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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #50 on: April 22, 2015, 07:13:42 am »
Using F: as in tutorial only applied to the author.

The tutorial said to check the location of the OS when it identified it.

Do it again but first enter bcdedit |find "osdevice" and use whichever partition letter that gives.

For info - that's a Pipe symbol before find and is the upper case of the backward slash.

That from your last post should confirm D which isn't necessarily what you would normally see in Windows Explorer as that tends to show Windows C:

The tutorial also said to run the offboot sfc /scannow a few times if at first it didn't come up clean, but rebooting after each.

You can also run a chkdsk from the same command prompt using the partition letter with the command chkdsk x: /r where x is the partition letter.

The offboot sfc checks for corruption against the files in the install disk as the store on the computer can be corrupt so that when the sfc /scannow is run from within Windows it is unable to replace them.

Having run either, check to see if Event Viewer has anything new to report.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 07:21:38 am by Boggin »

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #51 on: April 22, 2015, 07:55:11 am »
Yeah cheers, I read further down the instructions page after I posted and already re-ran the SFC again!  :tongue:

I ran DISKPART which gave F: as the DVD ROM, C: as RECOVERY, D: as OS and E: as Data Drive (which I partitioned off from my OS which is normally C: in Windows but D: offline).

I tried it using C: \ as the OFFBOOTDIR and D:\windows as the OFFWINDIR - it was still running when I left it earlier, along with a CHKDSK /R on my E:\ drive just to be sure. I'll do the same on the D: (OS) drive when I get back and the SFC's finished, then I'll reboot and recheck the SFC offline again - do those SFC drive letters look right to you now?

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #52 on: April 22, 2015, 09:12:21 am »
When you open Windows Explorer what does Windows have after it - C: is the normal partition for the OS and D is usually the recovery drive.

Go Start - type diskmgmt.msc and press enter - this will show which is which, but you use the same partition letter that the bcdedit |find "osdevice" gives for both sides of the sfc command.

It lists mine as C so I enter sfc /scannow /offbootdir=C:\ /offwindir=C:\Windows.

If the bcdedit command gives yours as D then you should enter D: where mine is C:

This is my Disk Management on my older laptop and F: would be listed if I had my external HDD plugged in -

« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 09:14:02 am by Boggin »

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #53 on: April 22, 2015, 11:11:17 am »
In Windows (Explorer) C:\ is the 'normal' (OS) drive with Windows and Users etc on, D: is the CD drive, and the small Recovery partition (only 14Gb) isn't visible, even with the show hidden/system option turned on. It shows up in diskmgmt.msc but doesn't have a letter assigned. My extra partition for Data Drive is E: (same as offline).

As mentioned earlier, when I'm offline the OS becomes D:, the RECOVERY becomes C:, the CD/DVD becomes F:, and E: remains the same.

My question is - if the offline scan is referencing files from the DVD then won't one of the switches need to include F:? Otherwise it's just referencing the system files from either the OS (D:) or the Recovery partition (C:) - when I tried using F: for both it gave the "Windows Resource Protection couldn't start the service" error! Same when I used C: (Recovery) for both - the only one that would run with both letters the same was D: (OS)  :confused: The last one I left running used both C: (boot) and D: (win), but again I would expect one of these to be F: to reference the DVD repair files - once again I'm confused!  :thinking: The result of that scan was the same as before BTW - unable to fix some of the corrupt files. 

Oh, and the bcdedit command did nothing, just went back to the command prompt! The diskpart works fine though and gave the info above, hope all this helps...

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #54 on: April 22, 2015, 03:14:45 pm »
When you enter the bcdedit command it should return with the partition letter on the next line then give you the next prompt to enter the next command - did you enter it correctly ?

If the files that it cannot repair are related to SP1 and your SP1 back up files have been removed which it could need to effect the repair, could be the reason for its failure and hopefully Shane can come up with an answer for that.

Fortunately now, you will be able to effect a repair install should push come to shove.

