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Topics - dpctutor

Pages: [1]
General Computer Support / Windows Update still not fixed
« on: March 02, 2014, 06:53:07 am »
I ran the   Windows Repair v2.4.2 on Saturday 3/1/2014 in an attempt to fix the Windows Update failure to update since November 2013.  There were several problems that were fixed but Windows Update was not.  This is on a custom machine with Windows Vista Ultimate at SP2.  This is a 32bit machine.

I downloaded and ran the Hotfix KB947821 successfully, then the Windows Update  again, which failed. I get error code 80073712.
 I ran the Tweaking windows Repair - option 16 again today, 3/2, with the same results.

fyi I had previously tried the Microsoft Fixit, too, which didn't help.   I found the Windows Update Agent should be 7.6.7600.256 but this has failed since 11/18/2013.  The windows\system32\wuaueng.dll I found on this machine shows 7.4.7600.226 dated 10/27/2009.

I'm gonna need a bigger boat... for this monster problem.  Can you help?

diane - Personal Computer Tutor

Feedback & Suggestions / thanks for Tweakingmy Windows Vista
« on: March 02, 2014, 05:58:17 am »
 :cheesy:  I ran the Tweaker and it fixed the discovery and firewall problems I had.  I still have an issue with windows update but I'll post that elsewhere.  I really am grateful for the fixes the Tweaker made.

Diane, Personal Computer Tutor

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