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Topics - Brama

Pages: [1]
Feedback & Suggestions / web site Facebook script
« on: February 22, 2017, 01:10:21 am »
from the office I can not see site as there is following script that is blocked by company's firewall:

<script src=""></script>

Is it possible to move it at the end of the web page code, so I can access the web page?


General Computer Support / Windows10 fails to update store apps
« on: February 06, 2017, 02:07:30 am »
I have a PC where store apps are working but refuse to upgrade or install new ones.
I tried the complete reinstall of store in Windows repair AIO but no way.
Windows update is working perfectly.

Any idea?


3 Support & Help / Repair Icons & Recycler icon on desktop
« on: November 03, 2016, 09:47:29 am »
I have a Windows 10 x64 1607 completely updated and The Recycler icon is always the empty or full one and doesn't reflect the real state of Recycler.
I tried the Repair Icons function of AIO, but the issue remains.
I tried also to enable and disable the Recycle icon on desktop and repair them on the window attached, but no way.

Any idea to solve this issue?

4 Support & Help / Does AIO repair remote or disconnected OS?
« on: October 05, 2016, 01:43:03 am »
Is there a command or a script that enables the repair on a remote or offline Operating System? If not, can you think about introducing it?

It could be very usefull if you are not able to boot to the Operating System, both in normal mode or safe mode.
In ths case you can use a WinPE customized disk with netframework, that is needed to run AIO.
I already tried and AIO works perfectly under WinPE with netframework but it detects the WinPE environment and not the Windows OS to repair, even if the files where damaged Windows is installed are accessible.

Thanks and bye.


after updating my Windows 10 x64 pro to version 1607 I can not use Safe Mode as keyboard and mouse don't work.

I am searching internet for about one week and I tried any suggestion found:

- copyed the register keys HKLM\CurrentControSet\System\...SafeBoot\ from a working PC with same OS

- used any kind of USB and PS2 devices

- logged the boot in safe mode to try to identify the driver or process relating to USB, keyboard an mouse

- tried reinstalling a copy of Windows 10 x64 1607, keeping my programs and files

Nothing works!

If I use a WinPE boot disk, or a recovery media done on another Win10 PC, or a Win 10 x64 1607  image disk, going to recovery mode, I have keyboard and mouse working. If I do a recovery disk with my PC, keyboard and mouse don't work when I boot from the recovery disk, in any PC I tried (about 3, standard and UEFI BIOS).

I uninstalled the logitech mouse and ketboard drivers, cancelled the drivers and leftover files from control panel>hardware devices, from disk C: and from register. I used a noname USB keyboard and mouse, controlling that drivers used are default ones from Microsoft but in safe mode they don't work. In normal mode they work perfectly.

I don't want to install the SO from scratch, too many days needed to restore today programs and configuration.

The only strange thing that I noted is that the log of boot in safe mode is a lot different from the one obtained from a PC that has keyboard and mouse working normally in safe mode.

It seems that safe boot mode is not loading at all the drivers and processes listed in the registry key "SafeBoot", but loading from other part of registry.

Someone can suggest me something more to do?


6 Support & Help / Windows Repair under WinPE?
« on: September 21, 2016, 09:37:56 am »
is it possible to repair an operating system that is installed in disk C:, using a customized WinPE boot disk?
I tried to launch the Windows Repair from the Repair_Windows.exe that is installed in disk C:, using the customized WinPE boot disk and the program starts but it detects as operating system to repair the WinPe O.S. and not the Windows 10 that is installed in C: disk.
There is any mode to instruct Windows Repair to search Windows installation in a given volume and repair this operating system?

Thanks and bye.

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