General Computer Support / More difficulty viewing pages
« on: October 03, 2018, 06:44:51 pm »
I don't know it its another strange that Windows 10 has introduced or not many page are more difficult to see details. By that I mean that If I go to pages like Explorer There are no longer vertical column lines displayed. Even If I go to the top there are no column dividers displayed but you can find them if you go to the trouble of having to slowly drag the cursor across the line until to see an indicator.
I have also encountered several pages where you are expected to enter a password but no location of where to type is displayed, you have to waste time moving cursor to find location. Turning your settings so that more visibility dosn't help either since this appears to just invert.
Is this a new thing in Windows or have I missed some setting?
I have also encountered several pages where you are expected to enter a password but no location of where to type is displayed, you have to waste time moving cursor to find location. Turning your settings so that more visibility dosn't help either since this appears to just invert.
Is this a new thing in Windows or have I missed some setting?