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #55 on: April 22, 2015, 04:13:55 pm »
Hmm, strange - I just ran the bcdedit command again exactly the same as before and this time it worked and returned the OS as D:\, which confirms what diskpart has already told us. Not sure what happened there - it didn't give an error or anything, just went back to the blank command prompt, odd....  :confused: anyway it's worked now.

Okay well I'm happy to wait and see if Shane comes back with anything, or to go ahead with the repair install if he has nothing with his registry and file tweaks - at least I have a working machine which does most of the things it should, so I'll live with that and see what Shane has to say next.

Thanks again for your input and generous sending of disks - much appreciated, and I have a feeling I may be needing them soon!  :thinking: but even if not I'm sure they'll be handy to have at some point.

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #56 on: April 22, 2015, 04:42:37 pm »
Yes, it's always handy to have an install disk.

Did that sfc /scannow complete with the different partition letters ?

It beats me where Shane finds all of the time to do the in depth digging around in the system files, but I guess as he's already dug a big hole into them to produce WR, he only has to open a few new seams.

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #57 on: April 23, 2015, 06:15:47 am »
Yes, I've run it several times now using C:, D: and F: as the offbootdir but always D:\windows as the offwindir - every time it says it says it found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them, so I'm not sure if it's had any effect or not as the message is always the same, however something may have been fixed in the background - is there a way to check, CBS.log or whatever?

Whatever the outcome the WU still isn't working, same old message as ever, so maybe Shane can open one of his seams and discover something that will finally fix this, else the install disks will be put to good use!  :smiley:

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #58 on: April 23, 2015, 04:06:05 pm »
I say do the repair install, it should get you back up and going and still have all your files and programs. :wink:


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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #59 on: April 24, 2015, 05:31:31 am »
Hmm, ooookay, if that's what you recommend I'll give it a shot  :rolleyes:

Any idea how long it takes, and whether there's anything I need to be aware of before I go ahead? I'm guessing maybe a full backup's advisable, just in case? If not then so much the better - I'm not the only one with data on the machine and for us both to do the huge, long overdue backups necessary will take a while, but if needs be...

I was also thinking of doing another Windows All in One Repair in safe mode before the repair install - would this be worth a try and if so which options should I select? I normally do several, but maybe I'm missing some...

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #60 on: April 24, 2015, 09:13:15 am »
Yes, it's always best to create a full external system image as well as backing up personal stuff separately.

Remember to back up your drivers as well from Windows\System32.

I think the repair install takes a couple of hours but Windows and MS updates from scratch can take substantially longer.

They took about 9hrs with my ~6.5meg sync speed following a factory reset.

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #61 on: April 24, 2015, 12:55:21 pm »
Here is how to do it, shouldnt take to long, it is basically doing an upgrade to the same version

Of course after words you will have a ton of windows updates to do lol


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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #62 on: April 25, 2015, 08:29:59 am »
Oh yeah, thanks Shane - a ton of updates - can't bloody wait to install all those again!  :sad: that's where my problems all started in the first place I believe..  :cry: :angry:

Anyway, did the backups, kicked the repair install off and got the compatibility issues as follows:

  The following issues are preventing Windows from upgrading. Cancel the upgrade, complete each task, and then restart the upgrade to continue. 

For these items, make the following changes:
Uninstall these programs. Open Control Panel and search for "uninstall a program".
Dell Webcam Central
  Upgrading Windows will affect the following devices and/or programs: 

