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Messages - Still_Game

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I'm performing a once-a-day registry backup using VSS and settings are to save at least "x" copies and delete copies older than "d" days. Registry Backup deletes the files in the old backup folders but doesn't appear to delete the folders themselves. Merely a nuisance but perhaps needs tweaking if it's not peculiar to my system.

Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64
Malwarebytes Premium Component Version 1.0.75
Avast Free 17.1.2288
CryptoPrevent 8.0 Premium Windows Repair Pro 3.9.26 (incorporating Registry Backup 3.5.3)
Casper 10 Backup 

General Computer Support / Re: Task Scheduler - event 413
« on: February 21, 2017, 11:31:47 pm »
Are you running W7?

I've had persistent problems with similar messages from Task Scheduler in Windows 7 and Google led me to articles that link the problem with the Disk Defragmenter scheduled task. How that could be so is a mystery but if I toggled my Defrag off from on (or the reverse)  I was then able to open Task Scheduler as normal. If that works for you, you may find that the problem returns after a while, as it did for me. So I eventually disabled the Defrag Task in Scheduler and that seems to have fixed it for good (I hope).

103 Support & Help / Re: Volume shadow Copy and Reg backup
« on: January 29, 2017, 09:41:06 am »

104 Support & Help / Re: Volume shadow Copy and Reg backup
« on: January 29, 2017, 09:30:18 am »
Thanks for the PM - I've just created a Restore Point successfully using WR - see image (with personal details removed!). I did have some problems with an earlier version of WR/RB but seems to work smoothly now.

105 Support & Help / Re: Volume shadow Copy and Reg backup
« on: January 29, 2017, 08:07:25 am »
I'll give you what info I have when I get back on my laptop later.

106 Support & Help / Re: Volume shadow Copy and Reg backup
« on: January 29, 2017, 07:52:05 am »
Sorry, Boggin, which setting are you referring to?

107 Support & Help / Re: Volume shadow Copy and Reg backup
« on: January 29, 2017, 03:23:48 am »
I use WR Pro 3.9.24 on a Windows 7 Home Premium 64x laptop and have the Registry Backup component set to create a registry backup automatically every day. It's configured to do this using VSS shadow copy and appears to do this faultlessly. Only a couple of times has it defaulted to the fallback method and I suspect this has occurred when I've been fiddling with the settings of Beta versions of Malwarebytes 3.0 to get them to run successfully.

I've got a shortcut to the registry backup folder on my desktop and am in the habit of checking it regularly to make sure all the expected files are there.

I've got another W7 machine that I will be updating in the next few days, perhaps a friend's next week - I'll see if they have the same problem. No W10 pc, unfortunately (?).

109 Support & Help / Re: Running repairs and Malwarebytes 3.0
« on: January 18, 2017, 03:03:00 am »
You're probably right - some program uninstaller instructions say which version of the program they apply to, but as the article I've linked is probably a bit dated, it may no longer apply to v3.0

I've just checked MBAM in All Progs and it has its Uninstaller listed underneath just as I've seen for other apps (I hate that term :)).

Me too  :rolleyes:

110 Support & Help / Re: Running repairs and Malwarebytes 3.0
« on: January 18, 2017, 02:17:57 am »
Boggin - I can't find the relevant posts on the Malwarebytes forum but I'm pretty sure that the Malwarebytes AntiMalware uninstallation tool is for MBAM v. 2 (and earlier?) but doesn't completely uninstall Malwarebytes 3.0. I'm sure I read a post from one of the staff to use the Uninstall feature of Malwarebytes 3.0 - but damned if I can find it........

111 Support & Help / Re: Running repairs and Malwarebytes 3.0
« on: January 17, 2017, 11:05:56 pm »
I've been playing around with Malwarebytes 3.0 since it was released and keeping an eye on their forum - it's taken me a while to get it to run sweetly, certainly not with MSE but now works fine with Avast Free apart from some as yet unresolved anomalies with System Information Folder which are on their list of bugs to be fixed.

They claim you don't need a separate uninstall tool but should use the uninstaller that ships with version 3.

