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Messages - The old timer

Pages: 1 [2]
General Computer Support / Re: How long do you let it run?
« on: November 07, 2014, 05:57:07 pm »
Sorry for not getting back sooner.  I wanted to send you a screen show as you suggested.  I aligned the window with the task manager window which showed that the  cmd.exe window was running.  I had intended to use the snipping tool to take the picture but found the it appeared to be missing.  The old screen print using print didn't appear.  I don't know if its even supposed to be in Windows anymore.

So I aborted the program & restarted the PC & wold it to rerun all modules.  Its still running but is almost finished.  I can set one thing that its currently repairing & that is the snipping tool.  I will let it finished ,then reboot & see if there are any changes.   I have to go out now so it might be a while.

General Computer Support / Re: How long do you let it run?
« on: November 06, 2014, 06:05:45 pm »
It's still running having gone overnight.  Do I just abort the process?  If I do will any of the changes detected take effect?

When Windows 8 was installed I recall that within the first few days lots of update occurred.  I still get some & they work.  The update to 8.1 doesn't.

General Computer Support / How long do you let it run?
« on: November 06, 2014, 05:38:36 am »
I have an old pc that has Windows 8 on it. The machine has never been really quick. Since it was having a couple of problems I decide to try running the all in 1 suite on it.

It's now been going for about 3 hours & is still on step 1 which I have been told is the slowest. I still seems to be processing & already lists a few things that it wants to change or already changed. I dont if it makes change as it goes or not.

How long can it take & do I just let it run?

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