These devices might not work properly after the upgrade. Before upgrading, we recommend updating the drivers for these devices. Cancel the upgrade, open Control Panel and search for "update device drivers", or go to the device manufacturer's website to search for updated drivers.
Modems: LGE Mobile USB Modem #2
Modems: LGE Mobile USB Modem
Sony sa0103: Sony sa0103 ADB Interface Driver
Universal Serial Bus controllers: LGE Mobile Composite USB Device
Network adapters: Belkin 54g Wireless USB Network Adapter #5
Imaging devices: Lexmark 2500 Series
Network adapters: Belkin 54g Wireless USB Network Adapter #3
Network adapters: Belkin 54g Wireless USB Network Adapter
Universal Serial Bus controllers: BlackBerry Smartphone
Ports (COM & LPT): ZTE Diagnostics Interface (COM5)
Storage controllers: VIA Card Reader Host Controller
Ports (COM & LPT): LGE Mobile USB Serial Port (COM12)
Network adapters: Belkin 54g Wireless USB Network Adapter #2
Ports (COM & LPT): ZTE NMEA Device (COM7)
Network adapters: Belkin 54g Wireless USB Network Adapter #4
Ports (COM & LPT): LGE Mobile USB Serial Port (COM10)
Ports (COM & LPT): LGE Mobile USB Serial Port (COM8)
Modems: ZTE Proprietary USB Modem
Modems: LGE Mobile USB Modem #3
These programs might not work properly after the upgrade. We recommend uninstalling these programs before upgrading. Cancel the upgrade, open Control Panel, and search for "uninstall a program". (Note: Programs marked as * can be safely reinstalled after the upgrade.)
iTunes (Please deauthorize computer prior to upgrade)
Lexmark Series Printer *

What should I do from here? Surely the Dell Webcam has been installed from the origonal build by Dell?! And what about all the other list after that - I haven't even heard of most of those things!!  :confused:

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #63 on: April 25, 2015, 01:13:45 pm »
Nothing seems to be going right with this.

See what the Win 7 Upgrade Advisor gives

Without having to go back through the thread, was there a particular reason why you decided against a factory reset ?

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #64 on: April 26, 2015, 03:38:00 am »
Ha, yeah it seems that way! I've been living with it not being right for so long now that I just put up with it and work round it's many foibles and issues. Not ideal but not being able to effect a fix so far hasn't left me many options.

My main issue with doing a clean install/factory reset is the time aspect - I don't have lots and finding, reinstalling, reconfiguring and customising/optimising all the long list of programs on it, as well as having to reinstall all the damn Windows updates (itself quite a task which has often caused me much grief!) and my own files etc just seems like a big step too far, and one I'd rather not take if it can be avoided. Of course if there were no other option......... :thinking:

Anyway, ran the upgrade advisor (attached) and no mention of issues with Dell Webcam Central, or iTunes - the only red cross compatibility issues raised were the Lexmark printer drivers and Microsoft WSE 3.0 Runtime, which I've never even heard of, let alone use! I don't know what it's purpose is, but I can't find it on my list of programs and Features to uninstall it anyway!  :confused: Is it part of Windows? I don't recall ever seeing it so I'm guessing it was either on when I got it or came as part of an update at some point, I've no idea... Everything else seems ok and compatible though!  :undecided:

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #65 on: April 26, 2015, 04:38:17 am »
This is what I've found for that MS WSE thingy and

It looks to have come pre-installed.

I'd leave it and Shane may comment on whether to uninstall it or not.

Have you used the link in the Advisor to update Project64 1.6 ?

Given that it's already been running okay in Win 7 (?) I'm not sure what it objects to.

I'm not sure how you have come to have the wrong Lexmark drivers installed as when you installed the printer, it should have installed the correct ones.

You could go to Lexmark Support and see what they have for your model but as you would need to reinstall the printer after the repair install, that may be academic.

For the incremented USB drivers you may want to try but create your own restore point first as it advises - I've never used this program but The Windows Club is normally pretty reliable, or you could use the manual method and again, create your own restore point.

If the repair install still baulks and while it is time consuming, I would still consider the factory reset - but Shane may have a workaround to overcome Windows objections to you performing the repair install.

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #66 on: April 26, 2015, 06:29:01 am »
Update on that USOBlivion program.

Just given it a try out and to reinstate drivers afresh, just plug your USB devices back in and Windows loads them.

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #67 on: April 26, 2015, 02:26:20 pm »
Ok, thanks. I've no idea on the WSE either but if it's part of Windows I'll leave it for now and see if Shane has anything to say on it.

