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System Check Virus
« on: March 28, 2012, 10:29:36 am »
Hey, it's me again. I have another computer problem (actually, the same one that I had last time, just not as advanced), and you helped me so well last time, I don't trust asking anyone else for advice.

Anyways, I've somehow once again acquired the System Check virus. Last time, I tried getting rid of it myself, which led me to having to reinstall Windows. My question is, what the best route to take to get rid of this thing? I'm able to launch in safe mode (in it right now), and ran avast!. It found 20 infected files, and after removing them and rebooting, apparently the System Check virus was not one of the infections removed.

There are several sites out there that help one walkthrough the cleaning of this stupid virus, but I don't want to take any steps until I get confirmation that I'm doing the right thing. Any advice?

I appreciate it the help again  :smiley: thanks in advance!

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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2012, 11:00:53 am »
I'm sure Shane can lead you down a better path, but I would run malwarebytes and see what that comes up with. Hope all goes well

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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2012, 11:50:18 am »
Thanks, I assumed that I would end up using malwarebytes, just wanted to make sure that there were no steps before/during/after using malwarebytes that I need to do in order to safely remove it and restore windows.

Right now, I'm just going to follow the instructions from this site:

Hopefully it'll work

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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2012, 12:05:58 pm »
The most important thing after cleaning it up is to make sure your flash and java are up to date.

Check them now, are they out of date? Almost every virus my customers get are from security holes in java or flash that allows a bad advertisement or a bad site to install the virus without the user knowing. Every system I have cleaned has had an outdated java and or flash.

They are plugging these holes and new ones are found. Every infection I have cleaned up have stopped getting on my customers systems after making sure java and flash where up to date. :wink:


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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2012, 12:07:32 pm »
Oh and run tdsskiller.exe to check for some rootkits. Avast and malwarebytes dont catch rootkits, they are too deep and hidden.

And is everything working ok or is anything out of the norm? Do a google search for anything, click on one of the results, does it get redirected to a different page? If it does you have a rootkit installed and still infected. :wink:


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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2012, 12:10:35 pm »
ditto. I didn't even think about a possible rootkit.

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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2012, 12:18:03 pm »
That's funny Shane, because literally 2 minutes before I saw your post, Java popped up and asked me if I'd like to install an update (I said no, since I was busy trying to save my computer lol). I never would have thought that an outdated java or flash would have been the problem, but I will be keeping them updated from now on!

And also funny, I was thinking the only thing noticeably wrong with the computer are the missing desktop files, but RIGHT after I got done reading your second post, a random pop-up occurred (had never happened before). So I'm guessing rootkit.........

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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2012, 12:19:14 pm »
Yeah if a random advertisement pop up comes from no where you have a rootkit bud :wink:


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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2012, 12:33:11 pm »
Ok, so I ran Malwarebytes, removed the infections (8 of them), then rebooted. Ran the tdsskiller and it found nothing. It was really weird before I rebooted man, like, sounds coming from NOWHERE (as if an advertisement/commercial were playing, but nothing was open!). Since rebooting after malwarebytes, nothing.

But my desktop has still not returned to it's original state, nor has the start menu (with all my most used applications and whatnot listed), and nothing on the right of the tab where it normally says "Documents" "Control Panel" and whatnot, the only thing listed there now is "Computer". Is there anyways I can reset these to default?

ALSO, there's still a "System Check" file located on my desktop. Is it safe to delete this file?


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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2012, 12:36:39 pm »
Delete that shortcut yes.

Also sounds like all your icons have been moved tot he temp folder. As long as you didn't clear your tempt folder it can be fixed.

Grab my Windows repair program. I have a fix for this in there :wink:

My repair moves all the icons back from the temp folder and back to the start menu and desktop. Also you might have some polices to hide the desktop from the virus, my repair tool will remove those as well form one of its repairs.

After words you can then go to the properties of the start menu and restore it to default. :wink:


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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2012, 01:17:28 pm »
DONE! Thank you so much Shane! You truly are a rare individual!

I will continue to support you and your work, and will let people know!

