Hi, I'm no expert (as Boggin and Shane can testify!

), so I've no idea what those esteemed learned gents will give you, but I've had lots of problems with SFC myself (and Windows *@$# Updates as well to be more precise!) and I've found this tool to be of use -
http://www.sysnative.com/niemiro/apps/SFCFix.exe. (In my experience if SFC can't fix it on a first run then it hasn't been able to fix it at all, although there may well be a benefit to running it multiple times - certainly no harm in trying.)
It's just managed to find and fix my SFC scan which was giving the old "corrupt files were found but SFC was unable to fix some of them" message, and this found and repaired them and generated a log telling me what it had done

so I'm impressed. At the very least it will give you a count of errors and an idea of the corruption present in your system, at best it will repair all this for you without any further input.
Reading through the thread I found this on (
http://www.sysnative.com/forums/windows-update/12189-sfcfix-exe-zip.html) it looks like the tool might need a custom script to fix certain specific corruptions, which the sysnative forum and tool developer can help with, depending on what it finds, but if the corruption isn't bad it might be able to fix them without any further tweaking - mine only had 2 and it fixed them a treat, and SFC now comes up clear, so I hope this can be of some help to you...