Thanks, Boggin.......

That was happening to me with my Pro and I had to pull the top window down to see the update one underneath.

What I did was to make a note of the licence key, uninstalled and reinstalled afresh where it no longer happens.

Hi Boggin,

Just updated to the latest .23 version this morning via the prompt that a new version was available and the problem is still there - after I click to update, the next window is hidden behind the program window. I did an uninstall/reinstall of v .22 the other day but that hasn't resolved the problem - no big deal, but mildly annoying.

Thanks, Boggin, I'll reinstall right now and see how it performs on the next update.

I keep all my licence keys in a Software folder in KeePass along with my passwords and other sensitive info. Saves me lots of time scrabbling around when I need to find them and it's also easy to paste them in from there and so saves frustrating errors with mistyping.

If Windows Repair notifies me on opening that an update is available and I select the option to update, the next window does not appear as the top one but is hidden and has to be selected from the Task Bar. Frustrating if I don't remember this quirky behaviour and wonder why nothing's happening - this has been going on for a while........

Windows 7 64 x SP1 - WRAIO Pro 3.9.21 >> 3.9.22

General Computer Support / Re: Computer Freezing
« on: January 03, 2017, 11:22:42 pm »
Is that one of Shane's programs as I'm not familiar with it.

Just what sort of things did it find wrong ?

What was the graphics temps ?

When they get towards 70ÂșC that can slow things down and higher would cause the machine to shutdown.

The HDD will probably be the lowest temp but for the rest, when they get over 60 then that is pointing towards overheating..

Generally mid 50s are the norm.

A tell-tale sign of overheating is when the fan is blowing strong all of the time.

Have you blown the laptop out yet ?

TweakBit PC Repair Kit is probably a variant of this or another one of these bogus repair tools that finds loads of spurious errors and then wants you to pay to get them fixed

Thanks for the update, but doesn't seem to be much use for Windows 7 users. I no longer have WU problems on either of my W7 machines now after carrying out a lot of tweaks and following the helpful advice given in these and other forums (or should it be fora?)  but if I did have a problem and followed the troubleshooter, it seems to take me through the same old steps of Network Troubleshooter and Windows Update Troubleshooter and then advise Reset or Reinstall Windows if these steps don't work.

Nothing new there then - not Microsoft's finest hour.

Merry Christmas to all!

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: Unable to download the file. Trojan detected
« on: December 01, 2016, 11:49:44 pm »
If you've tried to download it from's servers  then I would think the trojan alert is a false positive. I have downloaded that version with no warnings from either Avast nor Malwarebytes.


Yes, just love that show - must be because I'm 25% Scottish!

If the MBR is screwed, you could try downloading MiniTool Partition Wizard Bootable 9.1 from to another PC and burning the ISO to disc. I haven't used the bootable disc but I have used the Windows installed free version of the software and rate it highly. I think it should be able to repair your MBR if that is what's causing your problem.

Kenya - I would advise you to go to your initial post and edit it to remove your email address. Otherwise, bots will harvest your address and you're likely to receive quantities of spam - possibly including malware that could add to your problems.

Rick, are you SURE you're talking about a Malwarebytes product? Malwarebytes has recently taken ADWCLEANER under its wing, AD-AWARE is a Lavasoft product.

You have no backup of a computer which is fundamental to the running of your business? That's tragic..........

The new AD-AWARE from Malware Bytes does not save the backup or quarantine file;

it found Tencent as adware, proceeded to delete my directory even though I unchecked it.

Deleting ones work is equal to economic "?"
we would ban Malware Bytes;

They know Tencent is already a false positive yet allow it to run in ad-aware.

Are you talking about AdwCleaner? As far as I know, AD-AWARE is a Lavasoft product..........

Good luck John - and if you don't get any help from Acer themselves, you could try posting in this Acer forum

Or use Shane's tool  :wink:

I've been to Spec Savers :D but I'll have to have a look at all of the tools Shane has created.

Still awaiting my Specsavers  appointment but I think that Repair Hosts File is currently No 9 in the WR AIO list of repairs  :smiley: - so no need to search further!

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