Starting with the compatibility issues first though, and leaving the USB drivers for now, I uninstalled Procect64 as I've never used it, then Lexmark suite as I have the installation disk. After a reboot it started fine then when I tried to connect to the net it BSOD'd on me with a 3b error (SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION) - no idea why!  :undecided:

Started again and this time connected no problem, so ran Upgrade Advisor again and this time the only issue was the WSE again - funnily enough even though it's not showing up on Programs and Features panel (or CCleaner uninstall either!), it Is on the Revo Uninstaller list  :omg: so potentially I could now remove it if it's still proving a hindrance to the repair install, which I'm now going to try again.... (apparently it's part of the .NET framework installation so whether it can be uninstalled safely without affecting that I don't know)

So, second try, pretty much the same as last time -
    The following issues are preventing Windows from upgrading. Cancel the upgrade, complete each task, and then restart the upgrade to continue.

    For these items, make the following changes:

    Uninstall these programs. Open Control Panel and search for "uninstall a program".

        Dell Webcam Central

   Upgrading Windows will affect the following devices and/or programs:

    These devices might not work properly after the upgrade. Before upgrading, we recommend updating the drivers for these devices. Cancel the upgrade, open Control Panel and search for "update device drivers", or go to the device manufacturer's website to search for updated drivers.

        Universal Serial Bus controllers: LGE Mobile Composite USB Device
        Network adapters: Belkin 54g Wireless USB Network Adapter #5
        Network adapters: Belkin 54g Wireless USB Network Adapter #3
        Network adapters: Belkin 54g Wireless USB Network Adapter
        Universal Serial Bus controllers: BlackBerry Smartphone
        Ports (COM & LPT): ZTE Diagnostics Interface (COM5)
        Ports (COM & LPT): LGE Mobile USB Serial Port (COM12)
        Sony sa0103: Sony sa0103 ADB Interface Driver
        Network adapters: Belkin 54g Wireless USB Network Adapter #2
        Ports (COM & LPT): ZTE NMEA Device (COM7)
        Network adapters: Belkin 54g Wireless USB Network Adapter #4
        Ports (COM & LPT): LGE Mobile USB Serial Port (COM10)
        Ports (COM & LPT): LGE Mobile USB Serial Port (COM8)
        Modems: ZTE Proprietary USB Modem
        Modems: LGE Mobile USB Modem #3
        Storage controllers: VIA Card Reader Host Controller
        Modems: LGE Mobile USB Modem #2
        Modems: LGE Mobile USB Modem

    These programs might not work properly after the upgrade. We recommend uninstalling these programs before upgrading. Cancel the upgrade, open Control Panel, and search for "uninstall a program". (Note: Programs marked as * can be safely reinstalled after the upgrade.)

        iTunes (Please deauthorize computer prior to upgrade)

Updating drivers I can do if required, just not sot sure if it is! No idea why the DellWebcam should be an issue, and what does "deauthorize computer prior to upgrade" mean??  :confused: :confused:

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #68 on: April 26, 2015, 03:06:13 pm »
It would probably be best to uninstall iTunes so that should get rid of the "deauthorize".

You seem to have quite a few for the Belkin and I'm not sure what the LGE or ZTE ones are for but you could try that USBOblivion program after creating a restore point which removes all USB drivers of those devices not installed and then plug what you need back in and Windows will reinstate them.

I don't think updating the drivers will do it for all of the Belkin ones.

I use a Logitech wireless mouse and I expected it to uninstall that but that remained intact.

I had to plug my external HDD back in for its driver to be reinstated as well as that for a Flash drive - you seem to have a lot more USB bits that you plug in.

From what I understood of the articles on WSE, it appeared to be some pre-installed but now obsolete software which is .NET Framework related.

If it's going to be a sticker to the repair install then it probably would need uninstalling, but while it would be something I would do, because I'm not 100% sure, I will leave it to Shane to advise you on that.

