Good for you.
...especially for my workplace "envirotech": for myself I wouldn't be so eager to use that tool too often, the lesser, the better

I've decided to buy a license for the sole reason that it's the only "reputable" repair-tweaking software that was able to fix my Defender Firewall, which would not start whatever I could do! After trying to repair it manually, unsuccessfully following all that's published on the Web in this regard (registry tweaks etc. etc.), no other tool could do the job, not even those bragging about being able to repair a faulty Defender Firewall. I was very surprised (and happy) that your tool was successful. So I then tried different others tweaks and found it to be a nice tool to have. More over, as opposed to most other tweaking tools out there, a complete automatic "tweaking session" with all check marks -
which is not advised - did not throw my PC in a ditch: everything still worked as it didn't break the system. Manual repairs were then necessary, especially for deleting/repairing some links related to junctions as per reports (there seems to be a problem with windows junctions and user/system folders that aren't configured to be at their default locations), along uselessly tightened file security on my user data drive, but overall it did well; as specified by, it's better to use the tool for targeted repairs, but I wanted to see how it behaved as a whole for coherence. Hence, I've decided to buy a license, good job guys. And thanks again for the head up.