If you don't have a Win 7 SP1 x64 bit Pro install disk, you can create a bootable disk by downloading the ISO from -
https://www.techworm.net/2022/01/download-windows-7-iso-ultimate-professional-edition.htmlAnd use Imgburn to create the bootable disk. -
https://www.techspot.com/downloads/3285-imgburn.htmlTap F12 as you switch on, insert the disk and use the cursor keys to select the disk drive and press enter.
Follow the prompts to select Repair your computer on the Install screen and select Command Prompt.
At the prompt enter bcdedit |find "osdevice"
For clarity that is a Pipe symbol before find and is the uppercase of \
Use your partition letter instead of the X I have exampled and enter this cmd -
sfc /scannow /offbootdir=X:\ /offwindir=X:\Windows
Enter exit to close the cmd window, remove the disk and reboot then run SURT again to see what it reports.