Since your previous reply I have played a little bit with the firewall. Apparantly restoring the default settings enabled me to allow windows services through the firewall again. So I was able to tick core networking and file & printersharing, and now I have file sharing with the firewall on

But, I still cannot find the printer on my PC, and the button for network discovery stays off, although it appears to be working...
We have taken a huge step forward but if we can manage to bring the printer back online, then all is perfect again

If you have any solution or idea, please say so. In the meantime I will look into the logs to check if I can find any weird things there

Edit: right the first entry in the lognotes:
"Printer HP psc 2350 series met gedeelde bronnaam HP psc 2350 series kan niet door de afdrukspooler worden gedeeld. Fout 1. De printer kan niet door anderen in het netwerk worden gebruikt.
In English: "Printer HP psc 2350 series with shared name HP psc 2350 series can't be shared by the printerspooler. Error 1. The printer cannot be used by others in the network".