When i try to copy the contents of the dvd file, i come across crc, circular redundancy check error 23, saying cannot read from source file or disk. I thought it would be a problematic disc and replaces with another media disc. CrC error repeated. I then tried copy thro command prompt robocopy. But it also list the same error listing that and trying to copy the same file again and again.
I know the nero disc speed and other utitlities that do the surface scan on the disk. Is there any program , that would check the disk drive, i mean here dvd drive. If so, i could check whether my dvd drive is working full functional.
Numorous software for retrieving the data from disc. But is there any program that would scan the drive for errors of the dvd drive without the disc being inserted.
i could not do chkdsk for this volume thro command prompt.