I hate factory default installs. SO much crap installed with them.
Instead, since you dont need to backup anything do a fresh install yourself.

Before you do go to the asus page for your system and download the network drivers. Then save them to a thumb drive. Take the thumb drive out, and boot off the Windows 7 cd. Once in the setup have it format the windows drive and install fresh on it.
Once it is installed put the thumb drive in and install the network drivers. You can now get online. You can then go to the asus page and download the rest of the drivers. Once done do all your Windows updates.
Now the system is ready to go and you are ready to install your programs. If you like I can give you a list of free programs I install on all my customers machines, includes Librea office, antivirus, Firefox, java, flash, cd burning, backups, and some more and they are all free
