Author Topic: are my presumptions correct?  (Read 15216 times)

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are my presumptions correct?
« on: August 14, 2021, 10:17:22 pm »
Hi, I have a dlink 2730u indian model wifi modem router, that supports wifi and it is called N150 , meaning that its speed is 150mbps on wifi.
I get my wifi access thro the lan ethernet connection on wifi support devices.
My presumption:
1. ISP has bandwidth control on the broadband speed with the plan that I select.
2. The router has been connecting the wifi devices  on the access point provided in the  router.
3. Eventhough, the ISP provide access point via the ethernet connection by telephonic wire , he has no control over the wifi speed accessed  with my router.
4. I have a 2.4 ghz speed router, which supports minium speed , and If i change the router to a 5ghz speed router, then i could get more speed on my wifi devices, the dual wifi router would give better speed and area coverage.
5. The ISP has no say on the speed of the wifi and it is entirely controlled by the router wifi power.
Please say, what I have presumed are correct , point by point, so that i will buy a new router that supports 5ghz speed
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Offline Boggin

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2021, 01:46:26 am »
5Ghz is only applicable to wireless and not Ethernet and your wireless adapter in your computer has to be 5GHz compatible -

In the UK the speed is determined by the package you are paying for and the length of wire from the exchange to your home when using ADSL but from the cabinet to your home when using Fibre.

This can be determined by dividing the Downstream Attenuation by 13.81 and will give the approx. answer in kms.

Are you using ADSL or Fibre ?

2.4GHz gives a longer range but at lower speeds than 5GHz but 5GHz has a shorter range.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 01:58:00 am by Boggin, Reason: Typo »

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2021, 01:40:39 am »
Hi, Boggins thanks for the reply.
I have seen the reply to day only, as I was awaiting reply.
though, I checked notifiy of replies, it has not reached my gmail.
Today, I thought of writing a reminder, when I saw your post.
thanks for the answer.
Boggin, I have a doubt.
Internet speed is given by my ISP and wireless speed is also shared from the internet and as such, controlled by the ISP.
Is it a facat, that if one has a plan of 12 mbps download speed internet plan, and if one uses devices such as mobile, laptop etc, the speed will be shared between the devices, or is it some other way of calculating the speed.
Is my presumption that every device on the network, say, in my case pc laptop mobile will get equal speed, say, 12 mbps, if they are just browsing the internet
If one device is downloading , then the speed will be the same, as in the downloading device.
I bought a n300 wifi router but having 2.4 ghz capacity in the Dlink company
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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2021, 01:49:22 am »
I also wish to state that my maximum broadband speed is the maximum bb speed plan, and i get 12 mbps as my house is about 2.5 of wire between dslam and my house.
My adsl router is having all dsl settings ticked, but I unchecked all below adsl to get the maximum speed.
when I select adsl, the router shows not as adsl but g992.5. in my new router dlink 2750u
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Offline Boggin

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2021, 05:08:22 am »
The speed is shared between all switched on devices but a device that is downloading will take more bandwidth than one just browsing.

I've Googled for g992.5 but didn't get anything I could put my finger on.

See what you get when you Google it from your location.

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2021, 08:58:59 pm »
Boggin, google result says, that it is another term for adsl 2+ with advanced wifi signal. Ok, the router has designed this time with the mode with g mode instead of name mode.
Please clear my doubt about sharing further.
If suppose, one has 12 mbps internet speed, you will get the same speed in all the devices connected with wifi also. This is the query that is not known to me.
some says, that it equally share the speed, but I have a doubt. As you say, the device having download will get more speed share than others.

I remember the other site of Shane, but forgot the name of it , it is wintool or something, in which there are softwares  regarding network devices.
I wish to ask router internal queries in that forum for my knowlledge.
If you remember please share the name of the website or lilnk.
Boggine, how is pandemic corona in your area. Have you vaccinated
I also remember Samson, who I did not contact for long time

The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Boggin

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2021, 02:05:26 am »
Some devices will use more of your bandwidth than others, depending upon what they are doing, so with multiple devices switched on, neither will get 12Mbps but a share of it.

I've had a look through all of the programs Shane has and don't see anything that will monitor the bandwidth of various devices.

I think Shane used to have another forum but I think that is no longer supported, so may not now be available.

As for the pandemic, yes, I've had both jabs.

