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Topics - Ztruker

Pages: [1]
Feedback & Suggestions / Purchase Pro version - no Paypal
« on: November 01, 2015, 10:59:31 am »
I was going to purchase the Pro version but you don't accept Paypal.

NM, I found it. Bad web design. All payment options should be together. Having Paypal at top right while all others are bottom left is confusing (obviously).

Feedback & Suggestions / Windows Repair All-In-One - a success story
« on: June 07, 2013, 01:43:49 pm »
WRAIO was recommended here: Internet problem on a computer that was having all kinds of weird problems.  It zapped those little suckers and the computer is running great again.

Great program Shane. Thought you'd like to know how good it is  :cheesy:

3 Support & Help / WR-AIO links to portable version wrong
« on: February 10, 2013, 05:21:43 pm »
Shane, just tried to download the portable version of WR-AIO and the first 3 links all point to older versions, not 1.9.7. The direct download link is ok.

4 Support & Help / WR-AIO flagged as malware by Sophos
« on: November 19, 2012, 05:03:10 pm »
Following posted in a thread I'm working at

BUT, after running all the steps in windows repair and restarting my machine; my anti-virus (Sophos) is reporting a virus/spyware (was not reporting it prior to running windows repair). It is reporting the following:

and it is reporting the location as:

\\.\GlobalRoot\Device\Harddisk\VolumeShadowCopy1\Documents and Settings\username\recent\windows repair.lnk
\\.\GlobalRoot\Device\Harddisk\VolumeShadowCopy2\Documents and Settings\username\recent\windows repair.lnk

He uninstalled WR-AIO and the notifications from Sophos went away.

5 Support & Help / ERUNT does not work under Windows 8
« on: November 18, 2012, 09:22:44 am »
Just tried ERUNT under Windows 8 and it doesn't work. The new increased security crap prevents it from creating files under C:\Windows\ERDNT.

Your Registry backup works fine though.

6 Support & Help / WR-AIO Start window not resizeable
« on: October 25, 2012, 06:38:48 pm »
I wish I could make the Start window a bit larger so all the choices are visible. As it is now, 1 or two at the bottom are not visible.

Several of the sites I work at will not allow the use of WR-AIO outside of their respective malware areas because of the inclusion of ComboFix and TDSS Rootkit Remover. Both are considered too dangerous for people to use without knowledgeable supervision and I have to agree with them as I've seen several threads where unsupervised use has made a computer inoperable and had to be reinstalled. I wish I had links to those threads but I don't.

Anyway, any chance there can be two versions? One with those programs on Step 1 and one without? If I could tell people to download the one without then I would be allowed to provided a nice canned speech all can use on those sites for WR-AIO.


8 Support & Help / Windows Repair AIO
« on: October 05, 2012, 06:41:20 pm »
Shane, what happened to the advanced mode WR-AIO used to have? It was nice to be able to chose what I wanted repaired instead of having it do everything, which makes me a bit nervous. It used to look like this:

9 Support & Help / Registry Backup Beta
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:04:02 pm »
Found a couple problems with Registry Back Beta v0.9.0.

1. The portable versions does not work, has problem with Volume Shadow Copy. Says to check the Help but I can't find any help.
2. The installed version works but does not respect the location I chose to save the backup in. I set it to  D:\Registry Backup\ but it saved the backup in C:\Reg_Backup\.

I setup the scheduler to run at boot so I'll try that next and see what happens.

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