Tweaking.com Support & Help / Re: Services reset to default in newest version of Windows Repair All In One
« on: December 13, 2011, 02:57:02 pm »
The same problem is with WwanSvc -> after running Windows Repair All in One I lost my Mobile Broadband internet connection. Run diagnostic tests and learned WwanSvc didn`t start with Windows (was set to manual). Problem was solved when this setting was changed to auto. 
BTW Thanks Shane for your very helpful program !
With it I resolved my big problem with external disks. They couldn`t be seen in Windows Explorer (system refused to assign drive letters). Little program "Auto Assign Drive Letters" repaired it in 2 minutes only !!

BTW Thanks Shane for your very helpful program !
With it I resolved my big problem with external disks. They couldn`t be seen in Windows Explorer (system refused to assign drive letters). Little program "Auto Assign Drive Letters" repaired it in 2 minutes only !!