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Notepad appear on screen every time

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Just want you to know that is not a big problem but annoying to see the Notepad pop up every time when the computer start up. That was happened after I click to tweak " Simple Performance Boost " Is there a way to stop Notepad appear after the computer start up?? Let me know about this. Want you to know that I find a big difference with your program to boost the performance of my computer.

Thank you,


Notepad? Thats odd, the program doesn't touch notepad.

I have a feeling it is something simple :-)

First go to the start button, all programs and then the startup folder. What do you have in there?


OK here is the information that might help you to solve with the pop up Notepad on the screen after the computer startup.

On top of the line is PC SpeedUp -- Notepad on the left corner.

also few words in Notepad as well too.

Hope that will help you so you will know how to stop the Notepad pop up after the computer boot up.

Thank you,


Looks like the file was made by

By why it got put in your startup I dont know.

All you need to do is remove it from startup. :wink:

You also never answered my question

"First go to the start button, all programs and then the startup folder. What do you have in there? (The startup folder)"


I am sorry that I did not reply to your question. Anyway I did look up at your suggestion and it's not there. I am not sure where PC Speed Up come from but believe that is a part of Lenovo ThinkVantage. I did sent an e-mail to PC Speed Up and ask them about this and am waiting to hear from them now. When I get the reply and will post it here.

Thank you,



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