Author Topic: MSDTC.LOG - sfc found it corrupt & cannot repair [SOLVED]  (Read 24309 times)

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Offline Bindesh

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MSDTC.LOG - sfc found it corrupt & cannot repair [SOLVED]
« on: November 14, 2016, 03:51:04 am »
OS - Windows Vista Starter 32 bit

I have noticed that - Either Windows Update works or System Restore works. Both cannot work on my computer.

When I repair Windows Update via WSUS offline, it works OK. But then System Restore won't work.

System Restore gives error - 0x8000FFFF.

I do sfc /scannow only to find that a particular file pertaining to system restore is corrupt. Hence the problem.

The file is -

CORRUPT: C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-com-dtc-runtime_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_195302e56002fb82\MSDTC.LOG

Please see the details in sfc fix log file as below -

SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2016-11-08 18:08:19.049
Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 2 - x86
Not using a script file.

CORRUPT: C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-com-dtc-runtime_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_195302e56002fb82\MSDTC.LOG

SUMMARY: Some corruptions could not be fixed automatically. Seek advice from helper or
CBS & SFC total detected corruption count: 1
CBS & SFC total unimportant corruption count: 0
CBS & SFC total fixed corruption count: 0
SURT total detected corruption count: 0
SURT total unimportant corruption count: 0
SURT total fixed corruption count: 0
AutoAnalysis:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 2 datablocks.
Finish time: 2016-11-08 18:09:20.336

How do I get over this problem? Please guide.


« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 04:23:44 am by Bindesh, Reason: Solved »

Offline Boggin

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This person had the same problem - but rather than following the steps in that post, I would advise you to register on the Sysnative forum and open your own thread.

Offline Bindesh

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Alreadya thread was started by me in sysnative forum 3-4 days ago but did not get any response.
Wonder how you could spot a thread with similar problem in sysnative forum.

Anyway, thanks. I am yet to get used to using forums.

By the way, Windows all in one repair has no repair for System Restore?


Offline Boggin

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I've noticed from previous posts in the Sysnative forum that it can be a few days before there is a response.

You have to bear in mind that forum helpers are volunteers and that they may have other life commitments that prevents their full time attendance.

You could type BUMP in another post in your thread on the Sysnative forum and that should bring the thread up as more recent one that may get some attention.

The way I was able to find that Sysnative thread was by right clicking on and dragging my mouse over the corrupt file that SFCFix.exe had snagged to highlight it, then right clicked again and selected Search with Google and that one came up with a Solved tag next to it.

Mine is "Search with Google" as that is my search provider in IE, but it could be Bing or whatever else you use.

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All said and done..... I will wait for a response.
But if Windows -All-In- One had a solution for Windows Restore, we would not gone to other forums....
I am sure we will be seeing a new version of Win All in 1 Repairs very soon with more features and repairs.


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When you get the restore fail error code, can you go Start - type services.msc and press enter then scroll down to Volume Shadow Copy and check its status.

Default is Manual and may or not show as being Started.

You can change that to Started and Automatic by right clicking on it and select Properties then use the dropdown to change to Automatic - hit the Start button - Apply - OK then reboot and give it another try.

Sometimes a restore can fail because of an antivirus program baulking it.

To determine if this could be the cause, boot up into Safe Mode and try the restore again.

I think because of the different reasons a restore operation can fail, it would be impractical to try to devise a one size fix.

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Yes... VSS service was on Manual.
Made it on Auto and Start. Reboot.
Same error- catastrophic failure.

In the meantime, I see Win Update is not working again - error 80070002.
It may get repaired by Win All in One.

I plan to run DiskMax, System Ninja, TidyDisk, CCleaner, Free RegRepar to clean junk in PC.
Then to check Virus problem - Anti Malwarebytes, Super Antispyware and Dr. Web.

In the meantime, I wait for sysnative forum to respond with some solution.

So I will get back to you on Mon - Nov 21.
Please be with me till this issue is solved.

Offline Boggin

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Don't use any registry cleaners as they can do more harm than good.

Go Start - type cmd then right click on cmd and select Run as administrator - accept the UAC then enter or copy & paste these commands to the command prompt then try your updates again after the reboot.

net stop wuauserv

net stop cryptSvc

net stop bits

net stop msiserver

ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old

ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 catroot2.old

net start wuauserv

net start cryptSvc

net start bits

net start msiserver

They will auto run when you copy & paste them except perhaps for the last one where you will need to press enter.

When the have completed, enter shutdown /r /t 00 which will effect an immediate reboot.

There are some other manual steps in this article, but run the trouble shooter for Win 7 -

At the bottom of the manual steps is a link to download the latest Windows Update Agent which should make things go smoother if it will install.

Did you try your restore points in Safe Mode ?

Offline Bindesh

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Alright...I will not run registry cleaners and carry out those cmd prompts as you have given and then reboot.
I am away from home PC till Saturday... so I will do these steps on Saturday for Win Update repair.
And I have not attempted System Restore in Safe Mode. I know the steps to go in safe mode and do it. I just skipped it -- concluding that it is virus problem. Better to run antivirus, etc. first.....before attempting any repairs, I think.

Those articles that you have given links belong to Win 7. My OS is Win Vista Starter 32 bit. Will it work on my PC?


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Looking at this article, the steps seem to be generic with just the odd exception, so should be okay as what works in Win 7 usually works in Vista - but if you have any doubts then create a restore point first - or use the repair program to back up the registry as you're having problems with restore points.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 12:56:16 am by Boggin »

Offline Bindesh

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Yes Sir.... I did as instructed.
1- Safe Mode - System restore - No restore Points.
2- Ran Anti virus - Dr. Web failed - error 1722/1726.
3- Ran Adware Cleaner - 10 threats removed.
4- Ran ESET Online Scanner - No threats found.
5- Ran FSS Tool - Results as attached in file - FSS .txt
It may be noted that SDRSVC service is not working. Does Win Vista Starter supposed to have this service?
It may be linked to System restore ?
6-SFCfix - Same as before - MSDTC.log File Corrupt.
7- System restore - Catastrophic Failure - 8000FFFF.
8- Done as instructed to reset Win Update Components.
9- Do not know where to get Win Update Agent (latest) for Vista. MS does not support anything - Blank pages.
10- Check Win Update - Keeps searching for hours.....
I will keep the Win Update search on -- some say it may take as long as 10 hours. I will give it a try ...10 hours.

Guide me, Sir.... What next to do?
Shall I try WSUS offline Update .... if Win Update starts working, we can focus on System Restore.....
Thanks. Bindesh.

Offline Boggin

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Yes, the SDRSVC service is for Backup and restore.

If its .dll is missing, then that won't help.

I'm not familiar with Dr. Web but a Google search on that error suggests it can cause all sorts of problems and would be best if you uninstalled it for now, using this Uninstaller -

You can then download MSE as a stop gap as that rarely causes problems and will give you some basic protection.

I couldn't find a link for the Vista Update Agent either.

Have you gotten a response from the Sysnative forum yet ?

Go down to the bottom of this article and download the ISO for the 32 bit version and select Save then use Windows USB/DVD Burner Tool to create a bootable disk.

You can then use this tutorial to perform an offboot sfc /scannow which should hopefully repair your system.

Offline Bindesh

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I have a Licensed Win Vista Starter 32 bit SP1 CD. Do I need to download ISO?
In Vista, sfc /scannow does not need an OS CD (unlike Win XP).
We can straight away do sfc /scannow in Vista.
I think you are mentioning OFFBOOT sfc /scannow.
I doubt if Win Vista Starter will come up with System Repair Screen.
That feature is not available in Win Vista Starter.
The ISO download is Win Vista Ultimate....
Presently downloading may take 3 hours.
I will be in contact after download is over.

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Your install disk may not be suitable as it has to match the installed OS which should be SP2.

I assume you have SP2 installed ?

I know I can use a Win 7 SP1 Pro disk to perform an offboot sfc /scannow on my Win 7 SP1 Home Premium so I think a higher version of Vista should be able to do the same.

If that Ultimate version isn't accepted then scroll down to the bottom of this article which is for the 32 bit Home Premium SP2 version.

The reason for doing an offboot sfc /scannow from an install disk is because the one done from within Windows is unable to repair due to corruption or missing files from within the store.

Booting up with an install disk and doing it will check and repair files from an incorrupt source.

If the offboot sfc /scannow reports that it cannot run, then you will have to do a repair install.

If you only have SP1 installed then you can use your own install disk, else you will need to use an install disk that includes SP2.

I think that Ultimate will have SP2 installed, but it depends on the date of the article and whether the ISO download was updated.

However, the link I've posted for the Home Premium download will suffice for a SP2 version.

This is the tutorial for performing a repair install in Vista -

Before performing a repair install, while Windows may download some drivers, it's advised to back up your own drivers folders onto something like an USB flash drive and then drop them back in after the repair install if necessary.

They can be found at C:\Windows\System32

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I do not think my computer is at fault. I maintain it in tip top condition. Then, I found that MS has fumbled in .Net Framework updates-- many updates are simply roll-ups. So I uninstalled all .Net Framework versions and also C++ VS versions from my computer and re-installed it using WSUS offline partly, Autopatcher partly and Runtimes All in One. Then I tried to run Windows Update and windows defender. It worked.

Next I am to focus on System Restore. It is showing no system restore points. And Catastrophic failure. Anti virus is unable to catch anything. Let me try adware cleaner.....

I will get back to you as soon as it is resolved. In the meantime, any new line of action......

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Windows breaks occasionally for a number of reasons - hence the inception of Windows Repair, not to mention Windows own repair tools.

The offboot sfc /scannow that I've suggested may repair the SDRSVC, but you'll need to download the SP2 ISO I've pointed you to.

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I have done some R&D (Research & Destruction) to find out the following --

Windows Backup & Restore service does not exist in Win Vista Starter. See the link--

SDRDVC service is not available in Win Vista Starter.

Also, System restore is controlled by group policy. And in Win Vista Starter we have no access to group policy.