Can you go to Dell Support and check to see if there's a driver for the web cam so that you can reinstall it should you need to uninstall it before the repair install can go ahead.

If there is, as a try out create a restore point, uninstall the web cam and then reinstall its driver to see if the cam is reinstated.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 03:10:51 pm by Boggin »

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #69 on: April 26, 2015, 04:10:05 pm »
Ok, iTunes is gone - didn't use it much anyway. LGE is old mobile phone software I had a few years ago, ZTE and Belkin were both on when I got it and I don't think I've ever used either! Don't know what ZTE is even, and I've tried to get Belkin to work to pick up the house wifi but it doesn't appear to work so I'm guessing the machine's not wifi enabled and was part of the wifi setup of the previous owner? I use my Sony mobile tethered for internet, plus Dell mouse & keyboard and then external HDD and that's it!

Done the USB oblivion and rechecked and it seems to have cleared all the list of stuff it originally found, so here goes with another Upgrade Advisor, then I'll try the repair install again...

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #70 on: April 26, 2015, 04:29:52 pm »
What is the full model name of your Dell Inspiron One as they tend to have a number after the name ?

On checking for the specs, the 19 version had WiFi so it's possible the wireless card went down and the previous owner opted for an USB dongle instead of a new card.

Going into Device Manager/View/Show hidden devices/Network adapters will list what adapters are installed.

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #71 on: April 26, 2015, 05:00:59 pm »
Yes it's an Inspiron One 19A from Mid 2009. Have copied the list of adapters to a screen shot which I've attached - it's a big list!  :omg: don't know what they all mean, or why some have yellow warning triangles on, perhaps you've an idea?

|I'm just running a Dell Support Assist tool which should tell me if I need any driver updates etc..

Upgrade Advisor ran again and just listed the WSE this time as incompatible, so hopefully Shane can advise on that one...

Repair install ran and gave the same problems again - Dell Webcam and and also the previous list of all the USB drivers even though USB Oblivion has taken them all off! Do I need to reboot to reset things and run again?

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #72 on: April 26, 2015, 05:02:43 pm »
Damn, forgot to attach the screenshot - try again!  :wink:

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #73 on: April 27, 2015, 02:11:27 am »
It would seem there isn't a wireless card fitted but go into Device Manager/View/Show hidden devices/Network adapters, right click on each of those incremented MS Adapters - select Uninstall and confirm as you only need the original of each.

I don't know what's happened to your Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface but follow these steps to repair it.

1. As an administrator from the Cmd Prompt, type then press Enter after each of these commands :-
2. netsh
3. int teredo
4. set state disabled
5. Open Device Manager/View/Show hidden devices/Network adapters right click on Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface and select Uninstall
6. Open the  Cmd Prompt as an administrator again and type then Enter these cmds :-
7. netsh
8. int ipv6
9. set teredo client
10. Open Device Manager/Action/Scan for new hardware.
11. Then select Show hidden devices from the View menu.

It should now display without the yellow alert.

Did you try a dummy run on uninstalling/reinstalling the web cam ?

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Re: Missing Windows Servicing Packages files & update problems
« Reply #74 on: April 27, 2015, 04:40:26 am »
Seem to be having a few problems with my machine - I haven't tried anything with the Dell Webcam yet as I was waiting for the Dell PC Assist thing to run and give me any issues. It BSOD'd on me with error 124, but then rebooted ok and ran again - webcam came up fine, but then everything ground to a halt while it was doing an extended scan so I had to power it off :sad: Windows explorer has also fallen over a few times and had to be restarted from Task Manager, so maybe the PC doesn't like the Dell Assist software  :undecided:

I did manage to remove the 2 duplicate MS Isatap adapters before this happened, so now there's just one (#4), and I also followed what you said on the Teredo device but now it doesn't come up on the list at all!  :omg: see attached images. I did the 'Scan for hardware changes' on devman but it's not there any more. Also, do I need to remove any of the WAN Miniports? There are 8 of these but they all have different descriptions after them so I don't know which (if any) I should remove...