Author Topic: humm This is NOT RIGHT.  (Read 15250 times)

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Offline takitezsdc

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humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« on: July 27, 2017, 11:44:05 pm »
I bought a lifetime licenses for this, which when i bought it, it said that i would get all the updates for free. This is not another program its a update which you state. Therefore you can not charge me for the update.  I dont want to be an asshole and go the distance on this, but I have been through this song and dance before, .......ill just say three things. I am an attorney, I know the laws.  Please give me my update to the 4.O version.   :angry:


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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2017, 12:14:24 am »
Hi Scott,
here is a link to the main website where you can view the licensing.
I've also uploaded a snapshot and highlighted a key point and underlined it for you
it states that pro licences are valid per major version.
You still have your pro version with the pro features of version 3 , version 4 is a major version update so only the pro features of version 4 are locked but can be unlocked at a discounted price.

if you have any other concerns in this link you will see an email for the tweaking's customer support.
take care,


Offline takitezsdc

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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2017, 07:00:21 am »
Julian,  I am sorry to even be having this conversation with you, because I feel the program is a great one.  I am also sorry to inform you, that your wrong.  See I have even posted in the past and sent emails to Shane about this very matter. Warning him of this possible issue. 

Please let me explain, I at times come across companies and people selling things i am interested in on the web that are advertising lifetime upgrades and such.  I try warn them about this marketing ploy and try to help  them understand the liability they are causing themselves is extraordinary.  When you offer lifetime upgrades  and have a free version then it is clearly understood in US law and the US Courts that the free version holds no guarantees or promises.  It is also very clear that if you offer a product that lifetime upgrades, ( I recommend companies never do this) then it is very clear, in what that means....... Its that simple. it means " lifetime upgrades".  You can try to sell me on whatever new licensing package you want, but when you get in front of a judge or jury, then  I think you will understand that all the small print does not matter,  because in big bold lettering you used to have and I still have advertising this program as LIFETIME free upgrades. 

 I try to explain to business owners that by putting that statement on there advertisement opens them up for a tremendous liability, that they could find themselves in a bind in the future, in where they might make a ton of money in the beginning but after all the dust settles and the years roll by their  NEW customer base and source in income may dwindle down to nothing after expenses to maintain the " lifetime upgrades". But as long as they have not shut down there current program or filed bankruptcy / solvency then if there are upgrades on this product that they advertised as FREE LIFETIME UPGRADES in the past and its the same program, then they must provide  as they advertised,  regardless of what new features or new licensing you have come up with.

If Shane had contacted an attorney about this, they would clearly have told him this and explained to him that the only way legally this can be done as u are trying to do , is to shut down and reopened as a new business and change the product name and its base functions  around drastically and even then it still could leave him open for liability. 

Think about it a minute,  in the past, you would  see LOTS of companies offering  free upgrades for life and now you rarely see that anymore. Most companies offer a yearly subscriptions. Why? Because of this very reason and they finally realized that they could not continue to offer the upgrades  free anymore , because there was not enough revenue.  Whats sad is,  this is a great program and I knew one day that Shane would be facing this situation. But I am sorry to inform you that you can not do what you are doing legally.

Ask your customers to chime in here, what they thought they were buying and then how they felt when they saw this new upgrade that was sold to them years ago... thinking they would not pay anymore to find out they were required to pay $13 to go from 3.9.36 to 4.0?  I think you will see what your facing if you do not provide what you promised.

Ill say this, I care about people, and I don't want to see shut down or faced with a lawsuit, so please for your own good, remove the cost and put a donation box in where you are now asking for required payment, ill donate the $12 and I think many will as well. But if you require a payment for something that was clearly LIFETIME FREE upgrades.........then action must be and will be taken.  If you don't believe me or think i am just blowing smoke....go talk to a local attorney about what I have said here.  30 days...........

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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2017, 08:25:15 am »
I've passed this onto Shane.

Offline jpm

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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2017, 09:06:13 am »
I apologize, but you are misunderstanding the license. We have never sold a lifetime license.

We clearly state that the payment is per major revisions. 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, etc.

With 3.x you have a lic to 3.x features for as long as we make them.

With the new 2018 interface, 100% of all 3.x features work for you and will 100% always work for you.  The only change is the interface that has 4.x features in it.

Both 3x and 4.x are in the same interface so we can actually manage it -- BUT there is zero requirement at all on your part to purchase any of the 4.0 features and you will always have the 3.0 features.