Also sfc fix and sfc zip for MSDTC.LOG I copied from the link you gave from sysnative forum .... it worked. So this issue is resolved. I have run Windows All in One Repairs in Safe Mode twice. But I am yet to check that System Restore works consistently. I will test it on Saturday / Sunday and get back to you on Monday Dec 5 2016. Hopefully everything will be tip top once again.


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Well that's good news - even though the thread exactly matched your problem and while it was an option, I'm always wary of copying fixes like that which is why I suggested opening your own thread.

The fact that SDRSVC isn't part of Starter shows that no fix is always a one size fits all.

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Don't use any registry cleaners as they can do more harm than good

Boggin, do you find that true of CCleaner reg cleaner?  I am truly thinking that is the source of a lot of my issues over the you know if any studies have been done to see if its a evil doer?  I cant find anything on net with anyone complaining about it.......everyone seems to rave about CCleaner.....

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Yes... VSS service was on Manual.
Made it on Auto and Start. Reboot.
Same error- catastrophic failure.

In the meantime, I see Win Update is not working again - error 80070002.
It may get repaired by Win All in One.

I plan to run DiskMax, System Ninja, TidyDisk, CCleaner, Free RegRepar to clean junk in PC.
Then to check Virus problem - Anti Malwarebytes, Super Antispyware and Dr. Web.

In the meantime, I wait for sysnative forum to respond with some solution.

So I will get back to you on Mon - Nov 21.
Please be with me till this issue is solved.

Bin I have been having the SAME exact issues you have.....I gave up and just reinstalled windows.

  Has anyone found or seen a way to save a working copy of your current system, that is an ISO?  Meaning.......load windows , update all the drivers.......put all your software and programs you use on......then make a ISO of your updated machine while in pristine condition?  Then if you have any issues you just install it.  NOT a system image.......or a back up........but a ISO that you could load onto a large USB stick and then just install it like a normal ISO.........anyone ever herd of something like this?

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AND one question for you Bin......why the heck are you using windows vista 32 bit?  Windows 7 and 8.1 are MUCH better even 10...........than Vista 32bit......come to think of it...I don't think I have ever seen a 32 bit system ?  :rolleyes:

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Dear takitezsdc,

I think there is a freeware for your requirements that you mentioned in red ink --- nLite. Just check it out. I have never used it but had read about it and computer repair techies use it with lot of confidence. It is something you can hold on CD and pendrive as an ISO.

And yes, I use Windows Vista Starter 32 bit since 2009. This OS came free with my Desktop PC. My desktop PC is very low cost PC. This OS was sold in India to control use of pirated softwares and for good looks like sidebar (although sidebar is a security risk). I like Win Vista Starter because it does not crash immediately due to virus, etc. It has something called DEP (data Execution Protection).Frankly, in 2009 I did not know what was I buying ... I only wanted a low cost desktop PC to play games and surf the internet. I never use pirated software but prefer freewares. I like new technology but I want full worth for what I pay  ... so I have not yet migrated to Win 7, Win 8.1 or 10. Its a pity that by the time we get familiar with OS, Microsoft shifts to newer versions...newer hardware....It is all R&D at customers cost..I guess. MS and computer harwares must sell finished products... then we can use and throw. But there are somethings that become so dear with use that I like to maintain even if its old and obsolete.... like a vintage car. Say what?

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Just moral booster pictures of successful achievement -- Win Updates repaired and working and Win Defender also working.

Further when successful after testing -- System restore -- picture -- say on Sunday Dec  4, 2016 -- coming soon.....

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Yes is a lucky day.....
Your hint that VSS may not be working....
That is... by default ... VSS is Stop / Manual.....
I put it Automatic and Start.....
System Restore still did not work....
Then I do Research & Destruction.... scientists call it R&D for short.....
I found a good article on VSS. It is attached.
At the bottom of the article there is a link for 32 bit download VSSfix.
I downloaded VSSfix and run it.
Then I try System restore.
Bingo! It worked. System Restore Point created successfully.

Yes and by the way I got response from
That problem of MSDTC.log was getting repaired everytime I run sfc tool.
Perhaps it was because I did that copy paste from other member.
Sysnative warned me copy-paste won't work and sent me an exclusive fix.
It now works nicely. Then I try sfc and get result - No corruption.
My PC is tip top once again.

Thanks to Boggin of and BrianDrab of
My first experience with forums and that too 2 at a time was very delightful.
Glad to know that in this world there are people who are far away but available to help a user.
Many a times users like me get frustrated and think a lot about the pace with which science and technology moves and fear being left behind....


I think it is high time we close this thread.....Say What!

« Last Edit: December 05, 2016, 04:05:09 am by Bindesh »

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That confirmed my suspicions that a fix for someone else may not work for others - but glad you eventually got a response from Sysnative.

I'm not sure if Satrow may have contacted someone on there on your behalf, although he hasn't said anything about that.

I'll mark the thread Solved for you but you can do it by going back to your opening post, click on Modify and add [SOLVED] to the thread title.