Author Topic: firefox won't secure encryption on newegg check out then to paypal  (Read 19520 times)

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Offline scarsxp

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I always had this problem with firefox, that some stores encrypt and some don't. My firefox version is 27.0.
Now it's a problem with From what I understand it's suppose to show encryption padlock when I go to check out. But it doesn't work. Then when I go to checkout using paypal. Paypal isn't encrypted. Never had this problem with ebay.

Only link that works for me on newegg that encrypts is this:

Nothing else works on newegg. With In fact when I go to that link above. And then go to check out. It doesn't encrypt.

I get "The website does not support encryption for the page you are viewing"

Maybe that's not a big deal, but then when I checkout with paypal. It says this:

"Parts of the page you are viewing were not encrypted before being transmitted over the internet. Information sent over the internet without encryption can be seen by other people while in transit."
Connection Partially Encrypted

I tried contacting newegg. The only support I really got is, it's good on there end. Try clearing out cookies and disabling firewall. Tried both. Still doesn't work. Then the person suggested if that doesn't work use different computer or different browser <--- I consider that a lazy response to not fixing the real problem.

I tried disabling adblock plus, my firewall, and I deleted all the individual cookies all from newegg.

This is a persistent problem I had with firefox even with the older version. I just don't know what the deal is. Some stores will never let me encrypt. Then I have to get opera or another browser to do it. I use firefox for everything and trust it a lot more.

I think paypal will encrypt after I login. But that's besides the point. It should already show encryption at the login screen just like through ebay or any other store I use. I mean does firefox work for encryption with newegg for anyone else?

I think it really is on my end. But I don't know how to solve it. Any ideas? Or suggestions?

Update: I go to login page on and that it's partially encrypted:
Then I reload the page, then it states it's encrypted again. Click on Cart, then it goes unencrypted. Then go back to login page. goes to unencrypted. reload that page. And it's encrypted again. It's on and off. But for checkout it's never encrypted.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 11:33:57 pm by scarsxp »

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Re: firefox won't secure encryption on newegg check out then to paypal
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 03:05:48 pm »
Have you tried testing it in a new profile in firefox? Also tried disabling any and all the add ons and extensions?

I have seen where the about:config in firefox gets changed somehow and things get screwed up. I use firefox (v31 currently) and newegg all the time nad I dont have that problem, so makes me think it might be a setting in the about:config

So a new user profile should let you have a fres clean default about:config.

Worth a shot :-)


Offline scarsxp

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Re: firefox won't secure encryption on newegg check out then to paypal
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 06:23:57 pm »
Have you tried testing it in a new profile in firefox? Also tried disabling any and all the add ons and extensions?

I have seen where the about:config in firefox gets changed somehow and things get screwed up. I use firefox (v31 currently) and newegg all the time nad I dont have that problem, so makes me think it might be a setting in the about:config

So a new user profile should let you have a fres clean default about:config.

Worth a shot :-)


Well, I went to my friend's house and the same thing happened. Did you do the same thing to reproduce the problem? You don't want to be logged in. This is how I got the problem:
1. go to
2. add item to cart (any item)
3. go to your cart (at this point I thought the website was suppose to be encrypted but it's not) (only checkout?)
4. Click checkout with paypal
5. Goes to paypal login page. Paypal appears without secure padlock stating it's not secure but partially encrypted

« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 07:02:56 pm by scarsxp »

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Re: firefox won't secure encryption on newegg check out then to paypal
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2014, 04:46:11 pm »
Ah, see I am always logged in and always pay with my debit card, dont use paypal on it.

But I do know that the ssl connection that you have with newegg wont be the same ssl connection that is made with paypal since the ssl connection is going to go to a different site, in this case paypal, and use their ssl cert from their server.

So it depends how they connect to paypal and how the new ssl connection will be. You will get the partially encrypted message when anything that loads on the page isnt through https (SSL). I have a feeling the page they are using to have you pay with paypal has something on the page that isnt coming through the https while the rest of the page is.

I have had that partial encrypted message on paypals site before, it all depends on the type of landing page that is being used. Most likely their is a image or javascript that the page is loading that isnt being loaded through ssl and is what is causing it.


Offline scarsxp

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Re: firefox won't secure encryption on newegg check out then to paypal
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2014, 09:06:11 pm »
Ah, see I am always logged in and always pay with my debit card, dont use paypal on it.

But I do know that the ssl connection that you have with newegg wont be the same ssl connection that is made with paypal since the ssl connection is going to go to a different site, in this case paypal, and use their ssl cert from their server.

So it depends how they connect to paypal and how the new ssl connection will be. You will get the partially encrypted message when anything that loads on the page isnt through https (SSL). I have a feeling the page they are using to have you pay with paypal has something on the page that isnt coming through the https while the rest of the page is.