I've seen it reported that in some parts of the north east of England where I live, the infection rate is quite high.

Because of back problems I'm unable to get out very often so don't come into contact with possibly other infected people.

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2021, 02:51:14 am »
Hi, tweaking com mails are now shown in spam folder. why
Moreover, I thought of adding a profile photo in this forum, but I could not , I get alert , like spam alert.
regarding your reply that all the devices will be using their own required bandwidth from the internet speed, I have a doubt, why then we use 300 mbps capable wireless router with internet connectivity broadband connection, I do not know the reason.
So, each will one have a maxium of 12 mbps speed per second and the wireless devices connection is in a way is also controlled with the ISP. is that correct
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Boggin

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2021, 03:32:18 am »
My email notifications also go into the Spam folder - don't know why though.

12Mbps will arrive at your router and it's up to you what you do with it - your ISP has no control over that.

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2021, 11:25:42 pm »
hI, THANKS that I know about .
would the wifi devices be also be working within this 12 mbps speed
This is what I want.
As you say, that router controls the wifi speed provided by ISP, the network is working only with this maxium 12 mbps speed, Is that correct.
Why cannot I include a profile picture.

The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Boggin

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2021, 01:47:26 am »
If 12Mbps is the max speed then you could be getting less than that when using wireless because of the distance from the router and possible interference.

Log into your router where you should what the max download and upload speeds

For the Fibre package that I'm on, the router gives a max download speed of 73.3Mbps and about 20Mbps upload.

Of that, on Ethernet I get 69.7Mbs with about 18Mbps upload, whereas the wireless download speed is only about 39Mbps

When I was on ADSL, because of the distance from the exchange, I was only getting about 6.6Mbps.

Do your speed tests using Ethernet and wireless.

I normally use

It's best to do a speed test with just one device switched on and then you can do another one with all devices switched on where you should see a drop in the speed.

About the profile pic - I don't know as I've never tried that.

Offline jraju

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2021, 04:04:59 am »
thanks. boggin. all the mails have landed in spam folder.
thanks for the inormation

I could have opt fibre, but the service provider is not providing directly and it is being given by private agency, so , i am not sure about the service. the bb is directly provided by the service provider.
Ok, You said that due to the distance from the telephone exchange your speed was only 6 mbps.
Boggins , please tell, is the distance from the telephone exchange to your house or
the distance between the junciton box, where the lineman opens and repair whenever I have any issue with the telephone working.
the junction box is about 1 km , wire distance, where as the dslam or the exchange which is near 3km wire distance.
which is to be taken for speed loss
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Offline Boggin

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2021, 04:17:27 am »
When I was on ADSL my speed was determined by the length of wire from the exchange to the cabinet and then to my home.

My Downstream Attenuation was about 51Dbm which divided by 13.81 put the length of wire between me and the exchange to be about 3.69kms.

My Fibre is what is known as Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC) which is about 0.6km from my home gives me the much higher speed on Fibre as well as the package I'm paying for.

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2021, 04:27:45 am »
hi, boggins
your quote:
 Downstream Attenuation was about 51Dbm which divided by 13.81
what is this 13.81 is it common denominator.
is it the distance between exhange or junction box of all connections near my house, including mine to be taken in to account.
So, can i arrive at the km knowing the downstream attenuation
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Offline Boggin

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2021, 06:19:59 am »
I got the 13.81 when I was learning about broadband - I forget the website I read it on.

My current router doesn't show the Dowstream Attenuation.

I use to have an ISP supplied Dlink but can't remember if that listed it.

Dividing by 13.81 gives the approx length of cable between your home and the exchange and not the distance between your home and the exchange.

As you will appreciate, the cabling could be routed through many places, but it does affect what speed you will get.

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2021, 09:29:16 pm »
Hi, boggins, thanks for that
My dlink router gives me downstream attenuation as 30 and dividing it by 13.81, it is nearly 2.1 k.m and I get 12 mbps speed fixedly althrough the day.
thanks for the conversion factor.
your quote:
Dividing by 13.81 gives the approx length of cable between your home and the exchange and not the distance between your home and the exchange.
thanks for the explanation, now I understand that the middle junction box has no relation with the speed loss.

The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Boggin

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Re: are my presumptions correct?
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2021, 06:15:30 am »
Bad cable connections can also impact speeds but with a Downstream Attenuation of 30, I think unlikely in your case.