oh that rings a bell. this happened a year ago, so i don't remember the details in exact

here's what happened : system crashed, could not boot . so I took it to my brother ( I wasn't so knowledgeable back then) and he formatted the c drive and installed windows for me. but what i noticed a few days later was that, one logical drive wasn't showing ( a 100GB drive with only a pictures folders- important) . it was like it vanished into thin air.
I took it back to him, he used a number of tools to recover that drive and couldn't. So i was told that ''since there is no important user folders on your system, I will reformat the whole thing ( i mean into a single drive of 500GB) and then partition it. It was then that new drives were created. After that they have stayed like that.
It's only been a few weeks since i decided that i should take care of my own system (not depend on others) that i have been finding these discrepancies. I am debugging them one by one and it's actually much easier to maintain my system myself .
So, back to the main topic, i think while recovering the lost drive, maybe some file systems may have been messed up. It could be one of the possibilities. I'm not definitely saying that that is the only cause.
But in order to rule out this possibility I will have to reformat the whole thing again after backing up some 100GB of data to an external drive, which I don't have.
Any suggestions? Oh by the way, I ran a hard drive test from dell and it failed the SMART test. I suppose it's a physical damage, but i don't recall my laptop having been dropped or anything close to that. If there really was a physical damage, I don't think my laptop would function the same it is doing. Ever since i started maintaining my system since few weeks ago, it's been a smooth sale and no performance issues in spite of all the errors.