I have had that partial encrypted message on paypals site before, it all depends on the type of landing page that is being used. Most likely their is a image or javascript that the page is loading that isnt being loaded through ssl and is what is causing it.


Ahh, I see. I didn't have a problem with walmart or ebay. On newegg I just used a different browser and that worked. Just recently I tried to use another online store to make a purchase, and on two updated different browsers. It had the same problem. I contacted them, and they said their IT department is working on it.

I'm guessing there is nothing I can do on the user side of things. And it's up to the online store to fix things. Or is there? Am I being over paranoid here? Is it still safe to use with a partially encrypted message from the browsers? It's not something I usually mess around, if it says it's not encrypted or partially, to me that indicates a huge problem.

It's like I suddenly woke up today and the internet says nobody cares. We won't strive to be secure (I mean just the basics). This seems like a serious issue. And they would test these things, and have them fixed. From an IT perspective this is unacceptable in my eyes.  Yeah, I'm just kind of whining.....rant.... :undecided: 

Is it the browser Firefox, is it paypal, or is it because of the website that it redirects to paypal unsecured(from your explanation that seems very plausible) and that's why some redirects to paypal would be secure and some wouldn't.

Would you still make the purchase with a partially encrypted site if it's just to login with your account password and name?

And if ebay and walmart can do it, then more important sites like newegg should do it. And also, yes, on newegg site, apparently the button is linked through a javascript to check out. I did check a few things from firefox's media and general tabs. Everything indicates "https". Probably I'm missing something. I would have to inspect the html coding.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 09:16:50 pm by scarsxp »

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Re: firefox won't secure encryption on newegg check out then to paypal
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2014, 11:02:00 am »
The only point of SSL is to simply encrypt the data going back and fourth, and the question is why do you need that?

You need it in case you have someone on your network that scan scan the packets going across, and packets not in SSL are just plain text. So a person could see the info, such as long in info, bank account, stuff like that.

But thats is IF someone is scanning your network, which most home networks you are not, or if you have an infection on your system meant to try and sniff and get that data. Otherwise when you are using a public internet, say at a coffee shop or airport you would want ssl because you have no clue who else is on the network and scanning it.

Chances are that the pages you get the error on are most likly just images while the important info is on the SSL. But thats what worries people, they dont know which part isnt on the SSL, and so it makes them nervous. So any SSL page should have everything in SSL to avoid this. Lots of these pages are drawn as they load, they load their images, scripts, css and html from a database or from other connections, so it is easy to miss one and have the whole page report as not encrypted.

Firefox is better at reporting if a page is not fully encrypted I think, vs IE at least.

One way you could try to find what is causing the error is to install firebug in firefox. You can then inspect the page really well, including looking up the connections it is making. You can find any that are http:// instead of https:// and if you can find which one is causing it, then maybe you could get them to listen.

On a side note, there are also some very bad add ons that I have seen. From toolbars or add ons from crap program that install add ons in firefox, ie and chrome that pretty much hijack your browser, cause pop ups AND inject code into the pages that are loading to show their own ads to make money. This of course would also cause that error. So keep that in mind as well.


Offline scarsxp

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Re: firefox won't secure encryption on newegg check out then to paypal
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2014, 04:35:53 pm »
Wow, thank you for the incredible insight. It probably would have been safe anyways. But I fixed the problem. Not on newegg. I'll check that out later. But another online store I was dealing with.

I inspected the element with a different web browser and Opera revealed what image that was insecure from http that should be https. Apparently it was there logo.

So I used firefox and told it to block all images from the website. And what do you know, now it says the paypal is secure at login. So now I know that everything is encrypted.

About the addons to firefox, I get paranoid as well about them. I just try to get them from mozilla firefox's website, because they do integrity checks before they release it on their website. And I don't think I can scan an addon with my own anti virus.

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Re: firefox won't secure encryption on newegg check out then to paypal
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2014, 06:59:17 pm »
So I used firefox and told it to block all images from the website. And what do you know, now it says the paypal is secure at login. So now I know that everything is encrypted.

Ah, good it is what I thought it was :-)

Glad I could be of some help. need anything else you know where to ask :wink:


Offline scarsxp

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Re: firefox won't secure encryption on newegg check out then to paypal
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2014, 09:23:40 pm »
So I used firefox and told it to block all images from the website. And what do you know, now it says the paypal is secure at login. So now I know that everything is encrypted.

Ah, good it is what I thought it was :-)

Glad I could be of some help. need anything else you know where to ask :wink:


lol, yes, you are the first guy I think of when I need to ask for help. If I can't solve the problem myself, usually.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 01:51:55 am by scarsxp »