Author Topic: Virus Aftermath  (Read 8869 times)

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Offline kikaida

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Virus Aftermath
« on: May 16, 2012, 02:36:04 am »
My brother just got hit with the SMART HDD virus, we were successful in getting rid of it however it made some tweaks that are proving difficult to undo...This is a Windows 7 PC.

The primary issue is the C:\Users\%username% folder is showing 'empty'....A simple right click/properties shows it's full of data.

I checked the folder options and hidden is not checked...The other folders on the C:\ are showing their contents fine.

I'm not sure if there is another way to check if it is hidden as I don't run 7.

The goal is it get to that data and I'm sure somewhere there is an option in the system tweaker that will allow access to this folder (undo weird attributes, replace permissions etc).

What would be great is if there was an option to set the system back to a default operational state as the desktop icons took a hit as well as some other little nuisances.

If you can share any tweaks that would help, we would be very appreciative.

Thanks so much for you time.

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Re: Virus Aftermath
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2012, 11:47:24 am »
My windows repair tool has repairs for both of those :-)

Use the program and run these 2 repairs in it

Repair Missing Start Menu Icons Removed By Infections
Unhide Non System Files

As long as you haven't emptied the temp folder the program can move the start menu icons back for you :wink:


Offline kikaida

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Re: Virus Aftermath
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2012, 12:27:38 pm »
You are a life saver!!! Everything seems to be back to normal, we really appreciate your help :smiley:

Offline Shane

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Re: Virus Aftermath
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2012, 12:28:30 pm »
No problem :-)

Since your all fixed I will lock this thread. :wink:

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