2015, 10:03:19 pm »
I downloaded the latest version of this program to run on my other PC.  It said that for best results run in 'safe mode'.  I tried reopening the program to continue but everything continues to be in 'Safe mode'. 

I have restarted the PC a couple of time since but its always in safe mode.  Is there a fix for this or do I try & see if I have a system restore available?

Thanks in advance

General Computer Support / I can't see any vertical dividers on screen
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:55:37 am »
I appear to have an unusual problem.  When I go to 'Windows Explorer' & try to see details most of the usual columns aren't there, or are there in a very truncated form. This is because the usual vertical dividers are missing.  I might  be looking for a file & all I see is part of a file name & perhaps 1 or 2 letters say for file size when I'm looking at video files that might require 6 columns to show the correct file size.  You know approximately where the divider should display & it's often very difficult to find where to click & drag, since there are no markers at all to go by so you have to move the cursor very slowly.

I have even gone to some sites that require me to enter both ID name & password & but you can't see exactly where these fields are located on the page.  On some sites the entry place was located on a white ares of the screen so I thought that I might not be able to see where to enter data because by monitors brightness was too high but this was not the case.

Any ideas as to where to look to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance

General Computer Support / Can this program help wih this problem?
« on: October 17, 2014, 12:54:38 am »
I only just heard about your program thr other day & it was able to fix my missing CD & Blu-ray burners.

I have a PC problem that no one knows how to fix.  I'm running Windows 7 pro 64 bit & it keeps losing focus.  By that I mean I can have several windows open at a time & they can be seen on the task bar.  If I then wanted to copy something onto say Notepad I click on its icon.  Notepad flashes open for about a fraction of a second & then disappears.  Apparently many people have the same problem as seen on the web.

Some solutions seem to involve changing things in regedit, others suggest that its caused my the way the mouse behaves.  It seems in older versions of Windows there were tweeks that you could apply that could change things like this but these are no longer available.

It's never possible to do a cut/copy & paste unless you make every window very small.  I have had 3 different experts already have a go about fixing this.   Do you have any solution?

Thanks in advance

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