Author Topic: toshiba laptop not getting safe mode  (Read 8516 times)

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Offline hawkredtail

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toshiba laptop not getting safe mode
« on: November 25, 2015, 06:33:53 am »
Hello Shane:
I have a Toshiba Qosmo laptop, windows 8.1 and I thought maybe I had a virus or malware on my CPU. So I went to "Run" and typed in "Msconfig" to log into safe mode. I saw on the menu, I could check rebuild folders. I thought maybe that would fix my computer?. So I checked that option and rebooted. Since then I get a black screen with two options, on the left side I can increase magnification, on the right side I get restart or shutdown. I have restarted and shutdown dozens of times and I can not get back to safe mode. The computer will not boot into windows, all I get is that black screen with the two choices? Is there a file that will boot into safe mode?  I also tried pressing F-8 and also Shift F-8 on boot up and nothing happens? I can press F-2 on boot and it takes me to bios. I moved boot option to usb and downloaded an usb boot program but nothing happens there either?  Please help as this Toshiba Laptop is dead!  I am at wits end on this machine.


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Re: toshiba laptop not getting safe mode
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2015, 07:57:46 am »
The lower part of this article hopefully will help you to get into the recovery options.

This article will help you create an UEFI bootable USB if you need it, but if you don't have an UEFI machine then then you can use the Windows USB/DVD Burner to create a legacy bootable USB.

It was originally designed for Win 7 ISOs but works for Win 8/8.1.

Hope this helps.

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Re: toshiba laptop not getting safe mode
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2015, 08:39:22 am »
Your fist link I can not use as I can not get into windows to get a command prompt, your second link I downloaded the usb download tool and put it on a 4 gb usb flash drive and then pushed the on button on the cpu and it went right past the usb file and went to the black screen. On your 3rd link I downloaded Rufus and just put that only on a 4 gb flash drive, rebooted the cpu and it went past that file to the black screen I pushed F-2 and went to bios, boot and check to make sure I had usb first selected, I do?  I still can not get past this black screen!  Thanks for the try Boggin!!

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Re: toshiba laptop not getting safe mode
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2015, 09:13:43 am »
Did pressing the Start button three times not get you in ?

What happens when you hold the Shift key down while pressing the Start button ?

I don't know how long your laptop has been left switched off in between trying to get it to start, but a cold boot can sometimes work, although I don't know what that rebuild folders did.

This is done by removing the battery and AC then hold the power button in for about 30 secs.

Do you get the temporary boot change when you tap F12 as you switch on ?

I've found it's best to plug the USB in first before doing this as it gives the machine a chance to recognise it and it will list it in the boot options.

When booting from the USB do you get the prompt to press any key to boot from the USB ?

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Re: toshiba laptop not getting safe mode
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2015, 02:06:33 pm »
 Tried all of your tricks. Seems only pushing F12 worked. I am refreashing windows 8
Thank you:-)

Offline Boggin

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Re: toshiba laptop not getting safe mode
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2015, 02:27:09 pm »
Well, at least that is something :)

Given that F12 gets you there, not sure why the BIOS setting didn't.

Sometimes you have to turn UEFI off and use the Legacy boot, but if you've created an UEFI bootable USB then that should have worked.