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Messages - em17976

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26 Support & Help / user pinned folder in quick launch tray
« on: December 25, 2015, 08:49:32 am »
Hi Shane,
Merry Christmas to you. I just did on Windows 7/64 a tweaking 3.7.3 repair. Using repairs #8 through 20 I got user pinned folder where I never had before in the quick launch tray. I deleted it but it created problems for me. I am assuming that it corrected something that I maybe had tweaked out sometime before.  So how can I leave my icons the way they are and get rid of the folder visibly. Which one of the repairs put it there?
By the way I use 7 in the old time classic mode.

I see it in APP DATA and in the registry but I don't want to create other problems without your direction.


27 Support & Help / Re: MDAC Hang Up - v3.7.2 - Win8.1
« on: December 24, 2015, 05:12:17 am »
Solved, I hope.

Ran adwcleaner from bleeping computer and it took longer than normal.  It found a pushsource.dll and three other cryptic files trhat I deleted and then it permitted #8 repair to go to completion.

Thank the Lord that we have people(Shane) who attempt to fight the continuous hacks, viruses and all.

I'll assume there is a log of adwcleaner and what it did but I didn't copy it. However if it will help Shane to develop this program better I will search for it and post it.

Again Merry Christmas to all who participate on this forum.

28 Support & Help / Re: MDAC Hang Up - v3.7.2 - Win8.1
« on: December 23, 2015, 05:26:26 pm »
Did it but I was not successful as it still just spun its wheels.

It said some files were being used already.

29 Support & Help / Re: MDAC Hang Up - v3.7.2 - Win8.1
« on: December 23, 2015, 02:24:19 pm »
Shane, same thing except Windows 7 and version 3.7.3.

This is the same as I reported on I think 8/16/15 for repair number 8. There is nothing in the log file 0 K is the file size. When I cancel the operation a bunch of lines roll down saying can not access something. And on another computer it rolls through #8 in about 2 minutes.

I just saw some of the information, file(s) in use by other operation, I think.

Also Merry Christmas to your family and all members of this forum.  And a Healthy New Years also.

30 Support & Help / Re: Repair AIO 3.20
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:22:29 am »
Will do.

Thanks for the input.


31 Support & Help / Re: Repair AIO 3.20
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:15:56 am »
I have the UAC off. I always have it off.


32 Support & Help / Re: Repair AIO 3.20
« on: May 26, 2015, 09:48:14 am »
I fixed it but I didn't change the properties advanced to uncheck run as admin.

But I have it back and running. Not sure if AIO did the dirty but I think it did.


33 Support & Help / Repair AIO 3.20
« on: May 26, 2015, 06:30:25 am »
I am using windows 7 and recently updated to 3.20 AIO (not pro). I left it do its thing yesterday without any hiccups I believe BUT when I went to use Snipping tool which is pinned to my start menu it would not run, today.
I then went to AIO again and just selected repair snipping tool and it did what it had to but still did not work. That was 7 minutes ago.

I then did a google search for repair of snipping tool and it took me to so I guess you are the expert.

I got it to work again but what I did was right click snipping tool and said run as administrator.  So it works.

I did test #2 and failed again but did the right click run as admin and it works.  So the question is did you forget to do a default run as admin in your coding or how can I get the run as admin to stay as a long term default.


34 Support & Help / Re: Envelope Printer bug
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:56:51 pm »
Presently I manually input the zipcode into the extra text line and I use a zipcode font.

If you were to make it an option with a check box it would have to (for the USA) be sure that the alpha 2 UPPER CASE  letter for the states would be in one of the last 2 lines of the send to address.  It would have to recognize that there is a space or comma before and after the PA. If there is no AK or MN or CA or any of the 50 states then no zipcode since it is not US. It would not generate a barcode if it does not recognize at least 5 consecutive numerical digits in the same line that has the state NJ code. If it has five followed by a hyphen- then continue with the next four. I read that a commercial mailing program now put another 2 or 3 digits to further refine the mailing for apartment houses I believe but that is overkill.
The customary format of the send to is
Mr. John Doe
Title of department  Bank Manager

1234 Street  and/or
P.O. Box 1234
Albany, NY 12345-1234

Does Canada have zipcodes with barcodes???

I hope I haven't confused you too much.




35 Support & Help / Re: Envelope Printer bug
« on: November 13, 2014, 03:27:55 pm »
Shane right now this is great with 1.7 beta.
Postnet would be nice and that is what I put on my mailings but it is only the zipbar code for the zip and +4 if it is available.
I looks much more professional with the zipbar code. I wasn't aware that it is necessary for mass mailers BUT if you get it done there will be nothing, I believe , that can be added.

I am very impressed.



36 Support & Help / Re: Envelope Printer bug
« on: November 12, 2014, 02:01:53 am »
Hi  Shane,

I took the liberty to download your pre 1.7 version of envelope printer.

I didn't think you could improve it but you did. I will be looking forward for version 1.8 when it will be final and has postnet or whatever it may be called as an integral part.

As far as I can see you can release envelope printer 1.7.

Thanks for listening to us all,



General Computer Support / Just a thought
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:05:49 pm »
If I have a computer that does not boot and has BSOD and restore will not work could your AIO repair tool be made bootable on a flash drive and do its wonders on a bad system files or whatever?



General Computer Support / How do I find where a folder originates from
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:46:32 am »
Hi Shane,
The folder is in the subdirectory under Program files (x86) and I believe it has a virus. Numerous virus checks with no success.  The folder is TChromium and I tried to remove it in safe mode and tried to rename it to something else and it comes right back.  A file in it triggers a com surrogate error.  I tried googling it and I came up empty. It has been with me for two months and I am tired of the error.





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