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Messages - Still_Game

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General Computer Support / Re: Windows 10 takes over 5 minutes to boot
« on: August 03, 2016, 04:50:02 am »
I should have gone to SpecSavers :thinking:.........

General Computer Support / Re: Windows 10 takes over 5 minutes to boot
« on: August 03, 2016, 04:41:22 am »
As I've posted before, I'm sticking with W7 until I have to replace my two somewhat elderly computers - it just occured to me that a computer that had just downloaded the large new W10 update might be slow to perform its first subsequent reboot.

General Computer Support / Re: Windows 10 takes over 5 minutes to boot
« on: August 03, 2016, 04:19:58 am »
Is there any chance the slow boot could have been caused by installation of the large Windows 10 Anniversary Update that started rolling out on 2nd August?

129 Support & Help / Re: Tweaking failed to start
« on: July 31, 2016, 11:04:16 pm »
I reported the same issue here where WR AIO 3.9.4 would run in normal mode but not in safe mode.,4733.msg34251.html#msg34251

Haven't managed to get another look at this computer since my post but, when I get the chance, I'll install the latest version, try WR in safe mode again, and report any Event Viewer messages.

Time out - round 3!

Well said Samson - "God helps those who help themselves".

UPDATE, I recently installed version 3.9.5 on my own Lenovo G560 laptop which has onboard Intel (R) HD graphics, ran WR AIO, hit the reboot in Safe Mode button within the program, then ran WR after rebooting into Safe Mode and got the same distorted display I saw on my friend's machine . If I minimise the window and then restore the window by clicking on the minimised button, the program window displays correctly. If I close WR AIO and restart, the window is again constricted, while minimising and restoring displays it correctly! The error occurs whatever the display resolution in safe mode.

You may be able to see on the first constricted program window that there are is at least one, possibly two, unreadable message windows behind the program window. I believe one may display "An error occurred while trying to delete the specified data element" but no more was visible - I saw this partially hidden text once when I was trying to replicate the problem. Whether or not this is relevant, I don't know

No big deal, as I can now get the correct display with a couple of mouse clicks, but something odd seems to be going on.........

133 Support & Help / Re: WR = devastating repair!
« on: July 23, 2016, 03:21:04 am »
OP - I must be exceptionally lucky then - done it quite a few times and I can't think of any time that restoring the registry hasn't worked for me in Windows 7.

Didn't know they were both out of the loop - I wish them both well.

Thanks, Boggin - yes, seemed a bit arse backwards to me too. I'm in no way a computer expert although I did eek out a living in the UK before I retired over here, mainly giving support to people who were pretty clueless with IT and helping them make sense of it all. Over here, I'm the one-eyed man in the kingdom of the blind so still help people where I can - good for the aging grey cells, as is trying unsuccessfully to speak decent French.......

 As it was a bit of a panic callout from a friend and I didn't have time to be as rigorous as I would have liked, I didn't check event viewer and all that. I'll do that the next time I call over - the lady's a widow living in an old mill in the back of beyond here in France, doesn't speak much French, and the computer's an important lifeline for her. I only raised the issue here because I've had the odd problem with the last couple of releases of WR (and posted them here) and just wondered if anybody else had had this particular problem. Shane seems to have his head well down at the moment, presumably on the next big update, so I'm not expecting anything much in the way of a response yet from him. I hope all's well there, as he's been VERY quiet of late on the forums.

Yes, used the program to boot into Safe Mode - to be honest, I don't think I tried to run anything else in Safe Mode apart from Task Manager which was fine. I won't see that pc again for a few weeks unless I get another call for help but I'll run a few tests next time and see if I can give a better report on what will and will not run. Thanks for your interest, Boggin.

137 Support & Help / WR AIO 3.9.4 will not run in Safe Mode
« on: July 12, 2016, 10:23:36 pm »
Went to help an (more) elderly friend yesterday who couldn't get her computer to fire up. Turned out to be a simple hardware fault which I fixed in a few minutes but I took the oppotunity to install the latest version of WR AIO and tried to run the basic prechecks fom Safe Mode but the program wouldn't run - Task Manager showed the .exe process running but no dusplay screen. So ran the program from normal bootup without problems and repaired some reparse points and ran chk dsk and subsequent repairs on reboot, also without difficulty.

