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Topics - The old timer

Pages: [1]
General Computer Support / PC still loosed focus
« on: January 12, 2015, 01:08:15 am »
I have just rerun the the all in one tweaking tool to see it anything thing had changed with regards 'my PC loosing focus'. The problem was that if I had a few windows open & I opened the Notepad it would flash for half a second before just becoming an icon on the task bar  It's been almost impossible to get it to stay open even when I clicked on the icon now on Task bar to do things like copy & paste.

Someone suggested that I should try an alternative to Notepad so I selected Notepad ++.  Sad to say this both programs perform in the same way & that nothing has improved.  I see from the net that many other have yet to discover why this occurs.

Any more ideas?

Thanks in advance

General Computer Support / Delete 68 GB file
« on: January 09, 2015, 12:49:31 am »
I was trying out the program called 'Everything' which literally indexes everything you give it access to on your PC.  I sorted the complete list by size & I find a backup file listed on my 'e' drive called backupofxp.bkf  & is a whopping 68GB.  I says it was created March 2014.  But if I go to that drive I can't find it. 

The only things that is remotely similar on that drive is a file called 'backp.tly dated aug 2014 & this is much smaller.  The first file appears that it might be some sort of backup for Windows XP  but why it should be on this drive at all I can't imagine since I have had Windows 7 Pro for years.  I have deleted file from Everything before.  Should I delete this one.?

Thanks in advance

General Computer Support / Move or delete paging file
« on: December 11, 2014, 10:04:14 pm »
My question is about the paging file. My 'c' drive is an SSD. I see that the this.  I had been trying to keep this this just for programs & have music,piscture videos etc on other drives.  I notice that the paging file is on 'C' drive & now over 12 GB.  Should I move,delete it?  I do a lot of Video work using Sony Vegas pro.  My system is a i7 920 with 12 GB ram.

Thanks in advance 

General Computer Support / Permissions for everyprogram?
« on: December 11, 2014, 08:50:47 pm »
When I run your tweaking all in one program,some of the elements looked at are permissions.  I am the the only person who ever uses this PC.  Is there any way to change permissions for every program & run everything as if I was administrator?

Thanks in advance

General Computer Support / How long do you let it run?
« on: November 06, 2014, 05:38:36 am »
I have an old pc that has Windows 8 on it. The machine has never been really quick. Since it was having a couple of problems I decide to try running the all in 1 suite on it.

It's now been going for about 3 hours & is still on step 1 which I have been told is the slowest. I still seems to be processing & already lists a few things that it wants to change or already changed. I dont if it makes change as it goes or not.

How long can it take & do I just let it run?

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