This is not an unusual way to go about things, but I do apologize for the confusion.


Offline takitezsdc

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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2017, 03:32:16 am »
" WE have never sold a lifetime licenses " Be very careful in what you say in regards to this Jim. Many many people including my self have been told the exact opposite and if you would like i can post some pictures / advertisements  and emails of this being offered.  With no mention of  a "per major revision" . Shane would you be so kind to please chime in in this conversation?

PS I bought the upgrade and i am not finding much of anything that was not in the past program, other than how it is laid out.  Please correct me if i am wrong but most every feature  that i am seeing is not new, just presented differently.

Offline takitezsdc

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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2017, 04:00:17 am »
In fact, i can not find one new feature that is in the 4.0.1 version that is not in the past versions.  Yes you have broken them out and made some presets, but i see nothing that is actually a NEW feature?

Ill break them out for you and if you would be so kind to tell me what is a new feature please?   1.The pre-repair section is laid out much nicer than in the past version but i see no additional features or extra pre-repairs.

2. Back up tools......   again  I do not see any new features in the back up section. In the past versions, you were able to make a complete back up of the files and registry, all you have done is allowed the user to break the backup down into smaller sections.

3. Repairs section.  again nothing broke them down into smaller sections and allowed the user to repair different things but you could do all this in the past versions by just  checking off certain boxes to allocate the same options your have provided. 

4. Advanced repair.......once again nothing that i can see that could not be done in the past versions of the program.  All these features in advanced were in the past versions, all that was done that i can see, is you broke them out into small repairs vs checking a box in past versions.

5 advanced tools......AGAIN nothing new. Every single thing here is in past versions of the program and i cant imagine  your are considering a "  icon you press that brings up a list of windows services and run system account as a new feature?  All your doing is providing a interface to pull up something that can be done inside windows easily. They are certainly not new features. That would be like changing the color of the UI of the program and calling it a feature. 
6. settings........humm well ill just say this. Either I am totally missing something or after looking at this more closely, its actually looks like the program was just given a major facelift and users are being sold  into buying something that is the same .......just " prettier"? 

Please help me ?  Please show me a new feature that you could not do in the old version vs the new one that I just paid $22 for? 


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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2017, 07:35:28 am »
The Package repair was not a feature of v3 - that took a lot of work in digging out the missing Cat and Mum files and uploading them and then the program was used to apply them.

It was because of the work in keeping up to date with an evolving Win 10 that section was closed, so this forum would not be able to help with those until now with the Pro version of v4.

For me, that is a major difference between v3 and v4.

I can't comment on past adverts, those being before my time on here.

Offline takitezsdc

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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2017, 01:46:13 pm »
ok so one new feature, what else?   I think Boggins just summed this up for us.


I just went through all the features and honestly, there is nothing I see here that justifies a $22 increase from the advertised lifetime upgrade .

  What i do see, is a lot of people having problems with the both versions  and the software not working as intended.

28 days..........

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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2017, 01:53:22 pm »
I would suggest that you post your links/pics that advertised a lifetime licence to support your claim.

Offline gsfriend

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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2017, 09:03:31 pm »
FWIW - I'm not real happy about this either, especially since I JUST purchased my license on 06/08/2017 - so a MONTH before this "new" version came out.  I too thought I was covered for a good amount of time, and now I have to pay more to get the newest version.  To be honest, I don't recall if I read that I was getting all the versions for a single purchase (lifetime) or just all the updates in a version, but I really would have thought that in the spirit of good business relations, that if a client like me purchased a version a month before the new versions came out (with NO knowledge that a new version was in development) that exceptions would be made.  Personally, I would have delayed my purchase a month and continued to use the free version until v4 came out, and saved myself the money.  I even sprang for the tech toolbox, which I assume is useless now too.   

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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2017, 03:14:26 am »
Please email me directly at support@tweaking and I'll look into it. 
« Last Edit: July 30, 2017, 03:32:00 am by Boggin »

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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2017, 03:33:00 am »
I've just modified your post, Jim as you had teaking instead of tweaking.

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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2017, 09:34:02 am »
thanks -- need either more coffee or sleep... Or both!!

Offline Boggin

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Re: humm This is NOT RIGHT.
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2017, 01:35:08 pm »
thanks -- need either more coffee or sleep... Or both!!

Probably both :D - but don't go burning yourself out :)