The computer is a self build from an unknown source running Windows 7 32 bit. I didn't have time to investigate further but any idea why WR might fail to run in Safe Mode but runs perfectly well on normal boot?

Since discovering WR AIO, I tend to install it on the computers of my non techy friends and set up the Registry Backup component to perform regular backups so that I stand a good chance of being able to help them get going after a mishap - but tjis is the first time I've not been able to run the progrsm from Safe Mode.

General Computer Support / Re: sudden display incorrect desktop
« on: July 08, 2016, 12:26:15 pm »
If Samson's suggestion doesn't solve the problem, I'd use the most recent restore point to get back to a point when things were  working satisfactorily.


I think you've highjacked Hamburger / Makinero's post - but your's is exactly the same problem I posted here,4714.msg34131.html#msg34131

Thanks for your input. I did think that I'd read a comment from Shane that the program was set up to produce a usable window size in Safe Mode.  I was using WR AIO to run some pre-repair checks on a friend's Samsung laptop and as everything seems to be running OK now I've passed it back. I'll get a look at the machine again in a few days and see if there's a video driver update for it, and install it if so - I'll report back then.

Rebooting into Safe Mode with Networking on Samsung RV515 with Windows 7 Home Premium via button in WR AIO and then running WA AIO shows a constricted program window that doesn't easily allow clicking on the appropriate buttons - see attached screen print.

Alright, just downloaded WR AIO v. 3.9.4 and, again, in the Registry Backup component, which is v. 3.4.1, my preference settings were again returned to defaults. It would be nice if, when updating WR AIO to a new version, the RB settings were maintained. For one thing, as I keep more backups than the defaults, some of my registry backups get deleted if the "keep minimum number of backups" settings is reset to the default.

Thanks, Boggin, for your ideas and the handy Windows Secrets Lounge link. Early days to be sure, but downloading and installing kb 3161608 seems to have speeded up Windows Update on one of my problematic computers. I couldn't get kb 3161608 to install at first but disconnecting from the internet and then rebooting, then installing did the trick. Took a while thereafter for WU to see updates but Windows is now downloading them at last.

I updated to WR 3.9.3 yesterday. I have the Registry Backup component of the software set to run under the system account, use VSS by default, create only one new daily backup and keep a set number of backups. I noticed that today backup completed very quickly (normally takes more than 2 minutes to start the VSS copy on my laptop) and, when I checked the backup folder, found that it had created the backup by the fallback method. Checking the settings, it looks as if all have returned to default.

I've re-entered my chosen settings but am I'm wondering if the extensive re-coding in this release has overwritten my chosen settings - I haven't noticed this happening before. If it's by design, a warning to other users to check their settings..........................

Have you tried the developers' forum?

I know from your other posts that you seem reluctant to waste your valuable time registering on others forums, but it might be worth the few minutes invested................


General Computer Support / Re: Special Global Report;
« on: June 07, 2016, 11:43:53 pm »
I don't disagree that the persistent effort by MS to force Windows 10 on us is a pain in the backside but GWX Control panel is pretty adept at controlling this.

A new version is on its way which should give even better control to users who don't want to or can't safely upgrade to W 10.

If you go to the Pale Moon support forum, this seems to be a common complaint..........

Boggin - sounds suspiciously like the OP may be the victim of a fake Microsoft service call to me.

Inletwolf - you say you paid Microsoft for support - how did this come about? Did you receive an unsolicited csll telling you that you computer had problems?

General Computer Support / Re: Opera - too small tabs
« on: May 05, 2016, 09:18:43 am »
Don't know what else to suggest, then - if I've got a problem with a piece of software or hardware that I can't resolve myself, my first resource is usually to contact the creators /makers /vendors and second would be any forum dedicated to that product.

General Computer Support / Re: Opera - too small tabs
« on: May 04, 2016, 10:32:38 pm »
Have you tried the Opera forum here ? I would have thought that would be the best place to raise this query.........

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