Too many things distracted me since your last reply (bad health, bad car wreck), Boggins, and I could not reply for some reason today so forced to create a new topic. As you suggested I ran the following:
dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
Weird how SFC did not find errors BEFORE running those but did afterward. Anyway I am on the most recent version of Windows 10 vers 508 (far as I know, slap me if I'm wrong). The repair program just isn't able to register files no matter how much time passes.

I did notice that Windows 10 is preventing me from changing several registry settings and I was forced to change ownership from system to "Smorgydorg-PC\Administrators" in order to change them. These were just internet settings. Maybe Windows 10 is refusing Windows Repair from changing things do to some "ownership" issue with the registry or other part of the system? At your convenience, let me know your thoughts. Thanks!