Lets find out

send me an email and we will get on chat and get you fixed up.
also did you try running the new version in safe mode?
psexec.exe is the key to getting things working right. I found that while on my test systems everything worked fine that on some other systems the trusted installer in Windows got in the way. This messed up the permissions of some of the reg keys and thus broke things.
Running the new version will run the reg permissions repair as the system account, thus the trusted installer is no longer in the way and the reg permissions get set correctly.
Had 3 people do this and every problem they had from the old version of the program was fixed, and since this was able to fix more reg keys now since it wasn't being blocked by the trusted installer it helped fix even more problems

So we need to find out why the psexec.exe isn't working for you. Antivirus? Something else in the back ground?
So lets try Safe mode. If Windows safe mode does the trick I am going to put in the program that for the best results run this program in safe mode.