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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2012, 02:00:11 pm »
Glad you got it all working :-)


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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2012, 06:53:51 pm »
Here is an example how new holes are found and plugged in java and flash. :wink:


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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2012, 07:47:22 pm »
So what your telling me.....if I'm getting this right, is to keep flash and java up to date!lol

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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2012, 08:10:21 pm »
Little bit lol  :wink:


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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2012, 08:54:12 am »
Hey, so I'm having virtually the exact same problem that I had when I posted in the support forum and was mentioning windows media server no longer being available. What happened was that the virus removed key windows files, and the computer got to the point where it wouldn't even boot anymore. I'm having the same problem, but with a friends computer now.

After removing the virus(s [very much so plural]) and installing Avast!, I rebooted the computer, and now the computer is stuck on a constant reboot mode, it will reboot, go through the windows screen, and then crash to a blue screen and repeat the process again.

My question is, will I be able to reinstall Windows on this system as I did with my system? This computer has Windows XP instead of Windows 7.....will I still be able to reinstall windows AND save all of the documents already on the system?

Thanks! I really want to get this thing fixed for her.

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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2012, 09:53:29 am »
No xp install is very different than Vista and 7.

Are you able to go into safe mode at all?


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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2012, 10:11:06 am »
Can't go into safe mode, can't go into anything  :undecided:

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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2012, 10:15:50 am »
Then your going to have to do a fresh reinstall. :sad:

But first you need to get her data off.

So you will need 2 things.

1. You will need a big enough thumb drive or external hard drive.
2. You need the Ubuntu setup cd.

You will burn the Ubuntu iso to a cd. Once done you will be able to boot off this cd and run Ubuntu right off of the cd.

Once in Ubuntu you will have access to her drive. Plug in the external or thumb drive and start copying her data of her drive and on to the external :wink:

Once you have her data do a fresh reinstall of Windows xp. :cheesy:


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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2012, 10:23:26 am »
So,theoretically (if I don't screw something up....) I SHOULD be able to save all of her data/files? This is really what I'm most worried about, because stupid me made the decision to tell her beforehand that I'd be able to save all of her files, lol. Rookie mistake.

Btw, once again, thanks Shane. You're a rare breed of selfless person, and it's always a pleasure conferring with you.

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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2012, 10:45:20 am »
You will be able to backup her personal files, music, pics docs. But not the programs.

Just backup her whole profile and you should be good :wink:


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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2012, 06:24:26 am »
Hey, so I had to take the past week off from trying to fix her comp because of a wicked cold that spread through the family. None the less, I tried again today, and ran into an unexpected error.

Upon entering the Windows XP disc and trying to reinstall windows, it runs through a few configurations and then a screen with the following information is displayed:

"Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer.

Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer, and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or setup program.

Setup cannot continue. To quit Setup, press F3."

This error message exceeds the limit of my knowledge. I'm not sure at all where to go from here.....does this even sound like a fixable problem?

Once again, thanks in advance for your time Shane  :artist:

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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2012, 09:15:33 am »
What computer does she have?

Windows setup needs the driver for the hard drive controller.

If it is a store bought machine you might be able to change the sata controller off of ahci and put it to IDE mode instead (This is in the BIOS). Then Windows setup will see the drive.

Other wise you are going to need a floppy disk to give XP the drivers during setup. And if she doesn't have a floppy drive you can use a USB floppy drive. :wink:

Of course if you don't have those I will teach you a trick on adding drivers to the XP install itself and making a new setup cd :cheesy:


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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2012, 09:52:58 am »
Thank you so much Shane. I mean, this computer is really not even worth fixing (I found some on eBay for $60.....), but I have to try.

It's a Gateway TA6, no floppy drive. I searched the BIOS for anything related to sata controller, ahci, and IDE, but found nothing.

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Re: System Check Virus
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2012, 09:59:56 am »
Yeah you need the sata driver

So since you dont have a floppy you will need a dvd burner.

You are going to slipstream the drivers right into the setup :-)

To do that it will be easy, you will use a program called nlite

And you will add thise driver pack to nlite

Then follow the instructions and you will be set :wink:
